Why every time I’m in a 2v8 match why does one person go for the uncage multiple people come too?

I’m like go do a gen or something there shouldn’t be more than one person going for the uncage it’s a waste of time. For example in one of my matches I was playing survivor and I went for the un cage save and I noticed 2 other people are following me I’m just like go do a gen.


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,933
    edited November 2024

    Being unhook happy is consistently the biggest survivor mistake I see in this game, and one of the main reasons I tend to scoff at survivor complaints of camping and tunneling.

    95% of the time when I see camping and tunneling its the result of survivors allowing it/making it easy for the killer to do. Running to hook while being chased by the killer, looping near the hook, or unhooking early with the killer within 20m and 55s still on the timer.

    I've had to ban myself from things like Deliverence, Borrowed Time, We'll Make It, Desperate Measures, old WGLF (thank god that got buffed) because I rarely get the chance to unhook anyone since no one stays on gens.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379

    Just my guess but since unhooking gives 1,000 bp and then another 500 if it turns out to be a safe unhook (I think the extra 500 is a thing in 2v8), and today being the 1st day of the bloodfeast where it's now 3x's more BP for the next 5 days on top of the 50-250% survivor queue bonus, I think people just want to farm the BP.

    This has been a thing already in 2v8 for sure, but I'm noticing today, being the first day of the 3x's BP, it's been TERRIBLE. I'll be going for an unhook and I can hear 2-3 survivors behind me almost every time. I spawn in a cage and almost always see a swarm coming my way. Or you'll unhook someone who's near another caged survivor and they want to run from you the second you unhook them to use their haste to try to go unhook that other suvivor. Savages I tell you! LOL

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    Either everyone comes for the unhook or no one comes, there's no in between. Next iteration they should add basekit Kindred (minus killer aura) so you can see who is/isn't going for a rescue.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2024

    I've seen a lot of the opposite behavior. Too often, all teammates will assume someone else is going for the save, especially when it's all the way across the map. If someone is hooked in the early game, I now run across the map and find myself the only survivor going for it even when there are seven survivors not on hook.

    I've also gone second state a number of times without anyone even coming close.

    But if I look behind me and see a survivor also going for the unhook, I usually veer off to the side and see if I should keep going for it. If they head for the hook, I might go for a gen or something.

    As a side note, I've seen some people complain about doing chests. But chests are some of the best plays in the late game. Pick up a Commodius as a guide and you can spend a lot less time getting your last gen done, which means a much higher chance of powering the gates since it becomes harder to push you off your gen when the killer has less time to find you on it :)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,286

    I guess that would be fine, but I still believe you're never gonna be able to carry the uncarryable, no matter how many buffs you give them. There's a breed of survivor who just run the edges of the map, hide, heal, and never do a gen after the first one. You can't help them.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460

    Unhook is worth the same points as completing a gen in 2v8. 1k for running and spending .5 seconds vs spending 45+ seconds.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    It depends. Ideally, I agree, Medics should be running for the unhooks and no one else should move unless the Medics are all caged, or the cage literally spawns beside them. But, if no one in the area is a Medic, having two people go to the unhook can save time because you can do a group heal.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,193

    It’s astounding how much free time a Killer receives when no gens are being done.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    If I'm going for an unhook and see someone else heading for it then I jump back on my gen. It's just a consequence of no comms among the team, but common sense should apply too. If I see others following me like in your situation, I just veer off to a gen and let them take it. I tend to get a number of unhooks in the beginning because I immediately head to the opposite side of the map to start a gen there, so the first downs are usually around me lol so hopefully people stick to their gens instead of running across map

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 127

    In the games I play, I've noticed players swarm unhooks more when killers are correctly applying the right kind of pressure to the map and the generators. There are two reasons for this A. Good killers make it harder to sit on generators, so you have more players scrambling around the map, looking for generators or just running for their lives. And B. Hooked survivors tend to spawn farther away from the killers, to places on the map where survivors fleeing competent killers tend to already be.

    The other side to this equation is that if you have killers who are inexperienced or poor at map pressure and guarding gens, survivors will be more spread out across the map, and less likely to be nearby for a hook rescue. This is how you can be playing a "winning game" as survivor, with gens flying, but still die on hook in the farthest corner of the map, with no rescuer in sight. Everybody's off doing gens, enjoying that lack of map pressure.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,556

    Well, also remember one thing… Players will throw games to get Tome challenges done. So if they have a challenge "Get 4 Unhooks" they are going to beeline to every hook and try to be first there.