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2v8 shows that the game is better without the attemp unhook

Attemp unhook its a ######### bottom, a dc without repercusions and the game is a lot better without that mechanic, the only times survivors should be able to do it is if they have a perk like deliverance.

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  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited November 2024

    I agree that self unhook attempts should stay, as it feeds into the theme of trying one last desperate attempt to escape, and keeps survivors able to still try to escape rather than giving up the game...

    However we can't do that I'm afraid, cause then there is no reason not to attempt to unhook yourself every time you are hooked. Attempts to unhook must carry some sort of penalty.

    My suggestion is to have stage 1 always take 70s to reach stage 2 no matter what, but have it where every unhook attempt costs you 33.3% of your stage 2 struggling phase meter.

    If you make 3 attempts to escape in stage 1, then the Entity is summoned and pins the survivors sides to stop them wiggling and wont allow any more attempts for the full 70s... then when you reach stage 2, you basically get instant sacrificed.

    This still.makes self unhook attempts a sizable trade off, but allows a last ditch attempt, without allowing a player to rapidly throw themselves out of the game…

    And this way theres a decent chance they get a killer (and survivor team) who punishes them for trying to SoH.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    So people are still gonna be able to hook suicide easily

  • Member Posts: 3,936

    It's not impossible, but it is harder with my system.

    Fact is you can't make a player play. If someone wants to quit, even if you have your system, they'll sit and do nothing for the full 70s (same as my system) and then stay still under hook until the killer kills them.

    If you think about it functionally there is no difference between mine and your version, except stage 2 in mine is slightly faster than the do nothing version in yours. Even if you make it so struggle phase skill checks are not a thing, you still only make it 140s to quit at best instead of 90s with the 2 failed skillchecks.

    However what is different in my version is players who are actually playing, don't want to freely attempt to unhook themselves in my version, cause when the killer hooks them a second time they have a tangible penalty that puts pressure on their team.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Exactly. I've been saying this for a while. We already have a mechanic that makes unhooking yourself possible even when it wouldn't (the anti-camp mechanic). Just add that to perks and remove the base-kit 4% chance unhook atempt.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I've been thinking this as well. Without the first hook suicide, I've seen more DCs, but that's okay. I'd much rather have a bot than be down a player. It really feels like the mode shows that hook kobes aren't some critical element of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    It's neither quid pro quo; there are no hook grabs ergo no 4% either - nor is OP (or anyone) stating a fact when they say "2v8 shows us that 4% is bad for the game". I narrowed it down to the hook mechanic that works differently in that game mode. - But taking anything there and just using it as an argument for regular game mode isn't going to work. In that case we should also make UB basekit asap. - But we already know that that's a terrible idea (that PTB).

    Wild idea: Maybe 2v8 as a game mode somehow addresses the root cause of why people want to go next asap? - Because there's a lot less afking, a lot less throwing, a lot less running into the killer to go next and a lot less screwing your teamies over in the process in general and also a lot less DCs.

    — Which doesn't even mean that the change in the hook-stage-mechanic (including the removal of 4%) has nothing to do with it. Just that you can't just go and attribute the positive effects solely to there not being 4% and call it a day. It might very well be one variable. But is most definitely not the only one.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I wasn’t trying to draw any conclusions like that at all. The 4% just needs to go. Plain and simple. No reason for it to stay. I only brought up the removal of hook grabs because people will cry about them removing the fun but they have already removed several fun things for killers. So it should be totally fine to remove it

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    Fair enough. - Given the thread title I read the lack of a conclusion/argument as you adding to OP's ("2vs8 shows…" pointing to an evidence based argument). If it's just a personal opinion it's all fair. But you'll also have to live with someone on a agree-to-disagree-basis who goes "It should stay" ; neither of you would be right or wrong.

    - But you saying "no reason for it to stay" does sound like you want to convince someone of your opinion. In which case you'd need to show why it should go; since it is in place it falls upon you (/anyone who wants to see it gone) to argue why it should be changed. So why does it "just need to go" and why is there "no reason for it to stay"? Why is it "totally fine to remove it"?

    For the sake of argument: even if we assumed "something was taken from killer, now something has to be taken from surv" was a valid way to go about things - why the 4% and not something else?

  • Member Posts: 2,014
    edited November 2024

    That's because those bots are performing an action. The force dc only works if absolutely no action is performed from the second the trial begins.

    Edit. At least that's the only time I've seen it happen. I saw a hillbilly stand in place, doing nothing and eventually we all "escaped"

  • Member Posts: 94
    edited November 2024

    punishing killers that stay afk in the corner? dude that never happens like in my last 1000 games it never happened

  • Member Posts: 94

    because it doesnt happen, why waste time punishing killer for things that never happens

  • Member Posts: 732
    edited November 2024

    I personally wouldn't mind self-unhook attempts being removed, but something else I thought could be implemented is that you get the self-unhook attempts on your second hook stage, not on the first. First stage is like the one in 2v8 where you're just hanging there helpless. Second stage would allow you the current 3 self-unhook attempts with the same penalty. Struggle is no more.

    I haven't given this THAT much thought tho so maybe it's game-breaking in some way lol. But it would certainly ease the early game suicides as you would need to at least be hooked twice to suicide. It would also make the early game a little easier against survivors running Deli + luck stuff, since those build would only come into play later in the game. I think. Like I said, maybe I'm missing something.

    HOWEVER, I agree that, although players can be crazy petty, the suicide on hook epidemic is a symptom of a much larger issue which should be looked into.

  • Member Posts: 410
  • Member Posts: 347

    Neither tunneling, slugging, nor camping justifies giving up on first hook after the first chase. That behavior isn't indicative of a balance issue. Survivors who give up on first hook exist, and denying this suggests one of two things: 1) you engage in this behavior yourself, or 2) you play in a SWF and don’t experience this issue.

    Survivors who give up after the first chase would do so regardless of kill rates, killer strength, or whether the killer is camping or tunneling (they aren't in the game long enough to find out). As a Solo Q player, I’ve had teammates give up just because they didn’t get the map they wanted or because the killer brought Franklin’s. I even have a clip of a survivor giving up 12 seconds into a match because two players used map offerings, and the map ended up being the one the other survivor chose.

    But sure, keep defending those players. Even if the game had lower kill rates, every playstyle nerfed, and every map rebalanced, you'd still see people giving up. Why? Because it’s an entitlement issue. Solo Q games are already challenging, but when you have teammates who actually stick around and play regardless of the circumstances, those matches are the most fun.

    No one is complaining about the teammate who gets hard tunneled and decides to give up, or the survivor who gets slugged for three minutes and DCs out of frustration. The issue lies with players who give up in the first minute of the match, completely ruining the game for everyone else and walking away without any penalty. Trying to excuse this behavior is honestly shameful. It undermines the experience for those of us who queue to actually play instead of complain and go next at every minor inconvenience.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I really am afraid you're right, I mean I've heard of people DCing in 2V8 because… they got downed first. That's it. That's all. They didn't loop the Killer(s) and got downed first.

    Imagine being so entitled you DC from the Survivor-sided mode because you don't get to stomp the Killers into the dirt hard enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    Are you okay? Where did I say a word about up the ante or ANY of what you said. I said that removing unhook alone isn't going to solve the problem. Maybe instead of being a clown actually read next time, yeah? :)

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    It still won't solve the problem. Make it less prevalent by a bit maybe. They should add more incentives or bots regardless of what other idea they come up with, so that the other teammates aren't duped.

  • Member Posts: 747


    You can't completely stop the damage caused by low constitution pseudo-players who've adopted an "I give up" mindset, but you can mitigate it.

  • Member Posts: 633

    So every survivor can try to self unhook for no cost? Hell no…

  • Member Posts: 894

    You know that they won't. They're invested. Instead of doing the healthy thing, which is taking a break.

  • Member Posts: 894

    That Piglet game that went viral recently is actually unironically pretty good, not even lying and not a "go git gud lmao" jab at all - I played it.

  • Member Posts: 710
    edited November 2024

    Basekit rate would be ~11.5%, which would increase to ~39.4% with Slippery Meat (assuming no changes to that perk). Giving these odds without the downside of going second stage would be incredibly busted.

  • Member Posts: 189

    You also said that it would render (misspelled, btw) the luck perks and offerings useless. I used ‘up the ante’ as a humorous example of how luck perks are already useless and that they could be reworked if self unhooks are removed. See the correlation? The rest of my post responded to how you think that removing self unhooks would do nothing to stem people rage quitting games and I provided a counter argument as to why it would.

    From someone calling me a clown and telling to me actually read, that’s pretty damn funny, since you clearly need to take your own advice. Have a nice day!

  • Member Posts: 710

    Just make it so you can't self-unhook unless everyone is down, hooked, dead, or you have an active perk that grants self-unhook. Those are the only times you should be self-unhooking.

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