Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


Member Posts: 214
edited December 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Solo Queue is too miserable to go back to… 2v8 had soo many funny moments :,D just memeing around with the mates some fun and exciting chases (even when both killers wanted your ass) It was just overall a blast and not a sweatfest whatsoever. Tons of pallets but still at times quite challenging especially when the killer team were a duo.

Overall I enjoyed it a lot and will most likely only go back to playing the game when 2v8 becomes a permanent thing.

Lemme hear your thoughts on the matter :) Not having to face Pain Resonance + Dead Mans every single game and the killers actually going for chases and not really caring too much about the result of the game felt rather refreshing.

Anyways have a great day and cya :)

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 130

    Having 2v8 permanent would be so great. That would be if the queue times weren't horrible and made me not even want to play killer. I get the argument that a lot of people just want a casual mode but it just destroys the ability to play how the game was intended to play.

  • Member Posts: 707

    I like how 2v8 made it less likely to get endgame moried, and that I could farm items.

    Other than that, I'm thankful it's gone. I really don't like how it takes away the feel of the main game in favor of a chaotic arcade-like mess.

  • Member Posts: 1

    They should bring 2v8 back for much longer, or myb permanent, being killer alone is kinda boring sometimes, and i had so many good moments playing 2v8!!!

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Yeah, i need 2v8 like...YESTERDAY!! But I'm over the incremental additions, I need all the killers or give me nothing at this point.

    I need Resident Evil matches. I need the licenses. I can't handle seeing Wraith/Huntress all the time.

    Idc if it's balanced or even functioning properly

  • Member Posts: 894

    I'm doing just fine in 1v4. 2v8 for the sake of queue health needs to be non-permanent.

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited December 2024

    no thanks I love to loop and not be double tapped.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    For a supposedly casual mode, I could not get survivors to farm with me at all. They hugged gens and it was a 10+ minute wait for a 4 minute game and no progress on the Skilled Huntress achievement. So, other than finishing the 2v8 tome, I played DbD not at all. None. For me, playing survivor was just all the problems of 1v4 multiplied by 2.3 with no lute, and killer was too long of a wait for a match that was all gen-hugging and no goofing off. Plus, no Lightborn. I'm console and always fighting performance issues, I don't play without Lightborn if I can help it.

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited December 2024

    I quite frankly no longer care what Survivor players want nor about being fair to them or giving them ANYTHING to make the game better for them whatosever. They're all routinely awful when I'M Survivor. 9/10 times my games are ruined by terrible Survivors, cocky Survivors, Survivors throwing the game on hook, Survivors leading Killers to me because they don't like my playstyle.

    Survivor Mains are miserable people and I'm glad I'm not one of them, preferring a mix of both. None y'all are people I wanna hang out with, I'd rather 4stack every single round. It's to the point I actively dread playing with anyone less than a 3 stack, because I just know I will get either cocky high level Survs, or potatoes for randoms that don't try. And I am NOT going to take being abused in the endgame chat by another high and mighty Survivor Main SoloQ random telling me to and I quote, "delete the game, you Trash Nicolas; you're actual cancer, you're what's wrong with the game" against a tunnelling Chucky I had no chance against because I was going for the Nic Cage adept.

    I'm GLAD the Survivor winrate is only 40% with people like these in my lobbies. Because the more I see of people like this in the Fog when I'm Surv, the more I want them to lose, lose, lose until they have no fun and are taken down several pegs.

    Post edited by SidneysBane1996 on
  • Member Posts: 745

    No! It tanked the killer queues in normal 1v4 game. And besides, the second iteration on 2v8 was abysmal

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I only kind of liked the first go, really enjoyed the second. I hope it comes back soon, but it still needs improvements.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah solo queue is miserable lately and I am getting a lot of the killers I absolutely despise versing whereas they aren't even in 2v8

    I am feeling another break from DBD coming on as I am starting to not have fun at all again

  • Member Posts: 894

    Taking a break is always healthy, I sat out most of 2v8 and am just now coming back for Bone Chill. No pressure to win whatsoever, I know I'll be rusty.

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