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2v8 ran its course



  • Member Posts: 40

    yeah cause survivor is so absurdly braindead and overpowered in this mode, that it is practically impossible to lose.

  • Member Posts: 40

    ah yes, so survivors can do even more flashlight saves, heal even faster and rush gens even faster on top of beeing absolutely overpowered in general.

  • Member Posts: 40

    You forgot to mention that you sit in a que for 10-20 minutes, just do get hardcore genrushed with absolutely no counterplay, because survivors in this mode are beyond overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2024

    See I don't understand where ppl are getting this idea that 2v8 is the "arcade" or "casual" mode of dbd. The times I played esp this time around, it's just as sweaty as normal dbd. In fact, you can say it's worse this time than last time with the buff survivor classes and blight and spirit being added to the killer roster. I have been mainly playing Survivor in the mode for the last two weeks(just to do the rift stuff) and I've seen so much sweat! On the killer side, I saw mainly the "meta" combo of blight & wrath or Blight & billy. I think I have seen one trapper and maybe two DSs this whole time. Then you have survivors who are running nothing but guide and medic and finishing all the gens in 6 to 8 mins. There is nothing casual about this mode, ppl are being just as competitive in this mode as in 1v4. Also, I've seen plenty of billies and blights slugging so you not getting away from that in this mode either.

    Honestly, I think a lot of y'all are just blinded by the fact 2v8 is a new shiny toy or a bad lover you think you can fix. "2v8 is so abusive but I know I can fix it" That's what yall sound like to me. I stated it before and I say it again the only reason why Im so against 2v8 is because it affects my enjoyment of the game. I can't just ignore it and pretend it's not there bc it affects 1v4 SO much. To me 2v8 is not fun on either side, the survivor is boring, and getting the double team all the time is frustrating and not fun. Then your teammates who do nothing all match and will leave you to die in a cage. Then on the killer side, queue times are 20 min long, when you do get a match it most likely will only last 8 mins with you either completely stomping the survivors or survivors genrushing you(man that 20 min wait was SO worth it wasn't it), and as a survivor,r there is a high chance your teammate is potato will not help. For Killer it's only fun if you have a friend like most coop games but as someone like myself who solos this game and has no one this mode is crap. I honestly hope this mode never is made permanent bc I really think it will eventually kill dbd if it was.

  • Member Posts: 1,280

    If it were up to me 2v8 would never see the light of day again. Easily the worst modifier they’ve done IMO.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I have been mainly playing Survivor in the mode for the last two weeks(just to do the rift stuff) and I've seen so much sweat! 

    So what exactly 'sweat' is differs from person to person, but the reason I see 2v8 as more casual is:

    1: No perks / addons / offerings

    2: Mistakes aren't as costly

    When I think of sweat, I think of a SWF running all 4 commodious toolboxes, choosing the map, and spreading out the hooks, with each person on the team having dedicated roles - or a killer running best possible addons and, again, choosing the map. I never think of sweat about what people do in the game, I expect people to play the game, but its taking advantage of those 'make them game easier for yourself' things that exist in 1v4.

    You can't do that in 2v8. On the survivor side all of the classes have value and while I think a good team would definitely have more guides/medics, but its not nearly to the level of game breaking you can do in 1v4. On the killer side this might be a little more true, , but I still don't think it reaches 1v4 levels (there also seems to be more disagreement on what the best killer combos are).

    The catch up mechanics and hooks getting spread via cages also means that a single mistake doesn't seem like it defines the game. One of the complaints about 1v4 is that the early game is so extremely important with a good / bad chase basically deciding the outcome. While early game of course matters, its not all defining.

    I stated it before and I say it again the only reason why Im so against 2v8 is because it affects my enjoyment of the game.

    That's of course fine, it just really isn't much that can discussed.

    I hated DbD before 6.1. I played it a couple of times in its early forms and totally wrote it off. I, generally speaking, like the direction BHVR has taken the game. Yes there are definitely people who think they are on the wrong track, and one day BHVR might choose to go in a direction I dislike, but that's just the nature of live service games. The designer is trying to adapt to an ever changing player base, every player has the potential of being left out of those changes.

  • Member Posts: 531

    See I have a similar definition of sweat as you that why I think chaos shuffler is much more of a casual mode than 2v8. You don't have deal with meta builds on either side bc builds are completely random. Imo perks are more the issue than add-ons or offering. Toolboxes are only a issue because there perks that make them overpower and even refill them. Here another thing that makes chaos shuffler better over 2v8, it doesn't affect queue times what so ever. Queue times are the same for both modes when chaos shuffler is achieved something 2v8 still haven't been able to do. So if I don't feel like playing chaos shuffler I can play normal mode without having to wait 20mind for a match.

    2v8 is totally more broken as well... Survivors don't need a toolbox and a genrush build when they have guide. You can't convince me that 2v8 is any more wrost or sweaty than 1v4. Also that so call catch up mechanic doesn't do anything. In fact it's one of the driving reasons why you do see more slugging bc killers are punished for doing their objective by making already fast gens even faster. That why you see only blight, billies and wraths in the mode as well bc the only way to keep up with the gens is to play a high mobility killer. As I said there is a meta in 2v8 and it's definitely not casual mode. Y'all are delusional if you think otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Let's start in the middle.

    You can't convince me that 2v8 is any more wrost or sweaty than 1v4.

    Well if you've already decided you can't be convinced, I'm not sure how helpful this is going to be on a discussion forum, but I'll do my best.

    Survivors don't need a toolbox and a genrush build when they have guide.

    Guide has pros and cons, especially depending on the killers you get. The most common reason I lose on the survivor side is the that too many of us are grouped up.

    On the other hand in 1v4, if all you care about is winning, there's very few items you'd take on the survivor side. Best toolbox, medkit + syringe and charges, key with aura reading. There's a few other variations there, but there's clear superior items.

    Also that so call catch up mechanic doesn't do anything. In fact it's one of the driving reasons why you do see more slugging bc killers are punished for doing their objective by making already fast gens even faster. 

    These two sentences don't work together. You say it doesn't work together, then say it works.

    Every game I've seen killers try and slug excessively it has gone badly for them. Basekit unbreakable.

    The catch up mechanic does its job pretty well, though it really needs to differentiate hook levels on the survivor side. Games that start one sided feel much more competitive than they do in 1v4.

    Onto chaos shuffle:

    chaos shuffler is much more of a casual mode than 2v8

    I didn't realize this was a 3 way competition between chaos shuffle, 2v8, and 1v4 for the casual crown.

    Imo perks are more the issue than add-ons or offering. Toolboxes are only a issue because there perks that make them overpower and even refill them.

    On the survivor side just take out toolbox and throw in medkit + syringe.

    On the killer side I think a lot of the high powered addons really don't depend on what perks you get.

    Here another thing that makes chaos shuffler better over 2v8, it doesn't affect queue times what so ever.

    This is just a red herring unrelated to casual topic.

  • Member Posts: 162

    I mean that is true. It baffles me how any survivors lose when doing gens is easier then ever and the loops are absurd.

  • Member Posts: 293

    I mean it's your opinion and that's fine. But I had a totally different experience in 2vs8 with much less sweat than normal dbd, people goofing around and in general being much more relaxed. And seeing how many players switch I would guess that most share that experience and rather play 2vs8.

    As to the killing DBD point: If you make a new mode that much more represents what a lot of players want DBD to be, it's obvious that the old game mode suffers in favour of the new one. But the devs being like: we made this new game mode that so many of you enjoy and play so much that the old game mode, that you dont enjoy as much apparently, lacks players. So we decides to just kill this new mode and send all of you back to the old mode to fix queue times" is imo not the right move here.

  • Member Posts: 338

    Scenes when BHVR shut down 1v4 and then think, wait a minute, we have zero revenue from selling killers and perks because you can't use any of them in 2v8! Sounds like a sound financial decision.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Believe it or not, but people exist with opinions that don't match yours.

    You might have certain problems with this mode but others maybe not. I would say it's the chaos and new classes that are pretty fun for survivors, and the ability to not play alone as well as the constant occupation of chase that are fun for killer.

    I personally enjoyed playing survivor quite a bit thanks to the chaos, and that there is a lot going on no matter what. Being double tapped by killers might not be that much fun, but otherwise, getting chased by the killer is also very fun in 2vs8, even if killers commit less in that mode.

    And for killer as mentioned, it's just nice to be able to play killer alongside someone else, and more survivors means there is even more interaction with survivors in 2vs8.

  • Member Posts: 894

    All I know is I enjoyed the first iteration much more than this one. Something's off with the balance here and I gave up after a few days.

  • Member Posts: 769

    2v8 is the only reason I play DbD anymore. I hope it sticks around and becomes a permanent game mode.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Im only to cover one part since the rest is meaningless to me.

    "Well if you've already decided you can't be convinced, I'm not sure how helpful this is going to be on a discussion forum, but I'll do my best."

    That is where we differ…Im not here to convince anyone to change their mind. In my experience, you never will change ppl minds over video games or on a forum so I don't even try. Im here to vent my feelings about a mode that ruins my experience of the game bc it makes queue times unreasonable. If you love 2v8 then more power to you and Im not going to try to change your mind on that but your enjoyment is taking away from my own bc I can't play the role I want to play. I do think ppl only find 2v8 fun bc it's new and it allows them to play with a friend but in my experience, it has been the worst mode I have played in dbd, light out is more fun imo than this mode. The mode is just as sweaty as normal, as a soloq killer you end up with bad teammates all the time, Survivor is boring bc there is nothing new to do other than do gens and heal ppl 2x as fast, and there are no mmr or matchmaking so you get SO many bad players(for a lot of matches I have died on my first cage bc no one would come to get me) and getting double team sucks esp when you have been doing well in the chase and you get punished with the other killer ambush you.

    That all I am saying, my exp with the mode has been some of the worst gaming exp. I'd rather play comp ow and deal with toxic players telling me Im bad than play 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 894

    This has been my exact experience and I just am not having fun with it this time around. I tried, I really did, but I'm not interested. I'm sorry, BHVR. Give me something more than this arcade mode, this IS NOT what I bought the game for.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Yeah same, I didn't buy dbd for this type of mod. I'd rather have chaos shuffer over this mode any day and it doesn't affect queue times as bad. I really like the comment you made about how ppl are acting like 2v8 is some bad relationship that think they can fix. Anytime I read someone's comment about how great 2v8 is all I think of is the meme of "I can fix him" No…no you can't…either way Im sorry you don't enjoy this mode as much as you did last time. I do think the first 2v8 was little better than this version since I have to admit I liked playing it when it first came out but I did get rather bored after a day or so of playing it. This time tho it been bad from the beginning.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2024

    Like Im fine with ppl just liking 2v8 and being 2v8 mains but the major issue with this mode that so many are overlooking is how it's affecting the game as a whole…You cant play Killer on either mode without having to wait up to 20 minutes in a queue. If queue times were normal then I or others wouldn't be on her complaining, we just be playing the mode of our choice and move on. Its the fact I havent been able to play killer for two weeks bc of the queue time Im so sore on this mode and kinda never want to see it again bc it affects my enjoyment of the game. Sure if it was permanently queue times may even out when ppl get tired of the mode but that could take months for that to happen and by then ppl like myself will most like uninstall the game and never come back. Going months with 20 min queues will damage the game in the long run.

  • Member Posts: 51

    this 2v8 killers got trash overall ,survivors got to many buffs while some found it fun i didnt find it fun getting 2-3 gens completed before i even got my first cage and with each cage survs get +2.5 gen repair speed while each gen only gives -5% gen repair speed which can get negated by the guide perk. ya watching survs tbagging at the gate is totally fun and breaking a thousand pallets. this mode was garbage this time.

  • This event is so much fun as a game to play when you gather with five or more friends! During the event, I played Survivor every day.

    However, as many have mentioned, it’s terrible for Killers. The wait times are too long, and it even affects the 1v4 mode.

    For now, I think it would be great if it could always be enabled in custom games.

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    It cannot for the reason of queue times be permanent. None of the modes should be. I'd be fine with some people being 2v8 Mains if it didn't literally ruin the queues for everyone who ISN'T.

  • Member Posts: 1,288
    edited November 2024

    I know the queue times are unacceptable as they are with the 2v8 on right now. I get it 100%. But sadly it's a part of it. Look back then before MMR was introduced, which turned the game into a sweat feast. Before the MMR queue, it would take like 5 minutes before you could join a match, that was how it back then. But people still played the game, if people dealt with it back then as survivors for years, I'm sure people would deal with it for the meantime. And back then the survivor was the role that would take like 5 to 10 minutes to find a match. I still remember during nighttime how long it would take to find a match, pretty much after 8 PM it would take a while to join a match.

  • Member Posts: 372

    if bots dont work then Devs are just gonna have to merge 1v4 and 2v8 Queues with a lobby dodge penalty. No more seperate gamemodes its gonna be one big playlist

  • Member Posts: 531

    We not talking about a 5 minute wait here… I would love a 5-minute queue over a 20-minute queue right now!!! 5 min is nothing compared to what we have to deal with right now. Also, I played before MMR was in the game and I honestly don't ever remember queues being as bad as they are now with 2v8, if they had trusted me I would have uninstalled the game and never came back. Also, I say it again…2v8 is just as much of a sweat feast as 1v4… that just dbd now and it's time to come to terms with that. Believe it or not, the natural life span of a pvp game..gamers will always optimize the fun out of a pvp game no matter the mode.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Running 2 killers at thr same time was so much funthat I need a break because 1v4 just seems boring in comparison.

    Once we get all the killers it'll be better

  • Member Posts: 894

    That's kind of the issue though. 15-20 minute queue times for a mode where rounds can last 8 minutes simply isn't acceptable. It's also not acceptable to see any mode gravely affect queues in the non-mode that way. And no other event or mode has EVER created the issues with 1v4 queues the way 2v8 has.

    It's a fine mode. It just cannot be permanent, like all the other events and modes. I am perfectly fine with it staying limited like it is.

  • Member Posts: 162

    Its the fact Wraith exist and if they know how to figure out where people will hooked by looking at their team mate? They can just camp and tunnel people out of the game since he's more brain dead then normal

  • Member Posts: 56

    My LastTwoWeek is the lowest ever.

    Goodbye 2vs8. May you never come back, with Lights Out

  • Member Posts: 531

    Lucky you…meanwhile my killer queues have been 15 to 20 minutes. As for a noob weighing you down you still get that ALOT in 2v8 and now the killer has to deal with it. A few times I played killer I have had potato teammates who can't even get down half of the time and I have to help them. With these ppl, I have to do all the work and I might as well be playing 1v4. On the survivor end, I have ran in so many new players as well. Here I go with an example of my experience with the mode where this happened:

    it was a match against a blight and DS, the DS chased me first at the start of the match. I ended up looping him for close to 3 to 5 minutes but during that time no gens was being worked on bc the blight was just running ppl over. I ended up going down finally and when I got cage to no surprise I was left there on 2nd stage and then finally someone got me when I was about to die, after that, I worked on gen for maybe 30sec till the blight found me and I went down quickly bc its a blight. Needless to say we lost that match and I didn't even have fun bc it was clear the DS was a new player so winning a chase against him didn't even feel good.

    Lastly, queue times are a very good reason for anyone to dismiss a mode bc long queue times hurt the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    That is where we differ…Im not here to convince anyone to change their mind. In my experience, you never will change ppl minds over video games or on a forum so I don't even try. 

    This might sound snarky, but serious question: why even post anything beyond 'I don't like 2v8 and hate where the que times end up'.

    If you want to vent, go ahead, but BHVR has actual player count numbers which are going to mean far more than posts on the forum and the que times are extremely obvious. I try to avoid discussions on 'fun' because I do think it is something that can't really be discussed, but just seems like waste of time to even be posting on a discussion forum if that's all you want to convey.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2024

    You right that does sound snarky and yeah I'm not a idiot, I know my posts aren't going to change the devs choices. That said it's my right to voice my feelings about something I don't like and that's what I'm doing. If you or anyone else has a issue with that then you can add me to your ignore list and move on. The matter fact is I hate this mode bc it has greatly affected my enjoyment of the game, a game I have put 1000s of hours in, and spent well over $100s dollars on with buying every chapter and bunch of cosmetics. I shouldn't have to deal with 20 min queue just to play one single match on the role I enjoy more. I can somewhat stomach it for a week but we going for two weeks now and if this mode was made permanent then we looking at 20 min queues for months or even longer. If that happens I will have to uninstall the game bc I won't be able to play anymore after that.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Yeah, I can't really think of other explanations. I would never play 2v8 full-time over 1v4. I only did so while it was out because it was new and because of the BP incentive.

  • Member Posts: 311

    Disagree. 1v4 is such a sweatfest now that 2v8 is the only game mode worth playing

  • Member Posts: 6,129
    edited November 2024

    As long as they keep changing the events up I'm happy with them to continue. I didn't enjoy the first iteration of Lights Out at all but the second was a bit better. Likewise with 2v8, the first iteration wasn't all that enjoyable for me but the second one felt better. They seem to be listening to feedback so I'm okay with seeing more iterations in future and see how they change them.

    And if I don't enjoy future versions then I can simply do what I've done in the past and not play it. 2-3 weeks without DBD isn't gonna kill me.

    Post edited by Nazzzak on
  • Member Posts: 1,180
    edited November 2024

    Despite the killer queues, I played basically only killer in that mode and I had an absolute blast. The game felt much less survivor-sided than the regular 1v4 mode. In all fairness, if they added every killer to the mode and made it permanent, I would never play regular DbD again.

  • Member Posts: 2,267
    edited November 2024

    I am already missing it.

    My first normal game I played was a Hag (actually before the event ended when I accidentally chose normal mode) who basement camped someone out so everyone just went next… then a Blight will full slowdown and tunnelling and the new killer which doesn't feel strong but the dog is much like Pinheads chains in holding you in place temporarily, denying the fun part of DBD for me - the looping I spent thousands of hours getting good at.

    Again I have to say I hated 2v8 but boy did that change after realising how much certain perks, killers and maps suck the fun out of 1v4. I wish they would make it permanent now, I don't think I would play 1v4 much if I had the choice.

  • Member Posts: 7

    This, I'll just hop back on only for 2v8s basically. Since the people in 1v4 are complaining about queue times when the survivor bonus was only like 50% at most 90% of the time, I am assuming the vast majority of players seemed to prefer it.

    It fixes basically all the complaints both sides normally throw out there. Wouldn't surprise me if they made 2v8 the default mode and 1v4 the competitive ranked mode.

  • Member Posts: 769

    I would love that. 2v8, for me, is reminiscent of the older days of DBD…back when I first started playing. But in 2v8 I dont have to worry about killers with a million powers, overbloat of perks, lack of pallets, etc… Its put the fun back in DBD for me. And yea, based on what I saw…2v8 is definitely the more popular game mode. Im just not sure why it hasnt been implemented as permanent yet.

  • Member Posts: 531

    What now? When was the BP bonus for survivors 50% 90% of the time? Whenever I log on the bonus is always in the 100s for Suvivor… What world are you living in? XD Sure I admit the 2v8 is popular but only with those who wanted to play killer…if it was as popular for Survivor as you and many others have claimed then why were killer queues always about 20min long? XD Btw I said this in a couple of other posts but 2v8 isn't some safe haven for casuals… it may seem like it is but given enough time it will get as sweaty and competitive as 1v4. Don't believe me? Look at other pvp games with "casual" modes they all eventually turn into sweatfests bc ppl who want to play to win or get easy wins will come in and make it competitive and beat up on ppl who are just playing for fun.

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