Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

What the hell were devs thinking?

Member Posts: 311
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Dear Devs,

This killer is absolutely miserable to go against. Can you tell me why it's so necessary to have a teammate help you escape the hounds grip? This killer is gonna destroy what's left of solo queue.

Once again we have a situation where you appeal to groups that play together. If you're not appealing to these groups you're appealing to some silly made up comp scene or to sweaty players.

This chapter is the definition of the term "absolutely miserable"

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 18

    II really hate this killer too. He has a lot of unnecessary powers. Especially getting away from him, the dog. But also, you can't even hide. It has this radius that even if you're hidden, the dog finds you and the dog runs in front of the killer and catches you all the time.

  • Member Posts: 127

    I see this killer as being one that is especially punishing on casual, solo and newer players, especially with looping being more challenging and the "merciless storm for healing." I've had multiple games against her, and while I didn't have a bad experience, I could tell some of my soloq teammates did. There were games where one of more people would dc fairly early, one person did so literally at the start of the match when they realized it was her. Made me feel like I was in a skull merchant trial LOL.

    To me, her power is very similar to Pinheads. And a lot of killers are going to struggle to use the dog effectively. I think she's going to be one of those killers that will be low tier in the hands of the average player, but high tier near godlike in the hands of a highly skilled player. Just like how Shoulder the Burden will be next to useless in soloq, but powerful as hell when used by a well coordinated swf.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    To be fair, my friend, a character can be both weak and unfun to go against at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.

    Houndmaster just feels like a slightly less obnoxious Cenobite, in my opinion, and even if you escape every time the match won't be interactive at all.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I really hate that the dog is just a clunky projectile … of course it wouldn't be fair if he had a Knights companions-level chase potential, but he is supposed to be a mean hunting dog, and if he misses a survivor by 2 inches, he just stops in his tracks? Even though thats just the mechanical part of her power, thats so jarring…

    I haven't played against her yet, but nearly every match as her was painful. The Adept was probably one of the most painful ones and defiitely the worst in a long while. Plague was somewhat tougher, because her power was detrimental towards gaining emblems back in the days, but oof, Houndmaster with only her three base perks was definitely no fun. I barely managed to eek out a 4K against a duo and two solos, where the first one found killed themselves on hook. It was not my proudest moment, but I just wanted to get the adept out of the way.

    Though the amount of salt I garnered after that game was off the charts.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    She's underrated in my opinion but only because so many people make her sound like F tier when she's more like C minus. She's not strong at all; the search command allows her to patrol quickly and the chase redirect can catch survivors off guard but she's still weak. If anything, my first impression is she needs a buff.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Heh, my worst experience trying to get an adept was, by far, Blight. That one I actually regret going for.

    As for Houndmaster, I can almost guarantee the survivors were not having fun, even if they escaped. The killer power just functions like Cenobite or Deathslinger, and that isn't fun at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,389

    Over the past I-don't-know-how-many-updates-at-this-point I noticed something of a pattern;

    survivors tend to complain about mechanical, fixed aspects that won't change no matter how good or bad you or the other player is. Tbh, haven't played the ptb or release day, but if to get rid of the dog you need a) a teammate or b) a pallet, then both of these come with a problem. In SoloQ you don't have a teammate on hand in an absolute overwhelming number of situations (read: nearly always). Alright, so as a solo you can use a pallet. Given the overall reduction of pallets on maps and the increasingly ridiculous placement, finding a usable pallet a few minutes into the match tends to be pretty hard. No amount of skill will change that.

    The responses (here too) tend to then go in the direction of "just don't get X" (in this case grabbed by the dog) or "it's so weak it doesn't matter lol". Both not addressing the actual criticism.

    killers on the other hand tend to complain about how a killer is "just M1 because the power is useless", that the killer "feels clunky" and that "the killer is D tier at best" — nothing of that is tangible, which - at least to me - screams "I haven't figured out the power yet" aka these are first impressions of someone who has no clue how to use the killer yet and comes from a place where they have another killer figured out and now expect to just be there within a few hours on a new killer. That ain't how killers work.

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    You can literally stun yourself out of the dog while he drags you through one, otherwise he works like deathslinger but with even more counterplay because someone else can help you escape in 2 seconds . She's so bad to play it's not even funny, there's no reason the dog would have to be even worse xD

  • Member Posts: 819

    I am sorry op but honestly I to agree with everyone that she is not too bad, I was thinking she be pinhead 2.0. but he is far more stronger and more annoying than her and even pre dropping works nice against her like her boyfriend the clown.

    The dog will vault the drop pallet and all you simple do is move just even a few inches to the left or right to dodge and it becomes stuck lol. Knight was even more a menance than her.

    I only lost to 2 out 10 of them so far and that was cause my teammates was ofc bad looping which your to expect 90% of solo q. She is actually weak for real lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    That's a hottake? That's just logical for me, but apparently not for bhvr xD

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