Why is nurse allowed to be broken?
If you want to see people going on Nurse winstreaks with or without perks go on youtube.
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This. Too bad we know that most people on this forum aren't ready to hear it.
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So why does that make Nurse a big problem if most of the playerbase cannot play her? I do agree that she is overkill to us players who can play her well and have 5000+ hours in the game. But so is Blight. So is Billy. So is Spirit. All of these S tier killers crush pub matches. Blight, Billy, and Spirit are going to dominate matches more so than Nurse for a majority of the playerbase because people will stick with them and have a larger pool of people that play them.
I just don’t see how an almost decade old killer that 2% of the playerbase can play to her fullest potential is in need of an overhaul when the other 3 S tiers are dominating more than her.
You are also not wrong. Nurse is a go-to “I want to win” killer. But the amount of times you see a Nurse and the amount of times you see her dominate the match is few and far between. Most Nurses are painfully average.
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Nurse is the strongest killers available, and is always ranked that way, because of what she can do. It's her potential lethality that gets her that high up.
She has an overall terrible killrate because players know she's the best and try her, but quickly find out you have to put in a decent amount of time to understand her. Imo 50 hours to just no longer suck, and several hundred to git gud. And much much longer if you try with a controller and do not have steady framerates. Few players are willing to put in the required effort to master her. Those that do rightfully should be feared & respected.
And she's always been quite buggy over the years, at times heavily and others not so bad. But she's also had her kit messed with a few times and her add-ons changed on several occasions.
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I didn't assume or mistreat any of your words. I just asked you two questions: 1) are you (in your previous comment that I referenced) saying that Nurse is easy to play; and 2) if so, is that based on your own experience?
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Dbd players really pretend nurse is some kind of "only geniuses can play this character" thing.
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Listen for me I don't like facing Nurse would I say she's OP? No the reason you might be having trouble against her is because people who are playing Nurse only play her so you won't get that player who wants to play her because oooo seems like fun she is really tricky to get the hang of unless the survivors are not that good at the game. Overall would Nurse need a nerf? No. Do I wish I was able to practice against her without ending up on the ground in two seconds? Yes. Plus Nurse's ability can be very funky with hit validation but she does not need a nerf.
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You are proving my point. These content creators are comp players with thousands of hours on her. The average player is a bad Nurse so she is not broken or a problem for the game.
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And anyway I think a bigger winstreak was gotten on Blight than on Nurse.
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Where are you getting you’re info that the average Nurse player is bad with her?
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BHVR killers stats.
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So you're practically basing your information off of nothing? Kill rates don't detail anything that goes into them. Unless the devs go into the specifics, because quite literally anything and everything in this game can cause those numbers to fluctuate, there won't be any substance to them other than being a number next to their respective killer.
But hey, what do I know? The average player must be insane with Sadako if she's managing to maintain a 67% kill rate across all MMRs!
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If you think loops need to be nerfed more than they already have been when survivor is already at the weakest spot its ever been in the history of the game then nothing else you say can be taken seriously.
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Never watched a comp game have you?
Keep in mind when i say these things i say them from the PoV of the OTHER 30 killers that aren't the top ones. You'll never see a trapper win a comp match, or a legion for example.
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And what are you basing your information off ? Your subjective experience ? Your inability to get a decent chase against a Nurse ?
Sadako is way easier than Nurse to get value in pubs for the average survivor, yes. She has better mobility, stealth and passive value (condemned). Once some pallets are gone and it’s a dead area there is nothing you can do against her. Meanwhile you can always break line of sights even in endgame against a Nurse. That’s the good thing about not relying on pallets to counter a killer.
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no one cares about comp
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Why is it when comes to balancing, we always have to consider killers in the hands of the very top players who have tens of thousands of hours and win streaks hundreds of games long, but for survivors it’s “no one cares about comp” and “most SWFs aren’t that good” and so on?
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And this is where it begins.
I'm not saying to care about comp, i'm saying that the people who are as good as those who play comp show that this game has significant balance issues at the top level.
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To be fair you need a pretty high IQ to understand Nurse,
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Im sorry this is very much a lie and is often something just said to make nurse seem worse than she is. There's a reason most nurses can't get beyond a 1k and nobody plays her despite her power level and its her skill requirement. When theres a killer who requires less skill but can get similar results that killer become used very quickly and very often (Spirit is a good example of this, was kind of difficult but not to Nurse's level and produced similar results). If Nurse was much easier you'd see her a LOT more and her kill rate wouldn't be where its at.