Love what's coming tomorrow, except

What was done to Dracula.
Hellfire's cooldown was increased 50% and the buffs to the Wolf are still the same non-existent ones.
And all his perks are still pretty useless or are not worth bringing. Dominance buff is good, but it still only blocks the object's first interaction and don't work on Pentimento totems.

I thought some of these changes would be improved or reverted. 😥


  • Dadeordye
    Dadeordye Member Posts: 188

    I have no other true/real life friends to play DbD and my friend who mains Dracula is almost considering stopping playing altogether. He is playing this game way longer than me (he introduced me to DbD) and, in his words, he's tired of this kind of decisions by BHVR team.
    That's what's worrying me. 😔

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,661

    I feel like a lot could have improved from the Ptb. This feels so little (I know, they said that further updates will arrive in the following patches). Feels like they are very busy right now...

  • Dadeordye
    Dadeordye Member Posts: 188

    Now you got me even more worried 😂
    Huge possibility of nerfs.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 209

    Yeah I feel like bat/shapeshift cooldown probably wasn't adjusted enough and the hellfire cooldown nerf just means people will use it to zone even harder instead of actually casting it. I don't think it'll ruin the character necessarily but I don't enjoy the direction either.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    Personally, I am not too excited about a perk that can add 8 hook stages to a game. Idk.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    I know personally I like to see a few more buffs to Wolf as it still feels like his weakest form. That pretty much all I care about and like to see for the dark lord.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2024

    The reason Shoulder the Burden adds extra hook stages is that it delays sacrifices by giving survivors a chance to be hooked one more time. Here’s how it works step-by-step:

    1. Total: 3 stages per survivor.
      • First stage: Alive, waiting for unhook.
      • Second stage: Struggling.
      • Third stage: Death.
    2. For example:This adds an extra stage for every activation of the perk. If every survivor uses the perk twice, that’s 8 extra hook stages total in the match.
      • Survivor A reaches second hook. They activate Shoulder the Burden, reset their hook state, and get hooked again.
      • Now, the killer must hook them four times total instead of three.
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,661

    Embrace the tunnel! Its a dark place, where most people never come backl from. Only thing you have to do to get there is to play for 3 hookstages. If you have one hookstage on another survivor before one is dead, you have to stay in the corner and think about what you have done.

    or rather what you havent done…

    And dont you dare not bring Nurse with 4 slowdowns…. 🔥🐽🔥

    You could obviously not do that and not feel the influence of this perk at all.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    Let me explain clearly why Shoulder the Burden adds extra hook stages to the game:

    1. How Hook Stages Normally Work
      • Every survivor has 3 hook stages:
        • First Hook → Second Hook → Death Hook.
      • The killer needs 12 hooks total (3 hooks per survivor) to kill all 4 survivors.
    2. What Shoulder the Burden Does
      • When a survivor is unhooked, they can give one of their hook stages back to the person who unhooked them.
      • For example, if someone is on their second hook (death hook), they can use the perk to go back to their first hook state while giving the unhooker an additional hook stage.
    3. How This Adds Extra Hooks
      • The killer now has to hook the unhooked survivor again to get them back to their second stage.
      • They also have to hook the unhooker again to reclaim the stage they gained.
      • This means the killer ends up needing more than 3 hooks per survivor, increasing the total hooks required to eliminate the team.
    4. Maximum Impact
      • If one survivor uses Shoulder the Burden, it can add 2 extra hook stages (one for the unhooked survivor, one for the unhooker).
      • If two survivors use it, it can add 4 extra hook stages.
      • If all four survivors use it perfectly, the killer could need up to 20 hooks instead of 12.
    5. Why It’s Significant
      • The perk recycles hook stages, making the killer's job harder because they have to hook survivors many more times than usual to secure kills.
  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460

    It also is once per game per character so at max its 4 swaps of a hook state. People like Vish cant read every thing as they see 1 thing that may hurt their killer sided ego and attack it.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 228

    I mean does anyone think dracula didnt need a bit of a nerf? The majority of the community views this as a good change, Dracula is still a very very strong killer.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We maybe wrong but can't survivors trade states as long as the unhooker isn't on death hook? It didn't say anything about once per survivor last we looked.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,967

    I mean, I expressly do not tunnel. So, like, while I can understand the apprehension, it's not gonna affect me.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725
    edited November 2024

    They nerfed shoulder the burden in a way that doesn't significantly change much for SWF but makes it even less viable in solo, while still rewarding the proxy camping → tunneling strat it's supposed to punish (if the killer pays attention)

    lol. lmao, even. rofl, if you will.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    Number 3, 2nd bullet point. If you hook the unhooker who used shoulder the burden they would go to 2nd hook or die, there's no "reclaiming" stages.

    It does NOT add extra hook stages, it moves them around.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2024

    You are all completely right, I mean, is a super strong perk in the sense that it extends the life of a survivor, and grants the team the possibility to define who will be at risk. Thanks all.

  • Dadeordye
    Dadeordye Member Posts: 188

    Thanks for replying Mandy 😁
    Good survs can dodge Hellfire pretty easily, so by increasing the cooldown by basically 50% it will end up being used simply as a body block tool.
    I understand you guys want that players use all of Dracula's three forms, but the buffs for the wolf are so small… maybe make it walk backwards at the normal speed, giving him a faster vault and/or making the pounce indeed break pallets faster than the common action would help people using it more.
    Wolf form not being buffed enough and even less uses of Hellfire can potentially make him only score hits with M1 and no one wants to play as only as a M1 killer.😁

    Not like these. 50% cooldown increase in his coolest power is not good.
    Maybe the problem is that with Sylph Feather it indeed becomes too "spammy", so maybe rework these add-ons would be great.
    And also rework useless add-ons like Sunglasses.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771
  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014


    However i think in the average match, solo q especially, it wont be that good.

    The only scenario i see this perk being useful is you have the opportunity to unhook a survivor who is on death hook and you have no hooks. Considering the top 2 perks being pain res and grim embrace reward hooking unique survivors, this situation isn't favoured to happen.

    Not only that but you have to also survive 40 seconds after unhooking, and i think if you are already in the scenario above you are probably playing against a killer that is playing aggressively and trying to secure that kill anyway.

    However this is looking at the perk from a point of view of all survivors hook stages have equal value. In more advanced play, you could say that depending on perks and player skill level some survivor hook stages are more valuable than others, which would make the perk more applicable.

    But like i said in the average match i dont think this can really happen and i anticipate this perk will be like unbreakable/deliverance where people wont get value of it in enough matches to justify consistently bringing it.

    I could be wrong, maybe i am missing something but this is what i think for now

  • joel84
    joel84 Member Posts: 342

    Don't get me wrong, but how much more feedback do you need?... have a look at the suggestions section of the forum. I have a feeling that 0.5% of the suggestions there are implemented (if you're lucky) .... I think that's terrible.

    On top of that: Take Otz as an example: this guy has made soo many great and awesome suggestions for all sorts of things and not a bit of it is in the game. That annoys me, because it's wasted potential (just my opninion). DBD could be sooo much better, but I get the impression that your schedule as developers is so full that there's no room for all these changes, and I find that disappointing. So why keep collecting feedback? 😔

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    The things is yes some parts of him needed nerfs like Bat but he also has parts of his kit that need buffs like wolf. This is the issue with these muiti power killers. Some parts of their kits are overturned while the other parts are underturned. In my opinion I don't mind the nerfs he got but the wolf buffs were not enough to make that power better or fun to use.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,383

    He definitely needed nerfs but they nerfed the wrong thing. It was the bat form that needed to be nerfed.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    The issue is that these nerfs are mostly going after the wrong stuff.

    What really needed to be nerfed was Bat Form, and yet the biggest nerf was to Hellfire, while Bat Form only got hit a little through the shapeshift cooldown increase. It's still going to be almost as good as it was before and have the same issues it did before, and Medusa's Hair will continue to be overpowered. That's why these changes aren't good.

    I wouldn't even be bothered if Hellfire got a slight cooldown increase and/or the two addons that shorten its cooldown were nerfed, but instead they went and increased the basekit Hellfire cooldown by nearly 50% which is too much.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 228

    Theres a fair argument for that for sure. Especially with medusas hair or whatever that gives hindered. That add on is major problem imo. I think hell fire needed a major tick down though. the cooldown on it was just way too insane that, outside of teleporting, the only form draculas spend time in is his vampire form.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460

    You can watch any streamer that tested the perk on the PTB and see its only once per player. Also the first version of it has the text once per game at the end, the update to it only changed the exposed time.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I do hope you consider looking at Ghostface more then! If not here from feedback with this, then in coming patches. I have all the faith in the world you have more planned for him, Demo, Myers, etc. and Freddy too when he gets his changes in January.

    You guys have been killing it, working hard with creating all these crazy modes, taking risks and chances, and making the experience so so so much better for Killer. Genuinely, thank you. This has been the best year of DBD I've had, both sides, genuinely. :)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Of course its gonna affect you, even though in a much milder manner. while you didn't tunnel, survivors can now protect their weakest members and take one for the team, literally shouldering the burden.

    If you have one god looper in the team, whom you never chase, because you can smell his skill from a mile away, that looper would normally be a pretty sad one, but now he can take the burden of anyone on death hook and still be pretty untouchable, with just minimally increased risk.

    Don't worry, I am no doom and gloom cryer, but I have a feeling that many downplay or not really grasp the impact shoulder the burden will have on the game. It IS a gamechanger in the truest sense of the word, the change that Reassurance could have been, if BHVR wasn't so chicken back in the days.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,967

    We’ll see. I don’t expect it will see a lot of use in mid MMR ranges once everything has settled. For now, I welcome a perk that does something entirely new.

    ’Sides, the weakest looper will remain the weakest looper, even if they get another “life”.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    they are saying the games can be forced into 12 hooks (which is the most inefficient way to spread hooks) instead of having a kill way earlier and then ending the match quickly which is pretty much how most killers are supposed to play vs survivors in equal skill/loadout environment

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 422
    edited November 2024

    And the lingering hitbox of Hellfire. And Medusa. They almost completely misunderstood what needed to be nerfed with this killer indeed.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 433

    Hellfire was fine. Its already handicapped by high obstacles, had a long cooldown and its the only thing Dracula has in Vampire form. Keep in mind other forms have both M2 and passives, but Vampire form only has the M2 with no special passives.

    The hitbox its also tight and you can pretty much bait it and dodge like any other ranged attack.

    So…what was the point on the feedback outside the new killer in the PTB feedback section..?

    Dracula Wolf changes are missing the point, honestly. Wolf form was marketed as Dracula's tracking tool, and it does terrible tracking. Most of the track is inside the chase where you don't need it. Outside the chase the orbs dont drop if survivor dont move or just walk, so the Wolf form ends being just another chase tool and even worse than Vampire.

    The changes (small CD reduction in Pounce charge time and the 1 second faster orb rate) will not help on this. Pounce will still be incredibly hard to hit and easy to dodge, will still be worse than Hellfire as a chase tool and his tracking, while it should be the thing that makes Wolf form unique, will still be subpar.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 301

    can have a steong killer that is not named nurse , blight or spireh .zhonestly they could have just done the transform speed nerf and he was fine . Wolf is still mid and very situational

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    You dont know how dispointed I was when I open the dev blog yetserday and saw nothing for the killers they touched in the ptb esp the dark lord. Im with you, whats the point of feedback when all they going to change is the new killer and that's it.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 433

    Well they have said that they will have the hotfixes to change the rest, but… i dont get then why we gave them feedback in the PTB forum.

  • Bleakbtw
    Bleakbtw Member Posts: 24

    Thank you Mandy! I really hope to see some changes to Medusa hair/Lapis combo as well as some incentive to use Hellfire. I personally feel shapeshift could go to 3 seconds but other than all the other add-on changes from my other post you guys are doing a good job! <3 Wolf is in an amazing spot right now.

  • Dadeordye
    Dadeordye Member Posts: 188

    I think Lapiz Lazuli is a menace only when paired with Medusa's Hair. If you tweak the latter this "issue" would be solved.
    BUT I think every number they change in Medusa's will make it trash. The effect should be completely changed.

    Would be nice if they tweak some of his weak and useless add-ons also. Both his Iri are useless. The pillars don't even make a 15º turn with the Ring and Alucard's Shield create holes on the floor that make dodging the pillar pretty easy. Only chance to score a down with the latter is if the surv run blind and reckless through the door or if they can't outmaneuver right after a hit because of the speed bonus and end up being hit by a pillar.
    Sunglasses, as I've said prior in this thread, is completely useless.

    Wolf is still meh.
    At least give it backwards walk a normal speed and faster pallet break with the pounce.

  • Bleakbtw
    Bleakbtw Member Posts: 24

    I agree it is the synergy rather than Lapis itself, I do believe Lapis could go to 10 secs there is no reason for him to have a perk in 1 addon and my original suggestion was to rework Medusa into a screaming add-on (since it does fit medusa as a character as well because people scream before they turn into stone) basically like current Medusa but instead of hinder they would scream and reveal location it would be good for information, protection objectives and etc.

    I also agree as well for his Iridescent add-ons; Newer Dracula players will try out Ring of Vlad when its not even worth of the iridescent rarity and get too dependent on it and will often not really learn how to use Hellfire in general. I personally like sunglasses though, but I do believe they should make sunglasses base-kit and rework it into something else. I also don't like the concept of Alucard's shield; its really good just you primarly have to use a endgame build or its eh.

    Wolf in its current form right now is a chase monster, especially with killer doll and force you get your power back asap and can two tap like crazy.