Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Couldn't say any better (from Tatariu)

Member Posts: 197
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously buff Legion feral frenzy speed to at least 6m, cause now its painfully slow.

For example how slow Legion is

  1. Wraith 6 m/s (Cloaked)
  2. Pig 6.9 m/s (ambush)
  3. Blight 9.2 m/s (rush)
  4. Oni 7.82 m/s (demon dash)
  5. Spirit 7.04 m/s (phase)
  6. Billy 10.12 m/s (chainsaw)
  7. Houndmaster 6.m/s (while walking a path)

And one of that should be a reason why Legion feral frenzy speed should be increased

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  • Member Posts: 197

    I just make example of killers who is much faster than legion and they have one more thing common, all of them stronger than legion. I mean its just a joke when Hillbilly is 10m, can instadown and Legion is 5.2 and only can cause deep wound

  • Member Posts: 239

    No thanks

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Honestly, I saw the changes he'd do to the Legion, and they seem quite fair.

    Also, just because a killer is not difficult to play, doesn't mean they have to be Trapper level bad. Of course, they can't be S tier (ahem, OG Spirit) but making them not pathetic won't hurt anyone.

  • Member Posts: 895

    sigh…stronger where in whose hands?

    again, I repeat myself, Legion is a character for newbies. People who suck at the game. Who are new at the game. Who lack all the baggage of experience and mechanical skill people normally develop to make other killers strong. Who get overwhelmed by having to manage a power that suddenly makes them blind. Or takes away their attack until they slow themselves down again. Or makes them aim some weird line and do it again in a second.

    And these people normally play against same kind of survivors. Who are still scared of the terror radius. Who dont know how to play tiles. Who fall for every conceivable mindgame. Who heal over and over against a killer whose entire power is running fast to red and getting free hits. And who takes precisely zero skill to do that because everything you have to learn about this killer you learn in a tutorial where they explain to you how to walk and lunge.

    I understand you and other people forget new or actually bad players exist, but they do. And the Legion is a basic flashy character that exists specifically for people like that who don't want to put too much effort into learning the game and just want to play casually in their pool.

    If you main Legion and got out of the beginner zone, you should not be surprised when the basic beginner killer stops being viable because their design inherently has no room for skill growth and thus cannot offer any better reward. When Legion's power will have skill expression, he will simultaneously become more viable. Simply giving him more strength to his basic power is not a good idea.

  • Member Posts: 895
    edited November 2024

    yeah and none of them involve giving him 20% speed increase in frenzy.

    they're mostly QoL changes with minor buffs and sidegrade changes. Nothing that really simply boosts Legion's power by a huge margin. If anything, that's what I was talking about in the post before - the biggest changes don't really make Legion stronger, but they enable more skillful plays like pausing the power with break actions which is what also enables Legion to scale better in higher skill lobbies without causing issues on the level where he was designed for.

  • Member Posts: 843

    No thanks me mending 100 times per match is already enough. Legion has what no other killers has and that is fast vaults of windows and pallets, even wesker cant just fast vault unless he power on a pallet and window.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    I'm ok with giving Legion something but not this. Legion is already boring to go against and this would mean more mending and more often.

  • Member Posts: 197

    He sad in his legion update and in his videos with change suggestions that biggest Legion weakness is slow feral frenzy. And he suggest buff it 6m or make killer instinct triggered on oblivious survivors (for furtive chase, machine learning value). Cause not only he is slow, hes also cant rely on perks that give haste.

  • Member Posts: 895

    then i take my words back, his suggestion is awful for the reasons stated above in original comment & the one that followed it.

  • Member Posts: 197

    Hes base kit speed in frenzy can be okay, if he can use perks such as machine learning, furtive chase and etc., but for some reason killer instinct doesnt work on survivors who is oblivious that is stupid. If devs doesnt want to buff base kit speed they at least should make them get value from haste perks (and it is possible from game code moment, cause susie mixtape exist and for some reason not at least half base kit)

  • Member Posts: 895

    My point stands.

    Legion could use QoL changes or minor buffs that increase skill ceiling, but plain massive power buffs that do not correlate with increasing his skill ceiling are a huge no. Which was the original topic of this post, not minor stuff like KI on oblivious survivors

  • Member Posts: 758

    Any killer will be OP against bad survivors, maybe let's not build balance based on the 1% weakest survivors legion needs buffs and if you think that +0.8 speed in the ability buff to C/D tier killer is a lot, then you are mistaken

  • Member Posts: 895
    edited November 2024

    any killer will be op if played by good player against bad players. that's not what im talking about. please read what im saying again.

    i repeat, legion is already very powerful in the hands of a bad player who is facing other bad players because of the way his power is designed - very basic, easy, straightforward and the counterplay being entirely a knowledge check + full m1 killer chase skill curve which both contribute to this killer being a killer for noobs to win against noobs.

    i cannot make this more clear.

    we are not balancing the entire game around bad players. we're acknowledging that some characters are fundamentally designed to be balanced around bad players, just like other characters are fundamentally designed around good or even excellent players. that's how killer design in this game is. you got the short end of the stick, it sucks being you, it cant be helped, find a better main or stop caring.

  • Member Posts: 758

    Once again, any noob killer is generally stronger than a noob survivor, this is not an argument, imagine if there was a survivor who had only 1 hook stage, and when asked why the hell we have a survivor with 1 hook stage, let's give him 2, the killers would come running and they started saying that this is normal and this survivor doesn’t need buffs

    the plague is much better at inflicting wounds + gains strength for the attempt of survivors to recover, at this time the legion is slower than an elderly lady with a dog and a cane and its wounds are many times easier to avoid

  • Member Posts: 895

    sigh, ive established my point, i dont see the reason to go in circles. have a good day.

  • Member Posts: 197

    He is actually slower than survivor when vaulting a window, so even in this aspect he is bad. So Legion need serious amount of buff, cause now his power is very simple to counter, if all survivors separated hel never get his 5 hit, so increasing speed should help with that

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