Killers needs to be punished for Dodging lobbies

Note there's still a bug after 2 years where if some of the current survivors leave the lobby, the lobby can be bugged as a result no one will end up coming. This can also happen when 2-3 SWF comes in and then no one comes.
Now as for the topic, I never dodge any lobbies myself and would like to see the same for all Killers. The true balance of the game is not done properly because Killers can pick easier matches rather than facing hard match-ups. As a result, they keep getting easy 3-4 kills while some of us and survivors have to suffer
Now the punishment for Lobby dodge per Killer, and only Killers, survivors have the excuse of dodging a lobby since the matchmaking sometimes finds people outside of your region and you end up with 200-600 ping which is unplayable.
If there was a bug where survivors can't join, then the penalty should not kick in to allow the killer to find a new lobby. So the punishment should only start when there are 4 survivors readying up and not leaving
When playing as a Survivor it is absolutely disgusting to see Killers abusing this, they are ruining the real statistics of the game and ended up giving false info on high ranks such as Nurse and Wraith have the same kill rate. Leatherface best killer at 3rd, Hag most 4k etc
People who are dodging are ruining the balance of this game by preventing games where you are meant to lose, turns them into a win via cherry picking. as a result, the game will never balance SWF due to this, I am a Killer main that's why I am insisting this, it will be painful at the start but it will provide a brighter future for us all
The devs are getting inaccurate results like Leatherface was top 3rd Killer, Hag most 4Ks etc
No such time-out ever existed, connections are not one-way, and if the bug could be detected just like that, chances are it wouldn't be a bug any more. Other than that, great plan.
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@Someissues said:
Note there's still a bug after 2 years where if some of the current survivors leave the lobby, the lobby can be bugged as a result no one will end up coming. This can also happen when 2-3 SWF comes in and then no one comes.Now as for the topic, I never dodge any lobbies myself and would like to see the same for all Killers. The true balance of the game is not done properly because Killers can pick easier matches rather than facing hard match-ups. As a result, they keep getting easy 3-4 kills while some of us and survivors have to suffer
Bring back the 15 minutes time out for Lobby dodge per Killer, and only Killers, survivors have the excuse of dodging a lobby since the matchmaking sometimes finds people outside of your region and you end up with 200-600 ping which is unplayable.
If there was a bug where survivors can't join, then the penalty should not kick in to allow the killer to find a new lobby. So the punishment should only start when there are 4 survivors readying up and not leaving
When playing as a Survivor it is absolutely disgusting to see Killers abusing this, they are ruining the real statistics of the game and ended up giving false info on high ranks such as Nurse and Wraith have the same kill rate. Leatherface best killer at 3rd, Hag most 4k etc
Note that there is still a bug after 2 years where the survivors can quickswitch.
You never dodge lobbies, even if you have 1k ping? Those are survivors who make killers dodge the whole lobby btw
Bring back a 15 minute penatly for killer sure, I will simply go afk ingame then instead of dodging the lobby, game will be done quicker than the penalty
Devs are too incompetent to fix the 3 man lobby bug, how are they supposed to implement a system that triggers if that bug happens.
Actually its the survivors who give false statistics because they DC all the time if they play against something they dont like
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@Orion said:
No such time-out ever existed, connections are not one-way, and if the bug could be detected just like that, chances are it wouldn't be a bug any more. Other than that, great plan.My memories are telling me such thing did happen before, it was definitely more than 5 seconds back then, anyhow that's not the main point of the topic thanks for mentioning it anyway
@Master said:
You never dodge lobbies, even if you have 1k ping? Those are survivors who make killers dodge the whole lobby btw
Devs are too incompetent to fix the 3 man lobby bug, how are they supposed to implement a system that triggers if that bug happens.Actually its the survivors who give false statistics because they DC all the time if they play against something they dont like
That's an exaggeration, I have never seen anyone with 1k ping so far, max 500 ping. if you have 1k ping no one would be able to join anyway . and what happen in game with people with high ping is that they just stood still and freeze, and would run randomly, delayed vaults etc easy kill
As for devs being incompetent, if they managed to fix the lobby empty bug then great, they got to fix that or make sure people who have this bug doesn't get penalized
Trust me, if all killers are willing to go hand to hand on every match, statistics would show more accurate data rather than some inaccurate data and results which results in things that were stupid EG Nerfing Freddy despite being told not to by the community
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EG Nerfing Freddy despite being told not to by the community
Freddy nerf was in response to the community though. Go to the dlc reviews and select the very first date range. All the most-upvoted reviews are negative, claiming that he is OP.
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@Someissues said:
@Orion said:
No such time-out ever existed, connections are not one-way, and if the bug could be detected just like that, chances are it wouldn't be a bug any more. Other than that, great plan.My memories are telling me such thing did happen before, it was definitely more than 5 seconds back then, anyhow that's not the main point of the topic thanks for mentioning it anyway
@Master said:
You never dodge lobbies, even if you have 1k ping? Those are survivors who make killers dodge the whole lobby btw
Devs are too incompetent to fix the 3 man lobby bug, how are they supposed to implement a system that triggers if that bug happens.Actually its the survivors who give false statistics because they DC all the time if they play against something they dont like
That's an exaggeration, I have never seen anyone with 1k ping so far, max 500 ping. if you have 1k ping no one would be able to join anyway . and what happen in game with people with high ping is that they just stood still and freeze, and would run randomly, delayed vaults etc easy kill
As for devs being incompetent, if they managed to fix the lobby empty bug then great, they got to fix that or make sure people who have this bug doesn't get penalized
Trust me, if all killers are willing to go hand to hand on every match, statistics would show more accurate data rather than some inaccurate data and results which results in things that were stupid EG Nerfing Freddy despite being told not to by the community
Memories are not infallible, there was never a longer cool-down timer than 5 seconds. There were only ever TALKS of a longer one.
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@BillyIII said:
EG Nerfing Freddy despite being told not to by the community
Freddy nerf was in response to the community though. Go to the dlc reviews and select the very first date range. All the most-upvoted reviews are negative, claiming that he is OP.
It was in response to the vocal Survivor community, to be precise, but it seems the devs have learned not to trust them when it comes to balancing the game.
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So now killer should be forced to play with survivor with high ping or get punished by a 15 minute time out?
Do you have any idea how often survivor with garbage ping don't leave by themself and ready themself up?
Also how can they bring back something that was never in the game to begin with?7 -
"but... ok then killer will also be allowed to dodge if a survivor as red ping"
I hear you say.
And then what stop the killer from lagswitching in the lobby so all survivor have red ping and he can dodge for free?
You can't punish people for dodging period, because their is always legit reason like lag to do so and if you allow to dodge for logical reason people will abuse it.
Also double standar much? Why should survivor get a free pass on lobby dodge and killer should get timed out if they dodge?3 -
Sorry if I don't want to go up against a 4 man P3 Claudette SWF all with comms, toolboxes and DS + SB. I should definitely be punished for not playing games that make me want to slit my wrists!
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Until the following 2 things are addressed
- Survivors not getting autokicked from the lobby for high ping because they are too stupid to disconnect themselves
- Last minute quick-switches can't happen
You're just going to have to deal with it.
I suspect all that would happen anyway is people will just ALT-F4 or plug pull anyway.
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Until they add in a reward for facing SWF, and slow the games down a bit, expect more dodging in the future. I don't do it myself, but I can certainly understand the desire to close a Lobby because of flashlight squads and toolbox squads, not to mention the SWF Death Squad. I solo queue myself so I tend to not experience this much, but if you're getting dodged enough to complain about it, maybe something needs to change on your end.
I do have to say that since we got the new cosmetics, there is a good bit less dodging going on because people are showing off their fancy new outfits instead of their P3 glory.
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Punishing dodging will simply do more harm than good. Especially since high ping lobbies do exist, along with blatant toxic players. Not to mention punishing dodging will make players to WANT to troll the killers even more by bringing a 4man flashlight squad just to make the killer to leave and be punished without even playing.
If you played killer just a little bit, you'd definitely know this.5 -
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The idea of punishing QUITTERS sounds better to me.
Leaving before the round even started is in fact of no interest to me- but all those rage quits etc while IN a round are much worse, destroying the fun of the other players too.
And although the Devs stated they actually ARE punishing players for it, as it is not instant the players hardly recognize this punishment at all.4 -
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@SaltyKiller said:
@TheWorldconsumer said:
The idea of punishing QUITTERS sounds better to me.
Leaving before the round even started is in fact of no interest to me- but all those rage quits etc while IN a round are much worse, destroying the fun of the other players too.
And although the Devs stated they actually ARE punishing players for it, as it is not instant the players hardly recognize this punishment at all.If they actually punished ragequitters the Survivor population would probably see a good 30% drop. I'm being lenient too.
And what IF this happens? I mean: as you actually cannot play against them anyway, at least to the point YOU would have fun- why not just accept that some heads HAVE to roll to make the needed adjustments?
In other games, big banwaves are normal.
I remember back when one game got known for permabanning 50k of their players at once for using cheats. All the Devs stated back then was a clear: "We don´t want those people around in our game."
And that is actually what I would wish for here: most people who would have to "suffer" from this change don´t play fair or "as intended", else they would not have to "suffer" from this change in the first place.7 -
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@Mringasa said:
Until they add in a reward for facing SWF, and slow the games down a bit, expect more dodging in the future. I don't do it myself, but I can certainly understand the desire to close a Lobby because of flashlight squads and toolbox squads, not to mention the SWF Death Squad. I solo queue myself so I tend to not experience this much, but if you're getting dodged enough to complain about it, maybe something needs to change on your end.I do have to say that since we got the new cosmetics, there is a good bit less dodging going on because people are showing off their fancy new outfits instead of their P3 glory.
Dodging for P3 was a thing long ago, nowadays everyone has P3
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I get tunneled and camped for P3 now... One Killer told me it was because I was a good Survivor for having it. All I could think was, "Thanks for the compliment, but that's about as incorrect as it gets." I actually stopped using it on my Feng and went to the New Year's shirt. I stopped getting tunneled.
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@DocOctober said:
Memories are not infallible, there was never a longer cool-down timer than 5 seconds. There were only ever TALKS of a longer one.I remembered what happened now, queues back then were like 4-5 minutes before 4 survivors are able to join in. I mistook that my bad
@Dragonredking said:
And then what stop the killer from lagswitching in the lobby so all survivor have red ping and he can dodge for free?
You can't punish people for dodging period, because their is always legit reason like lag to do so and if you allow to dodge for logical reason people will abuse it.Killers are dodging lobbies as I said for easy picking. EG they only play matches where survivors don't have items, it's a huge deal and they saved one perk slot for Franklin for example
Lag switching and killers being punished for dodging is completely two separate issue@Dragonredking said:
So now killer should be forced to play with survivor with high ping or get punished by a 15 minute time out?
Do you have any idea how often survivor with garbage ping don't leave by themself and ready themself up?High ping in a game for survivors made them handicap heavily, they won't be able to pellet loops, and if they DC it's not related to the killer it's the survivor's fault. Hence why there is no penalty for survivors
@zacmangaming said:
Sorry if I don't want to go up against a 4 man P3 Claudette SWF all with comms, toolboxes and DS + SB. I should definitely be punished for not playing games that make me want to slit my wrists!Yes and this is the problem, cuz killers picking easy games, as a result, the devs are unable to get the actual balance of the game. they still have in their mind that Leatherface was fine and was in the top 3 Killers. Do you not see this as an issue?
@Runiver said:
Punishing dodging will simply do more harm than good. Especially since high ping lobbies do exist, along with blatant toxic players. Not to mention punishing dodging will make players to WANT to troll the killers even more by bringing a 4man flashlight squad just to make the killer to leave and be punished without even playing.
If you played killer just a little bit, you'd definitely know this.It will do good more than harm trusts me, Devs will be more willing to buff Killers after seeing the real balance of the game at higher ranked. Killers being able to pick easier games made it much more easy for them to 4 men/ more sacrifices which can ruin the balance of the game. I am speaking this as I main killer with over 2.7k hours
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@BillyIII said:
Freddy nerf was in response to the community though. Go to the dlc reviews and select the very first date range. All the most-upvoted reviews are negative, claiming that he is OP.First date range means nothing though, the most helpful ones now are all the ones saying the devs wrongly nerf Freddy and that he's one of the most useless killers
@Mringasa said:
Until they add in a reward for facing SWF, and slow the games down a bit, expect more dodging in the future. I don't do it myself, but I can certainly understand the desire to close a Lobby because of flashlight squads and toolbox squads, not to mention the SWF Death Squad. I solo queue myself so I tend to not experience this much, but if you're getting dodged enough to complain about it, maybe something needs to change on your end.I am speaking this as a Killer main. Its a needed change for us all so the Devs would be more willing to take a look at the balance and start buffing Killers in a way that doesn't make it too easy or too hard, aka balanced. People who dodge lobbies are ruining the balance of the game clearly as well as hackers
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What about the Survivors who use the PSN app to see my name, and dodge me because I’m a known Nurse Main?2
@SovererignKing said:
What about the Survivors who use the PSN app to see my name, and dodge me because I’m a known NurseCompletely unrelated though, PC also have one but these are apps that are not endorsed by the devs aka if banned by EAC well deserved
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You cannot force anyone to play a match they don't want to play. Killers dodge for any number of reasons, and SWF is a massive portion of the problem. If the Devs would balance SWF, put in a reward for playing against it, remove voice communication or make it balanced in game somehow, or do anything really to make it more balanced to play against, Killers wouldn't dodge as much.
I've all along never dodged a match for any reason other than something came up and I needed to close the Lobby for a few. I'm starting to get frustrated with the SWF coordination and am considering dodging lobbies that are suspect. I don't mind the items so much, but it is no fun to be attempting to learn to play a Killer and you get trolled the entire by an SWF team on comms. If this didn't destroy the balance so much, and not just for the Killer, but the other solo queue Survivors in the match, it wouldn't be an issue.
Get rid of voice communication, balance SWF for solo queue'ers and Killers, and give some kind of extra reward or something for playing against them. That'll stop a lot of the dodging. Killers will still dodge, but it's just like Survivors dodging using that one third-party app (can never remember the name of it). It'll happen, but it won't be so obnoxious.
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@Mringasa said:
You cannot force anyone to play a match they don't want to play. Killers dodge for any number of reasons, and SWF is a massive portion of the problem. If the Devs would balance SWF, put in a reward for playing against it, remove voice communication or make it balanced in game somehow, or do anything really to make it more balanced to play against, Killers wouldn't dodge as much.I've all along never dodged a match for any reason other than something came up and I needed to close the Lobby for a few. I'm starting to get frustrated with the SWF coordination and am considering dodging lobbies that are suspect. I don't mind the items so much, but it is no fun to be attempting to learn to play a Killer and you get trolled the entire by an SWF team on comms. If this didn't destroy the balance so much, and not just for the Killer, but the other solo queue Survivors in the match, it wouldn't be an issue.
Get rid of voice communication, balance SWF for solo queue'ers and Killers, and give some kind of extra reward or something for playing against them. That'll stop a lot of the dodging. Killers will still dodge, but it's just like Survivors dodging using that one third-party app (can never remember the name of it). It'll happen, but it won't be so obnoxious.
That's the thing, we all know SWF is a problem and currently, there's no balance around that. So if all Killers are willing to go against them the win ratio would more or less end in survivors favors, which the Devs would be more willing to put balance/incentive for SWF.
in the Dev's eyes they never saw SWF as the problem, that's why this needs to be implemented so eventually the devs will start to work on SWF which is a serious problem for the game at high ranked
People who dodge lobbies are making it harder for Devs to collect data and prolonging buffs which certain Killers should receive since a long time ago like the Hag, Trapper, Leatherface etc
This is bad for Killers in short-term but it's good in the long term. It's good for survivors who wants to enjoyed the game with friends and would lead to a more balanced gameplay for the future0 -
Someissues said:
@Mringasa said:
You cannot force anyone to play a match they don't want to play. Killers dodge for any number of reasons, and SWF is a massive portion of the problem. If the Devs would balance SWF, put in a reward for playing against it, remove voice communication or make it balanced in game somehow, or do anything really to make it more balanced to play against, Killers wouldn't dodge as much.I've all along never dodged a match for any reason other than something came up and I needed to close the Lobby for a few. I'm starting to get frustrated with the SWF coordination and am considering dodging lobbies that are suspect. I don't mind the items so much, but it is no fun to be attempting to learn to play a Killer and you get trolled the entire by an SWF team on comms. If this didn't destroy the balance so much, and not just for the Killer, but the other solo queue Survivors in the match, it wouldn't be an issue.
Get rid of voice communication, balance SWF for solo queue'ers and Killers, and give some kind of extra reward or something for playing against them. That'll stop a lot of the dodging. Killers will still dodge, but it's just like Survivors dodging using that one third-party app (can never remember the name of it). It'll happen, but it won't be so obnoxious.
That's the thing, we all know SWF is a problem and currently, there's no balance around that. So if all Killers are willing to go against them the win ratio would more or less end in survivors favors, which the Devs would be more willing to put balance/incentive for SWF.
in the Dev's eyes they never saw SWF as the problem, that's why this needs to be implemented so eventually the devs will start to work on SWF which is a serious problem for the game at high ranked
People who dodge lobbies are making it harder for Devs to collect data and prolonging buffs which certain Killers should receive since a long time ago like the Hag, Trapper, Leatherface etc
This is bad for Killers in short-term but it's good in the long term. It's good for survivors who wants to enjoyed the game with friends and would lead to a more balanced gameplay for the future0 -
Killers will stop dodging when they stop being faced with 4 man SWF with overpowered items versus a killer who wouldn't be viable even against item-less non-SWF.
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Enjoy Queue With Friends
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@The_Manlet said:
Killers will stop dodging when they stop being faced with 4 man SWF with overpowered items versus a killer who wouldn't be viable even against item-less non-SWF.The fact they dodge made the results on collecting data becomes inaccurate because these SWF had a hard time to get someone willing to take them (Not that many Killers at Rank 1). The Devs currently stands that SWF is fine and there is no need for changes, why? Because Killers kept dodging them and cherry pick their games against easier opponents, they made statistics shows that the game is 50/50 for both sides even with SWF, who caused this?
Lobby dodgers
@SovererignKing said:
“Suffer now, and fixes and balance will come Soon(TM). Heard that one before.Killers suffers the worst when Infinite were in, this is nothing compared to that
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@Someissues said:
Killers suffers the worst when Infinite were in, this is nothing compared to thatThe world used to be a ball of molten; today's problems are nothing compared to that, so why try to solve them, right?
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So will we punish survivors who DC then? And I’m talking about actual punishment because let’s be honest the same survivors that do it way too often are still around1
I love how the Survivor mindset is always to punish people who don't do what they want. Don't try to figure out the problem; just smack somebody around until they do what you say.
Dodging is a symptom of a greater problem with the game. Punishing Killers for it will guarantee that most of them will leave, as that will be the only remaining option available to them. If Survivors were to look past the most superficial part of a problem, they'd realize this.
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@Mr_Jay_Stark said:
So will we punish survivors who DC then? And I’m talking about actual punishment because let’s be honest the same survivors that do it way too often are still aroundI know people who got banned permanently so it's not true. It's people who DC quite often gets the ban hammer which is justified, people rage quit from time to time that's okay but its not okay to do it most of the time
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SovererignKing said:What about the Survivors who use the PSN app to see my name, and dodge me because I’m a known Nurse Main?0
Go back to your survivor forums scrub. These forums are for players who kill with skill.
drops mic0 -
@CallMeRusty420 said:
Go back to your survivor forums scrub. These forums are for players who kill with skill.
drops micI am a Killer main so your point? This is good for killers in the long term as I said
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Sorry, but I'm not playing with your 250 ping-havin ass2
Im sorry but if I dont want to play a 4 man swf with insta heals, DS, and flashlights, I shouldnt have to. Nor should I be punished for leaving. Why should I be compelled to be tortured for the next 10 mins.2
@Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
Sorry, but I'm not playing with your 250 ping-havin ass250 ping survivors do nothing good for their team, they are easy kills, not an excuse. survivors can dodge / leave if they wanted to
@Wicked_Django said:
Im sorry but if I dont want to play a 4 man swf with insta heals, DS, and flashlights, I shouldnt have to. Nor should I be punished for leaving. Why should I be compelled to be tortured for the next 10 mins.It's because of people like you that are ruining the balance of this game can't you see?
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Survivors have an excuse to ditch for a 600-800 ping, but the killer is just supposed to suck on it when the 800 ping survivor refuses to leave the lobby on his own?2
We should be punished? I am not into BDSM, the four man flashlight kink isn't my thing
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If killers are forced to play games they don´t want to, then i hope you enjoy your 45+ minute queues as survivor. Since no one is going to play killer anymore.
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I must disagree with the statement that it will "do good for killers in the long run." Because: in which way does it help the killer community to actually HAVE to play against a team of known toxic surv players?
Why do you think it fair that the killer player must face those "players", knowing HIS fun wont be there?
As it is now, we killers have the best way to teach those known for this way of playing: we simply deny THEM their fun too by just not letting them play.
Also I do not get your "balance" claim: do you really think the Devs don´t see on WHICH level the kills happened... or the DC?
I also repeat in here my last statement: as long as you leave the lobby BEFORE the round even started- why should you be punished for it? As of now, you claimed much but proofed nothing to me to underline this aspect of your main topic.0 -
@TheWorldconsumer said:
I must disagree with the statement that it will "do good for killers in the long run." Because: in which way does it help the killer community to actually HAVE to play against a team of known toxic surv players?I also repeat in here my last statement: as long as you leave the lobby BEFORE the round even started- why should you be punished for it? As of now, you claimed much but proofed nothing to me to underline this aspect of your main topic.
The moment you dodge the lobby, you can pick easier opponents, as a result, getting easier games = 3/4 man wipes. = more win rate for killers. Do you think increasing the win rate for killers is a good thing? if anything it will bring Killers nerf like they did before
Dodging lobbies means the games you are meant to lose turns into a win, as a result, the balance is screwed. Do you want SWF to get balance? If so stop dodging lobbies, because at the current rate the devs show dying rate for survivors is 50% so there's no change cuz people kept dodging lobbies
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@Someissues said:
@BillyIII said:
Freddy nerf was in response to the community though. Go to the dlc reviews and select the very first date range. All the most-upvoted reviews are negative, claiming that he is OP.First date range means nothing though, the most helpful ones now are all the ones saying the devs wrongly nerf Freddy and that he's one of the most useless killers
@Mringasa said:
Until they add in a reward for facing SWF, and slow the games down a bit, expect more dodging in the future. I don't do it myself, but I can certainly understand the desire to close a Lobby because of flashlight squads and toolbox squads, not to mention the SWF Death Squad. I solo queue myself so I tend to not experience this much, but if you're getting dodged enough to complain about it, maybe something needs to change on your end.I am speaking this as a Killer main. Its a needed change for us all so the Devs would be more willing to take a look at the balance and start buffing Killers in a way that doesn't make it too easy or too hard, aka balanced. People who dodge lobbies are ruining the balance of the game clearly as well as hackers
Killers who dodge lobbies are ruining the balance? Please elaborate
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@Someissues said:
@The_Manlet said:
Killers will stop dodging when they stop being faced with 4 man SWF with overpowered items versus a killer who wouldn't be viable even against item-less non-SWF.The fact they dodge made the results on collecting data becomes inaccurate because these SWF had a hard time to get someone willing to take them (Not that many Killers at Rank 1). The Devs currently stands that SWF is fine and there is no need for changes, why? Because Killers kept dodging them and cherry pick their games against easier opponents, they made statistics shows that the game is 50/50 for both sides even with SWF, who caused this?
Lobby dodgers
@SovererignKing said:
“Suffer now, and fixes and balance will come Soon(TM). Heard that one before.Killers suffers the worst when Infinite were in, this is nothing compared to that
When I played during the infinite times only a few survivors used those, but nowadays everyone uses crutches and plays in SWF
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@Someissues said:
@TheWorldconsumer said:
I must disagree with the statement that it will "do good for killers in the long run." Because: in which way does it help the killer community to actually HAVE to play against a team of known toxic surv players?I also repeat in here my last statement: as long as you leave the lobby BEFORE the round even started- why should you be punished for it? As of now, you claimed much but proofed nothing to me to underline this aspect of your main topic.
The moment you dodge the lobby, you can pick easier opponents, as a result, getting easier games = 3/4 man wipes. = more win rate for killers. Do you think increasing the win rate for killers is a good thing? if anything it will bring Killers nerf like they did before
Dodging lobbies means the games you are meant to lose turns into a win, as a result, the balance is screwed. Do you want SWF to get balance? If so stop dodging lobbies, because at the current rate the devs show dying rate for survivors is 50% so there's no change cuz people kept dodging lobbies
The long run would kill the killer community. It is well known, that survivors are way OP. That they can bully killers with flashlights. I rarely dodge a game as killer. I get rewarded with survivors that bully me.
Fun!I just disconnected (esc, leave match) my first game in 6 months. I never do that, but i had a fully equipped deathsquad with DS, SC, SB, purple flashlights and odd bulbs
I usually don´t dodge or disconnect. But that was simply to much. When the gates were powered, i didnt had a single hook. Not because i foolishly tried to catch the looper, but because there was always someone with a flashlight or a DS.Now when killers get punished for dodging those deathsquads, i guarantee you, that every single survivor will equip a flashlight to bully the killer. It has been like this, every time a flashlight was bugged (halloween, lunar event, etc.). Survivors are bored to death, when they play the gen repair simulator. So they start bullying the killer, to have so fun.
By the time the devs have gathered conclusive data, survivors will have a lobby que of 45+ minutes. Because no killer wants to be bullied.
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@Someissues said:
Note there's still a bug after 2 years where if some of the current survivors leave the lobby, the lobby can be bugged as a result no one will end up coming. This can also happen when 2-3 SWF comes in and then no one comes.Now as for the topic, I never dodge any lobbies myself and would like to see the same for all Killers. The true balance of the game is not done properly because Killers can pick easier matches rather than facing hard match-ups. As a result, they keep getting easy 3-4 kills while some of us and survivors have to suffer
Bring back the 15 minutes time out for Lobby dodge per Killer, and only Killers, survivors have the excuse of dodging a lobby since the matchmaking sometimes finds people outside of your region and you end up with 200-600 ping which is unplayable.
If there was a bug where survivors can't join, then the penalty should not kick in to allow the killer to find a new lobby. So the punishment should only start when there are 4 survivors readying up and not leaving
When playing as a Survivor it is absolutely disgusting to see Killers abusing this, they are ruining the real statistics of the game and ended up giving false info on high ranks such as Nurse and Wraith have the same kill rate. Leatherface best killer at 3rd, Hag most 4k etc
-- "Note there's still a bug after 2 years where if some of the current survivors leave the lobby, the lobby can be bugged as a result no one will end up coming. "
-- "Bring back the 15 minutes time out for Lobby dodge per Killer, and only Killers"
Literally... What?
You say, that lobby can be bugged, but killers should be punished for leaving it? And survivors not, because "muh survivors". And no, making a script that detects bugs is more complicated to do, than fixing this bug.
You just... You just bended space-time with your bias. Use your superpowers to make the world a better place, do not waste your precious time writting on this forum.
Especially when you do not have nothing smart to say.
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What exactly is supposed to be the incentive for killers that have 4 survivors pop in that are all carrying items that you know are just going to lead to you getting your ass handed to you?
If I see 2 of 4 survivors that are going to have me dealing with constant insta-heals why would I bother? Let alone that survivors can even constantly do this is pretty much bullshit anyways.
It's already not really fun playing as a killer. It's a chore. Why knowingly make it worse?0 -
How about you don't give them a reason to dodge in the first place?
Hell, you'll never see me use a Flashlight if somebody else has one in the lobby. I never use TTV in my name anymore as well for the same reason.
Or hell, if I see certain names I'll dump the lobby because the name they use tells me the type of person they are and they're not somebody I wish to play with.
If you don't like that, you can kiss my ass.