2v8 sucks

The title is my opinion, plenty of you will rant against it I'm sure & plenty of you will give reasons that don't help to try explain what this mode is meant to be like etc.
Killer queue times are awful for a game that feels extremely one sided (against you) if that weren't bad enough it's usually over faster than half the time it took to get into the match to begin with.
Playing survivor, some of the abilities make it too easy but that's not to say you can just have no fun at all when every killer gets brought straight to your cage so you can get tunneled out instead.
I've played 5 games total, 3killer 2survivor, I hated this game mode the first time around & hate it just as much if not more this time around. This game mode despite how many people seemed to want it don't have what they expected really & what's been made in its place is awful. Modifiers have been ok, lights out is scary, feels a little lame to play at times but only because you can't see much, that's the point I know but still that's the only reason it'd be played less, chaos shuffle is silly & you can be wildly unlucky on either side but if that's what you're into then it's fun as far as I'm concerned, it's the closest thing to a casual mode as we get at the moment.
2v8 though feels like EVERYONE else absolutely adores it no matter what & I just can't understand how. The community will tell you just "get gud" or "play something else" & none of that is helpful & none of that changes the fact that people will pay to play this & can consistently have no fun wondering then why they even bothered. It sucks. I'd love to know I'm not the only one who sees the stress of 2v8, who sees where it's lacking massively & I surely can't be the only one who's having a horrible time with it. I don't want to feel like I have to take a break from a game I enjoy seemingly every other month but DbD is really getting to that point now. This game mode is meant to be fun & I just don't think it is, but what's worse is because we're focusing on garbage like this the main issues in the main game, bugs & even just new chapters feel like they persist with problems even greater than before because what already wasn't a full focus on those problems is even less so now.
I've ranted here, I maybe just need to vent it all, if anyone else would like to vent their frustration here too feel free I guess. For anyone without any empathy in the matter though know that for someone who's enjoyed this game since release & actively wants to play this with his friends having FUN this game can be that win or lose, the things that can annoy people are the parts to this game that are getting out of hand & that are horribly unfortunate to deal with. Not every player needs to learn to loop & shouldn't have to. Not every player has great coordination, & not every player should be expected to just play something else because they in your eyes clearly suck to much. The "sucks to suck" mentality is what sucks most. The game in general has ups & downs but should overall be fun. This 2v8 mode not only isn't fun, it's hurting the main game in its own way & not everyone has to like it.
I'm going round in circles now & just ranting in general now. Sorry. It just does suck.
For anyone without any empathy in the matter though know that for someone who's enjoyed this game since release & actively wants to play this with his friends having FUN this game can be that win or lose, the things that can annoy people are the parts to this game that are getting out of hand & that are horribly unfortunate to deal with. Not every player needs to learn to loop & shouldn't have to. Not every player has great coordination, & not every player should be expected to just play something else because they in your eyes clearly suck to much. The "sucks to suck" mentality is what sucks most.
This is the part of your text that surprises me the most. To me, 2vs8 is a lot more casual than 1v4 and is precisely what makes it so much more fun. I see it as the solution from BHVR for the many people who asked for a split between "casual" and "competitive" queues. I genuinely wish it would stay permanently.
It is of course fine to not like this mode but if you played only 5 games and your reasoning is that it's too hard, I think you might just have had an unlucky experience, because I'd argue the goal of this mode is the exact opposite. Here's mine (played about 50 games on each side):
- On survivor side this mode is incredibly more chill than 1v4. No MMR, basekit protections against tunneling, slugging and camping, games feel a lot closer, and because gens go so fast you still have a lot of time to meme with survivors and loot chests without throwing the game. The chase game is easier because of all the pallets on the map, and this is where I'm surprised by your "Sucks to suck" point - the mode is the most beginner-friendly DBD has ever been: there are only 8 killer powers to learn, no perks, and no MMR. Tunneling still happens but was very uncommon in my experience, in the future it might become more common but for now I'd say you were really unlucky if you had that happen in 2 games.
- On killer side the queue times are a huge issue and almost invalidate the mode I'd say. But the gameplay once it happens, is fun, because it's basically just chases and it's what I like the most, one QoL I really appreciate is the time gained by NOT having to carry survivors to hooks anymore. It might get eventually stale at some point but to me the possibility to play with my friend makes up for it for now. In solo queue you'll likely not do more than 3-4 kills as your teammate will usually be incompetent, but you'll still do tons of BPs, and as long as you accept that it's soloQ and a casual mode, it'ss very chill as well.
Something I've observed is that the quality of the games varies a lot depending on the day of the week and hour at which you play. This is true on every game I've played. If you've only played 5 games, probably give it a few more tries, your experience might completely change the next time you try it. In my case, I don't think I'll go back to 1v4.
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I agree with you that 2v8 sucks and honestly I think the mode is overhyped. For me I don't like how it affects the game as a whole, not only is killer queues painful long for it but it also causes queues be long for normal mode as well. Then you have the game play, for killer I find it unfun having to depend on some random to pull their own weight in the mode and the killers available are none I enjoy playing. For survivor I find the gameplay extremely boring because all you doing is fixing gens just like 1v4 but now you have double amount of teammates who will just let you down.
As for those who claim that the mode is "casual" I have no idea where ppl getting this idea from. The matches I have had both on killer and survivor have been extremely sweaty and unfun. As killer I had matches end in 6 minutes and then back into a 20 min queue, fun right? Completely worth the wait to have 6 minutes of getting your ass handed to you, SO MUCH FUN and totally chill... Then as survivor you run into meta killers all the time especially blights who just mow down your teammates in matters of minutes. The mode is just as try hard and sweaty as normal 1v4 so do kid yourself. There definitely a meta forming in the mode for both sides.
Overall I HATE the mode and it ruins the game for me because I can't even ignore the damn thing since it affects my queues in normal as well. The mode is overhyped bc it new and ppl with friends can finally play killer with them... Good for y'all but your enjoyment is subtracting from my own bc I can't even play the mode I want be the queue times are to damn long....
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This is the problem that this mode has caused. Absolutely no dig at you, everybody is more than entitled to their opinions, but if this mode was made permanent, that would be the beginning of the end. The current queue times are unsustainable. You would have to go down the bot route to fill lobbies and that would be the worst thing that could possibly happen for DBD.
Also this mode is causing divides in the community outside of the usual survivor vs killer stuff. For me, 2v8 gets very boring within a couple of days due to the complete lack of variety in killers and general gameplay. Now it's people saying they can't go back to 1v4 or like me, are barely playing until 2v8 goes away. The whole thing is harming the overall health of the game. It's like BHVR have opened Pandora's box with 2v8.
It's be great if there was a way both modes could coexist but it just isn't possible. I can't wait for it to go away again and I pray they don't extend it again. Just hope when it's back to just 1v4 and the new chapter releases, it isn't like last time with people instantly dc'ing against the killers they faced to death in 2v8 and people just ruining matches for both sides by killing themselves straight away for no apparent reason.
The Christmas event needs to be decent to help smooth everything out until 2v8 comes back again and blows the game apart for weeks once again.
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Im praying with you that it wont be extended like last time. I dont want to go another 2 weeks of not able to get more than few matches in of killer bc most of my playtime is spent in a queue while watching youtube…Its not fun at all.
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The game mode is a dumb version of the real game. No, is not new player friendly, this mode will help them in nothing. They won’t learn a single thing.
I am fine with it as long as it goes away. It is proof that just there aren’t enough people playing to have decent queues, destroys the normal game queues and is shamelessly unbalanced, it’s the most survivor sided mode ever made.
I think that one mode that stood out for me was the new Haunted by Daylight. It provided side objectives that rewarded both sides so the game would slow down a bit. It was great not losing 3 gens after one hook. People took it easy. It expanded the way I played survivor, you felt you could pull off some great rescues, idk, I liked it way way way more than this toned down no depth mode that is also, nerfing the possibility to rank up this month.
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This is kinda my issue with it. It's the casual mode, but the Survivors I get don't treat it as casual. Nor do the Killers I get. It is genrushing, looping the broken extra strong tiles and pallets you can rebuild, and the sweatiest combination of tunnelling Blights and slug Billies nearly every round for me. It is actually LESS fun and MORE sweaty for me because everyone I run into keeps PLAYING it sweaty. In the casual arcade mode. And like, for what? You can't pip in it, is the 8 man out/8k really that important to you all?
Everything is more powerful, but also way more obnoxious. Being tag-teamed isn't fun gameplay, period. Being genrushed after waiting 20 minutes isn't fun gameplay, period. The rounds are over so fast, it was barely a game. And it keeps messing up queue times for everyone across the board. Oh, and then there's the fact I either stack with my friends in a SWF and we destroy, or Iget double the random potatoes who are allergic to both generators and Terror Radii, so what is the point as Survivor? Free wins do not feel like actual wins. The whole mode just feels like such a bland stripped down experience, reduced to just "chase Survs"/"Do gens". And none of the Killers I actually want to play are in it, and likely never will be, because almost all my Killer Mains are licensed. There is legitimately nothing in it for me but disappointment.
I tried. I really did try. I tried to have fun with it last time and got bored after one week, then they EXTENDED it so I had to go on break for a month from DBD because the 2v8 queues ruined 1v4 queues, too. Not a single game could I get into, for the entire time it was on. Now they're doing it again, the same stupid thing is happening, and I got even more bored the second time around. Nothing really changed, the same issues as before are there, and it still doesn't feel that good to me or have anything interesting for me whatsoever. I just cannot and do not get the hype. At all.
I am very happy for the people that enjoy this mode. I'm glad you have it and I'm glad it's limited as well. But the vast, I mean the VAST majority of players, I think, just want normal DBD - a growing sentiment I am seeing from others in the community across Reddit, these forums, and various Discord servers and social media sites. The mode is not good, and this is not what people want, they actually prefer 1v4 DBD. Not this stripped down, soulless husk of an arcade version. And the fact is, the only reason it's actually successful is because it's a chance to play Killer with a friend. That's it. That's the only real appeal of the mode. If you like it for any other reason, you don't like DBD - you like winning DBD with busted toolkits.
2v8 sucks. It frankly, just sucks. And I really do not think it's going to get much better by just adding more classes, maps, and Killers. It's always going to just feel like more of the same bland, soulless, half-experience compared to 1v4. Always.
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I feel you on the killer not being in the mode part. The only non-licensed in enjoy playing is Legion and I don't see how Legion would work in 2v8 since getting 5 chains hits with their power would be stupid easy so they would have to change Legion's power but then it wouldn't be Legion at that point. Other than that I enjoy Nemmy and Wesker and I don't see either of them in this mode since I think first aid spays, shots, and zombies wouldn't work in the mode either.
As for it being a casual mode, I can understand that was the idea behind it but here is my thing about casual modes in pvp games they rarely stay casual. Take OW2 for example, Quick Play is supposed to be the chill, laid-back version where you can learn a hero and get better BUT the community acts as it ranked as well. People who play ranked OW will come into quick play and play matches like they rank so they can get that enjoyment of winning and get easy wins. This why I said I never really wanted a rank and unranked mode in dbd bc I knew it wouldn't solve anything, ppl who want to be sweaty and get free wins will just play the unranked/casual mode to play against ppl who are trying to play chill and get easy/free wins. We are seeing that happen right now in 2v8. Like you when I play Survivor all I get is billies and blights who just mow down survivors as they are made of paper, while on Killer I get a lobby full of guides and medics who just want to genrush. No matter what side I play in 2v8 it's the worst time I have ever had in DBD, I prefer normal dbd over this mode any day of the week.
As you said the only reason this mode is so popular is bc it allows you to play killer with a friend but if you don't have that, the mode offers nothing more. Since Im the only one in my friend group who plays dbd 2v8 has nothing for me but a bad time.
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Just chucking this side not here too, thank you to everyone here who's been respectful in their responses. I don't need everyone to hate this game mode too, it is nice to know there's like-minded individuals here though for sure. I do appreciate that we can all have our own opinions & actually have something to elaborate on more than just the usual unhelpful lines. I maybe could have formulated my post better if I wasn't seething at the time. But regardless I do mean it though I think the game mode sucks. It's survivor sided for the most part & much like how the Haunted event was killer sided this time around it feels like once again we're flipping stuff from one extreme to the other, it can never just be balanced can it.? I hate the lack of variety in killers too, I hate the effect it has on queue times in regular 1v4 also yes. I realised I played 6 games, 3 of each side not 5 games total but any good moments were drastically overshadowed by the constant annoyance of the game mode. It's more casual than 1v4 by design because it serves no other purpose than to be played for a limited time, that however doesn't stop killers from still using "tunneling strats" or survivors absolutely try harding. While I hear the opinions that maybe I should play more & get a better reflection on the game mode, I am in a state of just wanting to play as few games as possible to do as few challenges as possible to get the rewards from the event & then take a break till the next chapter comes out. The game mode while it's around makes playing DbD at all seem unbearable. Which is not the intended affect I'd like to assume.
Anyway I've rambled again, I said it at first but I will say it again, thanks everyone for being so respectful. I've read all the takes & genuinely think the points being said of everything/anything are entirely valid. If anyone's playing DbD I wish you luck in the fog, otherwise have a great day regardless.
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Well, I don't hate 2v8. I am just extremely, extremely disappointed with it. :(
And @BlackRose89 There's literally already people, entitled people on both sides of the aisle, on these very forums asking for it to be extended longer so they can get easy wins while everyone else suffers.
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edit: a mistype