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Flashed while facing wall entirely

Northern Member Posts: 3

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Flashed while picking up someone while they survivor didnt have an angle or clear sight


STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I was picking up a downed survivor facing a wall inside the exit gates (Which you can see are red on the right side of the clip) and this Dwight was able to flashlight blind me while being directly to my right without view at all



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  • Akeashar
    Akeashar Member Posts: 7

    I've definitely had this issue over the last two months, as well as apparently being flashlight stunned through a wooden wall in the farm.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    This has been a bug for a while now, probably for the past couple months. It's also affecting the hitboxes on flashbangs (they can still for some ungodly reason be dropped inside the Killer's hitbox on pickup), might be related to glitches with Revealing Ghostface (and stalking as him) and Staring Down Unknown, and may be similar to some of the troubles that flashbangs and Smoke Grenades in Haunted by Daylight were causing.

    The angle of visualization code for some mechanics, particularly Reveals, Stare-Downs and Blinds, and possibly even affecting stuff like Singularity's biopod cameras and MAYBE shooting through gaps as Slinger/Xeno, appears to have been bugged for several months (since at least Lara Croft if not before), and the Devs have still not fixed the issue. Can any other Ghostface Mains, Singu Mains, Unknown Mains, Flashlight/Flashbang enjoyers, etc. confirm? Are there any other glitches with angles happening for you guys?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,594

    A lot of this is due to FOV, if you've increased your FOV you also increase the angle that you can be blinded by.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,166

    Is that supposed to be like that? it feels really weird because some angles are just impossible even with the fov added, you don't even see the light at all xD

  • tricks5776
    tricks5776 Member Posts: 116

    I play at default fov and have been blinded by survs that are not on screen at all. I don’t see how this is a legitimate blind when you cannot see the survivor at all

  • Northern
    Northern Member Posts: 3

    Well i play at 98 and i only submitted this because my gf who has been playing since 2016 says "You need line of sight. That's always been the rule" and clearly there is no line of sight. I would even argue to say that potentially the exit gate might not count as a wall because it only partially obstructs my view but idk. So more FOV is worse cause it increases the angles on which i can be blinded by? Sorry im new and trying to understand

  • When is the fix for this coming through? It was mentioned in the Post-PTB patch notes for the Hillbilly's rework that there would be a fix for the vulnerability to flashlights/flashbangs on higher FOV. Was it forgotten about or was a solution never found, or was it not possible?