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Concerned about future chapters

I've noticed that the latest chapter doesn't have any hype centered about it. At all. The mechanics and everything else is pretty cool, but there was kinda no hype. It was boom, ptb, enjoy and here's a trailer revealing everything. We had absolutely no indication, no teaser or anything. Only people closely following knew that there was going to be a chapter, but still no idea what.

It gives the chapter a filler feel when clearly quite a bit of love went into it, but as far as I see, no one cares.

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  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Yeah, there isn't much hype for this chapter, which is disappointing because she is such an interesting killer. Even though she was weak and extremely buggy on the PTB, I love her character design, and I had a lot of fun playing as her. I'll most likely buy her with shards, though I'm not so sure she will be fixed by the time of her release.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    A map like that would have been so cool. I was sad when I found out there was no map with this chapter.

  • Member Posts: 1,749
    edited November 2024

    I think part of the problem is that there's already so many killers and survivors in the game. And so many maps, plus when they bring in a new map the balance is usually off. So it's hard to make brand new killers that feel fresh and exciting, and it's especially hard to bring new perks that feel interesting. That, and complete lack of marketing like you said.

    The power is neat, but it felt really clunky to use in the PTB. Being able to redirect the dog at any point as it ran forward would be nice. And the search was kind of useless with how small the radius is but I'm sure they're changing that. The design is just fine, maybe she'll have some cool skins, but her base skin is not that visually interesting.

  • Member Posts: 259
    • However, it's not just this chapter that had little hype, even licensed chapters like Lara Croft or Alan Wake had very little hype. Yes, Lara is very loved by players, but Devs certainly didn't pay much "attention" to her. I'll give you another example, when there was the Mikaela chapter, there was a lot of publicity (in addition to the introduction to the new Boon game mechanics)…maybe they should reduce the DLC release a bit
  • Member Posts: 1,166

    Honestly, this chapter didn't had any type of marketing, compare this chapter to All Things Wicked, that had one of the bests marketing off all time with teasers and secret texts, this chapter came out of nowhere on a ptb a that's why it didn't have any hype in my opinion

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I wonder if it's that it's had less marketing, or that with the constant events and happenings over the past several months we're just oversaturated with DBD and so it just feels like they haven't marketed it as much?

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    I think because it’s the end of the year before everyone goes on holiday. Maybe they released it early so they can enjoy their holidays before January hits for mid chapter and Freddy’s rework.

    Those are my thoughts. Although I am very excited for this chapter personally. I am looking forward to hearing the developer update to see the tweaks made from the ptb to live.

    Hopefully today!🥰

  • Member Posts: 999

    For the first time, I feel no hype for the killer :/ I like her appearance and design and the power is cool but it does not catch me somehow.

    The marketing for this killer was also very cheap and low. They shadow dropped the PTB on a random Thursday because Tuesday was 2v8 start. It seems like the 2v8 was more important than a new chapter which is a little bit sad. We got no teasers for this killers. I remember the Unknown teaser week and that was peak marketing, I loved that. The marketing for license characters is not very special - only a teaser picture or trailer- but that is okay because these chapters speak for themselves. An original chapter cannot do this because there is no fan base to hype. What makes me sad too, is, that this is our only original chapter for this dbd year (Vecna, Dracula, Houndmaster, license in March and next anniversary will be fnaf) and it gets a treatment like this :/. The best I can hope for is that this killer gets some good buffs and her cosmetics will be looking good. Otherwise, she might get a little fan base and players only buy her for the perks, which is not horrible but just a bit sad.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, my friend, hopefully we will get the dev update soon.

    I am really curious about Shoulder the Burden. That perk will be the reason for me to buy Taurie, if they buff it.

  • Member Posts: 353

    Devs are probably burned out

  • Member Posts: 968

    I've been feeling little or no excitement about new chapters for a long time now. Although I have >2,000 hours in the game, that's over the course of about 6 years so I am a pretty casual player (I just don't have a lot of time for video games with work and family). As a casual player, it gets pretty overwhelming learning the new killers and perks when they are cranked out at such frequent intervals. I barely get enough time to learn how to deal with the previous chapter's content by the time the new chapter is released. The game is becoming more an more unwelcoming to new players because the learning curve becomes steeper and steeper with each new chapter.

    I would love it if the number of new chapters each year was at minimum cut in half. Obviously that would require a change in the business model because BHVR relies on the revenues from these frequent chapter releases. It's not like BHVR has to create a brand new business model from scratch - there are plenty of other games out there that can be used for ideas about how to monetize content.

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    I agree my friend! How would you like them to buff it? Any ideas?

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    By removing the Exposed downside. That would already be extremely helpful.

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    oh yeah. That would be nice. So the killer doesn’t go back to the hook and is like “Oh you wanna trade hooks, that’s fine. Here’s another one” 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 895

    There's zero marketing or proper acknowledgement from the developers apart from mandatory "new character lore" or "new character perks" posts, it feels like even they dont believe in it.

    there werent any teasers, PTB was delayed without warning by 2 days (and so was the release), no devblog as it seems as well. dead silence.

    no wonder there's no hype

  • Member Posts: 3,378
    edited November 2024

    The devs specifically said they wanted it to be a surprise. This was intentional. That’s also why it released a month earlier.

    Mandy said “We just wanted to keep you all on your toes 😊”

  • Member Posts: 895

    well now nobody cares.

    though i got excited for a moment they actually decided to skip a chapter to release a more polished patch later.

  • Member Posts: 895

    The exposed downside is such a nothingburger complaint.

    All it does is just making it so the killer can still trade if they werent camping ultra hard.

    Otherwise it's irrelevant - if the killer was far enough, you'll wait out 20 seconds of exposed easily, if they were close enough to trade normally, they'd trade either way because you'd be unhooking after being hit.

    If you think they should remove it because it's going to be a reason this perk would result in thrown games, then you should look into the fact it can be used while you have 1 stage already which results into a person basically killing themselves with the perk instead of guaranteeing the killer has to go through 2 more chases to get a kill.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I think she looks great but yea, more monstrous/demonic killers plz. Her power does seem rather bland/limited, but I guess they hit the ceiling with what they can do on the current engine

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Is the new Ormond map (that looks like the setting for The Thing) not releasing for this chapter?

  • Member Posts: 999

    The new map will be released later and not on the 28th because it is not part of the chapter.

  • Member Posts: 820

    I was kinda expecting a more low-key release after all the bombshells as of late. Licences are generally considered the big deals we don't see often, and we've seen them very frequently in the past few years. That plus the fact Unknown was the other big significant original release as of note. Doomed Curse was destined for the sleeper hit status imo

    I'm happy with it, if nothing else.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited November 2024

    Frankly, i'm glad there was no buildup for this new chapter, in fact i wish we didn't have the marketing All Things Wicked had.

  • Member Posts: 895
    edited November 2024

    It equals fairplay killers with the ones that go full in.

    i mean, i wouldnt mind if devs removed the exposed effect if they also nerfed the perk's late/midgame potential to deny kills at the point of the match where it makes sense to go for it, but for now I'd rather it have at least placebo limitations.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    But that is the point of the perk. Delay another survivor's death.

    The downside is not needed.

  • Member Posts: 895


    again, the downside makes it so people dont feel like the only way to merely mitigate the guaranteed value from the perk is to camp as hard as they can. if anything, the timer should be closer to 40-50 seconds, because capitalizing on 20 seconds is very difficult, right now it's extremely forgiving.

    it gives killers that play more fair a chance to get a trade and threatens the unhooker in order to prevent them from staying under hook and getting a fast heal on the unhooked survivor if possible.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Multiple reasons:

    -no real marketing

    - she feels clunky to play

    -her design ist just woman with dog. No monster no scary entity. Just woman with dog

    - Her power is a mixture of wesker and slinger. Not really exiting.

  • Member Posts: 130

    I mean it's definitely going to be difficult to get the same level of hype as All Things Wicked, but the devs have dropped the ball on this chapter. It's fine but that's it, it's just fine.

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    To be fair - It's at least more marketing than the Lara Croft DLC.

    Honestly the whole marketing thing is without a doubt to blame from the absurd layoffs back in summer.

    I love that this chapter was a surprise!! This kind of charm is something I missed from the Year 3 era, where PTBs just sorta.. appeared out of the blue.

  • Member Posts: 969

    The only thing I miss is spotlight trailers, we don't get any since idk... chucky

  • Member Posts: 999

    In my opinion, the perk should deactivate once the killer has hooked three unique survivors because at that point the killer is not hard tunnling. The perk is healthy to deny hard tunnling but also really unhealthy because it forces the killer in an unhealthy playstyle and can punish them for even not tunnling.

  • Member Posts: 4,655
    edited November 2024

    I'm still hoping for any water-based map.

    If Bioshock is ever going to happen, then I'll be super mad if the map isn't rapture.

    This chapter feels "small". Apparently no new map, a buggy and seemingly weak killer and very few marketing overall. I'm personally not interested in this chapter at all (I'm not that huge on doggos, sorry). This might be one of the first times, I'm not going to log in on a chapter release.

    Edit: lack of dev notes doesn't help much as well.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    The killer is just bland. She isn't absolutely terrible but she isn't great either. Together with her boring visuals (I am seriously missing any horror elements about her appearance) this doesn't create any hype.

    There is no reason to be upset because the character is so broken / weak and there isn't anything particularly interesting about the chapter either, so people don't have much to say about it.

    I don't think this is worrisome though. Not every chapter they release is a huge hit but that's to be expected.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Exactly. And that the Winter-Chapter is usually the one which has the most Bugs, shows it that 4 Chapters might be too much.

    I mean, if this year the only Chapters would have been All Things Wicked, Dungeons&Dragons and Castlevania, you could say that the year was amazing. But Doomed Course really taints it a bit.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Yea, too bad it's not possible for them to create alternate looks for killers or survivors in the future.

  • Member Posts: 895

    well they doubled the exposed duration for now, so we'll see how it works out.

    i expect this perk to fall into irrelevancy for average timmy quite fast bc it takes game sense to use and not throw and most players lack that horribly

  • Member Posts: 895

    2v8 or any other similar big enough content update shouldve taken the slot of the chapter, it gives just as much player retention if not more and doesnt contribute to content bloat in main gamemode.

    as bad as 2v8 is, it wouldve been better if it replaced one of the OG chapters.

  • Member Posts: 999

    A perk does not need a high usage to be overpowered or strong. Buckle Up + FTP had an average usage but was awful and miserable to face. STB will do the same but with the exception that killer can counter this by being even more obnoxious. Slugging will become even more better because this perk also punishes killer for hooking - over the past few month hooks became more and more weaker for the killer. So in the end, the matches will become miserable for both sides in some way: either for the survivors because killers will slug more (and Slugging is the most boring and unfun gameplay) or the Killer will play fair but gets punished by their own hooks (Shoulder The Burden to remove the weak link of the game in a good SWF; Bodyblocking with OTR or DS+UB; survivor sits for 100sec on the hook and survs can greed gens). The sad part is on top of that, SoloQ will suffer the most

  • Member Posts: 895

    you're overreacting and doomposting.

    nothing will change much, this perk is just yet another second chance on the same level as reassurance, unbreakable or DS, except it has gigantic potential to throw games.

    it's not going to cause the same issue as FTP/BU where survivors robbed you out of downs with nothing you could do about that because the perk doesnt take away anything, but merely redistributes your hooks.

    in the end, it's going to be very potent perk in the hands of strong players, but no more than DS or anything like that. And unlike these perks, it would be strong ONLY in the hands of good players, especially with this deserved nerf

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