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2v8 ran its course

Member Posts: 162

I'm okay with this game mode never coming back. it be one thing if it was only the 2v8 killer queue's that were trash. But both of them? Yeah. Send it into the sunset and wave good bye as far as I'm concerned.

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  • Member Posts: 710

    It's rough for killer, for sure. Personally, I only play killer now when there's something else I'm also doing, whether that's playing a single player game, working, or random surfing / video watching.

    I will say that I'm absolutely blowing through my unfinished survivor tome challenges, though…

  • Member Posts: 1,976

    I feel like it came back way too soon.

    I expected it to be gone for more than a year.

    I feel like they should take a big break from it, think through the features properly, and take their time with it.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I missed the first round of 2v8 so its an interesting experience to say the least. At times it really feels wildly imbalanced in favour of killers where, depending on the mix, they can end up slaughtering their way through the survivors in a few minutes. The cages still need work since I've had them spawn basically on top of killers so that its easy for them to camp. Seems to notably happen around the Huntress. Also had the two killers close the three hatches in under 30 seconds, which seems a bit too clustered together.

    To paraphrase an old rhyme, when 2v8 is good, its really really good. But when its bad, its rotten.

  • Member Posts: 1,995
    edited November 2024

    I guess people like power tripping or are that desperate to play with their friend on killer because I don't see the appeal otherwise. If the base game was just like that, I wouldn't have played it for 8 years.

    You summed everything up here. People play this game to power trip. Its one of the best games for that. People also have been wanting to SWF as killers.

    If the base game was anything like 2v8, it would still be a party game inste- .. wait. It is still a party game. Ahh, thats right, no one wants to say it because 'I need me comp dbd.' Its a party game. 2v8 is a party mode. Chaos shuffle is a party mode.

    Complaining about balance (in modes or even base game) just makes people seem deaf to reality.

  • Member Posts: 2,075

    In theory yes.

    Unfortunately, I just don't see anything they can realistically do to even out the queues. Large BP bonuses didn't work the first time and buffing survivor to have more things to do isn't really doing it this round either.

    The "2" in 2v8 is always going to be more popular. Everyone will want to kwf every time over "stare at gen progress bars, but with even more random pubs".

    And things like 2v6 or adding bots I don't think will solve the issue either. Bots already, and always will, feel like a cheap solution. Adding bots in the lobby, by design, is basically an admission that the game mode is just looking for killer fodder.

    A 2v6 mode might work, but would likely involve even more buffs to survivors, and just look at the level of complaining we're already seeing about that in 2v8 (which, again, isn't enough to solve the queue issue).

    The only thing I've seen mentioned that might work would be more of a 5v5 mode, but that's just scrapping 2v8 entirely also.

  • Member Posts: 710

    I played the first 2 v 8 on both sides (had to endure the long wait times to try it out). The second 2 v 8 I haven't played killer once in 2 v 8 or 1 v 4 due to long wait times, but I have played survivor to get some past tome challenges done. If they do another 2 v 8 I will probably give the game a miss for the duration as I don't enjoy playing survivor as much as I do killer, certainly don't want to spend 2 weeks playing exclusive survivor.

    Im glad it's coming to an end and glad the free weekend is done. Maybe 2 v 8 should be a weekend event along with free weekends or even 1 week? But 2 weeks is a bit much. hopefully the game can get back to normal soon so I can play killer more than once or twice at a push per hour.

  • Member Posts: 343

    Occasional weekends would be way better, even one week is way too long for the huge lack of variety the mode has.

  • I like the bloodpoints

  • Member Posts: 4,657

    Ive heard that by making it permanent, the novelty of the mode would lessen over time.

    Not sure if this could work, but I sadly dont really see any other way. Survivor is already very strong in 2v8, so winning isnt the problem anymore (at least I hope so).

    You can already heal others in seconds, do flashy saves and rebuild pallets. What other things would you suggest to make the role more fun? I dont think a 5v5 would work either and I agree, that it would be a totally different game mode altogether.

    Edit: one more thing that came to my mind is that the variety in killers could make a difference. Right now, there are only 8 killers to choose from, making combinations limited. More variety killers could also result in more interesting matches for survivors, dont you think?

  • Member Posts: 259
    • in general 2VS8 for survivors is not a fun mode. The gameplay is absolutely impoverished compared to 4VS1... the whole game is M1 on gens or M1 to heal teammates. Chases are """normal""" when 1 killer chases you (normal but with very strong pallets), when 2 killers chase you lasting 5 seconds is an absolute record. I assure you that if survivor gameplay were very fun or "innovative", there would be no lack of players and no need for BP incentives. From the killer's point of view, playing in a team with another person totally changes the gameplay of classic DBD... that's why everyone wants to play killer
  • Member Posts: 4,657
    edited November 2024


    This sounds like a good idea! Do you mind sharing where you posted your concepts? I'd like to look into them.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I like 2v8, but I think they've brought it back way too soon.

    It really shouldn't be as restrictive as it currently is.

  • Member Posts: 709

    Agreed. 2v8 makes the gameplay less interesting, and the queue times for killer just prevent me from playing killer.

    Also, who wants to be chased by two killers at once? And the mode is so chaotic that it gets rid of the tension and feel of DbD.

  • Member Posts: 894

    This is not meant to be rude here: Yes. Yes you are. The growing consensus is that this version is pretty mixed, you either enjoy it heartily and never want it to leave, or you kinda enjoyed it but are over it, or you don't like it at all. Most people are in camps 2 or 3 from what I am seeing.

  • Member Posts: 990

    Everybody is going to have a different opinion about what modes they like/don't like. 2v8 certainly does not have universal love, but based everything I've read on the forums and seen from content creators online, it's very clearly the most popular alternate game mode launched so far. I personally love it and have had a lot of fun playing both roles in 2v8. I also like having it only available periodically as it serves as a nice break from the normal 1v4 mode. If it was permanent, I worry about it becoming too boring and we also have the issue of long killer queue times when the player base is split between two game modes.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I'll describe the 3 here. They're just basic concepts using several perks for each class. People were saying "more ways to interact with the killer" and 2 of these would create some more killer interactions.

    Trouble maker: Combination of Head On, Flashbang, Blastmine, and Chem Trap. Make the ability the Scout one to reset/rebuild pallets and change Scout ability to Wire Tap (makes more sense with the aura reading on Scout).

    Boon: we only have like 5 boons to choose from anyway so some combo of those. Ability to see aura of totems and rebuild broken totems.

    Illusionist: Combination of Red Herring, Diversion, Deception, and Smoke Bombs. Ability Mirrored Illusion.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I love 2v8. I enjoyed the first iteration more than the second but I still have had tons of fun. I prefer it over 1v4. 2v8 is what brought me back to DBD.

  • Member Posts: 4,657
    edited November 2024

    Sounds amazing to me! The boon idea might need some tweaking. I would personally not include circle of healing because healing speeds are already extremely high in 2v8. Unbreakable is already base, is it not? That leaves us with movement speed, and aura denial and info on objectives. Aura denial sounds amazing, considering how often killers are able to see survivors in 2v8.

    We are two in that regard. 1v4 has become so stale over time. The only aspects keeping me there are Piggy and Sadako.

  • “The main reason? No killers like Knight, Trickster, SM or Chucky etc.”

    Don’t forget about twins. I think they are the worst to face

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    They could try new things with boons that maybe they wouldn't do in 1v4. Ultimately it's making use of the totems around the map and giving survivors another class to mess around with.

    I took a long break from DBD after they added Nic Cage, 2v8 brought me back. At this point I only play 1v4 if there's a game mode I want to check out or an event that has cosmetics I'm interested in. 2v8 I finished each level in one day and kept playing.

    1v4 I hope for a Pig, but that's because I go for boops and if my head gets caged I do gens to watch it explode. I feel bad for the randoms that end up my teammates in those matches but it's probably the most fun I have in 1v4. 😂

  • Member Posts: 4

    I do not have much of a problem with it, more killers would be nice, and not leaving a killer bugged (Wraith) would have made it better.

    Any match I loaded in with him as the killer and the person who knows about the exploit - it was a quick loss.

  • Member Posts: 7,067

    Ive noticed the queues become faster as time goes on, and thats exactly how queue times are fixed in this instance

    If they keep it, the novelty will wear off and queues will eventually stabilize themselves.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I don't see that happening…in my exp, queue times have stayed long all throughout 2v8. On top of that, I don't see how the novelty wearing off will change anything. If the novelty of the mode wears off for killers it will as wear down for the already few survivors as well meaning queue times wouldn't really change all that much. I just think dbd as a whole can't handle a mode like 2v8 without severely hurting queue times for both 2v8 and 1v4. I think 2v8 either should be a very time-limited mode or its own game entirely.

  • Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2024

    It's not the mode that hinders queue times its the people who all flock to killer. If more then 80% of the people aren't queueing for survivor you will always feel it as killer no mater if its 1v4 or 2v8. Best way to see it is survivor Queues are all instant for both.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Oh yes, they are in my top most hated, how could I forget them!?!

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    I doubt it. Survivor gameplay just isn't fun. You either dominate or you get two killers who run around tag teaming in which case there is zero actual gameplay for you. You just go down and there's nothing you can do about it. No way to make that fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I burned out on 2v8 pretty quickly last time, but I think this is an improvement. Survivor doesn't have the highs of the 1v4 version, but it doesn't have the lows either, while I prefer killer quite a bit more in 2v8 (other than the crazy wait times).

    You can already heal others in seconds, do flashy saves and rebuild pallets. What other things would you suggest to make the role more fun? I dont think a 5v5 would work either and I agree, that it would be a totally different game mode altogether.

    I do think 5v5 would work, but that's another topic.

    Class system - I think this makes the game overall easier to balance, but takes a lot of the fun out. I think there could be a middle ground.

    —Survivor classes - Allow variation in what each class can select. I'm kinda working on a longer post along these ideas, but for example allow the escapist to choose from sprint burst, lithe, or balanced landing as their exhaustion perk. That would create a lot more variety while still allowing BHVR to have more control on the balance side.

    —More classes - I think the ideal number would be 6 in the long run. You don't want so many classes that some are clearly broken, but four is not enough. The best example which people are throwing out is a boon class.

    —More killers - This is potentially a double edged sword, as more killers also make the killer side more attractive, but I think killer variety is one of the core elements of the survivor experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    Nah, I think it can return with more killers and maps. It's still novel to me. Although 2v8 absolutely messes with matchmaking for regular mode, which is sad. I'd like more chests on the map, and perhaps faster chest opening speed, so items are more common. Or just being able to bring some item with you into the trial for survivors. Not even from your inventory or anything like that.

  • Member Posts: 2,075

    Little late to respond, but I think this is a good discussion.

    What other things would you suggest to make the role more fun?

    I feel like the devs are using 2v8 as a testing ground for some new ideas that may or may not stick around. Things like unbreakable base kit, cages, it even class abilities feel like play testing whether these could work in any game mode, a perk, or even live, for example. This is an excellent idea either way, for a mode that isn't permanent (yet).

    If they do anything, they should try changing the survivor objective partially or entirely. Anything other than progress bar, and reducing it to 70 seconds instead of 90 isn't substantially different since it's still basically a loading screen.

    I feel like the co-op classes for healing and pallets are a good shot at this, even if they aren't tuned perfectly. You want the survivor to be occupied and incentivized to do something other than gens occasionally, and these seem to work for that purpose to varying degrees.

    People have talked about a "scavenger hunt" style mode, where collecting a certain number of parts or something is required. Make it with generic parts where you need, I dunno, say 30 out of 50 total parts on the map and can install in any of like 5 or 8 locations for progress. Numbers are literally just of the top of my head, but the idea seems sound in theory with numbers tweaks.

    More variety killers could also result in more interesting matches for survivors, dont you think?

    It could be, though I think killer variety is more interesting for the killers in general.

    I feel like classes are the way to go for interesting mechanics for survivors. There's a lot of creative space they could use here.

    Like maybe give each class a reason to hunt for chest items. Each class already kind of corresponds to an item type, so maybe give an active ability that consumes charges. When the guide has a toolbox, instead of gen speed maybe they consume charges to "any means necessary" reset a pallet or something. Give the scout a map and they can spend charges to activate a "resilience" style faster vault at a location for 30 seconds that anyone can use.

    Maybe give a team ultimate or something, where once one of each class does something specific it triggers a map wide effect. Like, block gens for a bit, but also reset both killers powers briefly or something.

    None if this sounds balanced and is mostly off the top of my head, but imo throwing balance to the side for a bit can also be fun, or at least chaotic.

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