New Killer Still Better Than Trapper

They are about equal. Trapper I would argue is better.
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Trapprr can at least not be clunky to play.
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Is it that bad?
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If Myers actually gets buffed and Freddy and Skullie end up having a proper rework,he may end up the only resident of d tier by mid 2025
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It's early yet but she does feel weak. Like bottom 3 killers weak.
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She weaker than Trapper.
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not sure about that, I've never really played trapper because I don't like placing traps and force people into them, but I'm sure that he would be better than her if I played him a lot more xD
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No, it really isnt. Houndmaster is not a bad Killer at all. Granted, she is not really exciting or strong, but people comparing her to Trapper are just exaggerating.
I think she will end up like Twins in the future, just less extreme. Meaning, she is not as strong as Twins, but still decent, but she will also not be quite as unpopular as Twins, but will still have a very low pickrate.
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From the few times I watched her being played on stream (while having it open in the background for twitch drops), she didn't seem that bad. Thx for confirming my assumption.
I won't be playing her because I don't get along with dogs (sorry), but I hope that the people playing her have a good time.
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100% nowhere near!
I agree with anyone saying shes not a bad killer…. shes atrocious… at best
The pure jank on the dog not doing what the aim says its going to do ruins any chance of her being half decent
I'll try to give the benefit of the doubt in assuming was never ready to have been released from PTB state
Otherwise easily worst killer in the game!
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Houndmaster can use Search ability as a speed boost for map traversal as well as a decent detection tool. I'm pretty sure someone better than me could effectively use it to get speed boosts on loops.
Her Chase ability is decent if you are good at aiming it, and I've snuck some nice hits/zones for survivors running to pallets, and I've also found that if you know youre not gonna get a lunge at pallet, you can still throw Snug at the survivor to get them to spend it stunning him instead of you.
She's not especially strong, she's not gonna rival the upper Echelons of the tier lists; she's effectively an m1 killer with a decent movement hinder ability that is an alright anti loop/zoning tool, some map traversal and some detection. I'd probably tenatively put her in the same line as Clown thus far. Has some good tools, but also some glaring weaknesses.
Maybe if Snug had a small amount of invulnerability frames immediately after biting or something so he's more consistent at those really tight hits under pallet... or even if he just stunned the survivor for 0.5s after jitting a survivor so they can't immediately start running again after cracking a pallet on his head... but I've not played enough games yet to get a proper feel.
What I will say is she's surprisingly fun... I thought this killer was gonna be a pain for controller, but it's surprisingly decent on console. Haven't had much in the way of Snug glitches though myself, which helps.
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I am not some one to jump to conclusions, but on a viability standpoint shes definitely at the very bottom for me. Her power is not only clunky and inconsistent, but its highly map dependant.
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Idk about strenght but playing her is worse than playing trapper, when I play trapper I know I will lose but when I set a trap it works. When you send the dog and it doesnt even dash, or the path shown is not actually the way the dog goes, that is infuriating.
Like why would you play a worse deathslinger, that is buggier,clunkier, takes more effort and sometimes plainly doesnt work?
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Trapper's traps don't drag survivors to pallets and they can't drop pallets whilst in them so im inclined to disagree
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Isnt that an argument for trapper tho? As if the dog drags someone to a pallet theyll just stun it and get freed, in fact it can help the survivor, unlike trapper.
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Yes it's an argument for trapper, the discussion is "Houndmaster > Trapper"
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I really enjoy playing her a lot. She will likely be my second official main. However, she needs some bug fixes for sure and tweaks. Maybe a small buff, but other than that, I personally quite enjoy her.
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yes it is