My Knight review: The Knight have too many restrictions

It's not fun to play knight with all the restrictions in his power. Here is a list of restrictions:
- You can't see survivors, auras, pools of blood and scratch marks when using his power.
- He can't stay in his power for too long.
- The power only has a limited range to create a patrol path.
- Getting close to a guard that's chasing a survivor depletes it faster.
- Survivor unhooking while being chased by a guard removes the guard.
- You can't place a guard unless you exceed 10 meters.
- You can't use your power if something is in your way.
What I also don't like about Knight are this:
- Knights guard bug is added to basekit power that helps survivors
- Survivors can see a ghost orb until you have a patrol path that's more than 10 meters in length.
- Survivors can see the guards detection radius.
- Guards have a much more difficult time to detect survivors through any objects.
- The patrol path's movement speed is too slow thus I have to bring Call to Arms all the time to make the power less clunky.
- The guards can sometimes become stuck in random places.
- Guards can sometimes choose to run the longest path during a chase than it needs to be or completely avoid phasing through pallets or windows
What I like about Knight:
- The art team did an incredible job on the aesthetics.
- The sounds of The Knight and the guards are very good. I like to swing my sword and the metal sounds he makes when I run.
- I like the patrolling guards music and the knights music.
- The voice actors are incredible for the knight and the guards.
- I like the unique perks, especially Hex: Face the Darkness.
- His power despite the problems representing itself.
It's such a shame that a killer with a fun concept gets kneecapped by bugs and restrictions. I hope he gets more attention at some point.
Many of these restrictions are by design and intended to make it so that you don't solely rely on your power, as well as allow for counterplay for the survivors.
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these changes are silly; you're saying a restriction is a limited patrol path (so it should be what, infinite?), he should be able to get a free hit during unhook (guard no longer disappears after unhook begins), you want to see survivors during power, you want the 10m change reverted to encourage holding survivor at loop for free hit, etc…
you are indeed a Knight main sir
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these restrictions are in place to fix something that would be completely boring to face and overall unhealthy for the game.
- Since a hunt can be a major time waste on the survivor end, it shouldn't be free to start. You need to remember that survivors cant see him placing most of the path anymore either. As long as you aren't trying to just drop guards at loops it shouldnt be an issue they can see within 10m.
- I dont get the grievance here, theres plenty of time with hunts and to place a path.
- The knight should not be able to drop a guard on a survivor across the map; that would just be free pressure the survivor cant do anything about.
- this is to discourage the anti loop knight playstyle and prevent largely uncounterable double whammy downs.
- free unhook hits would be cancerous and promote camp knight.
- This is to deny the braindead anti-loop knight of old.
- This should be changed, its very clunky to hae to walk backwards from a pallet to break it.
Most of the criticisms in the next section exist to give the survivor something to interact with instead of just running from a guard etc, however there are also bugs that need to be fixed.
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Bit of a fun fact. They copied Spirits power and put it on the Knight so when they're using their powers it's practically the same thing. It's why knight can get stunned when he's creating a patrol path for a guard. So good with one you'll be good with the other.
Few things I do hate about Knight. He's the only killer that discourages you from using your power in a 1v1 situation. Despite the most recent changes with the individual cooldowns the fat guard got nerfed from 10 to 20 seconds and still the worst of the 3 when out other than just breaking stuff. AI can be exploited with windows and pallets.
Some of those things you did mention knight needs to have them or other wise he'll become a very toxic killer to play against making his camping and instant drop horrible to play against.
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I think tru3ta1ent said it best for Knight.
Knight is like survivor main that designed Spirit's power. They looked how spirit's power is uncounterable and then designed spirit that has 3+ counter-plays and 3+ drawbacks on everything.
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But that example doesn't make sense because you're not supposed to play knight like spirit. His power is to put split pressure, punish pre dropping, and zone survivors into really panicky situations to force mistakes with noise to get the guards attention imo, no?
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wait, wait, wait.
You want to path be fully invisible to survs;
being able to see survs during creating a path;
make infinite range.
So You want to be fully invisible while traveling whole map with faster speed and hit unprepared survivors at will?
Its like Wraith+Nurse+Spirit powers prons combined.0 -
^ This. A killer designed by survivors is what it feels like.
I really want to like Knight. He looks amazing aesthetically.
Unfortunately though he is so bad and with so many poor design choices that hold him back. Poor map pressure, poor chase, even poor area lock down. This killer does nothing good and simultaneously has counter play stacked on top of counter play for things that aren't even good enough to deserve counter play.