4 organized with comms that know everything about the other vs one that has no clue and cant do nothing to defend himself.
TRY to change my mind YOU WONT BE ABLE TO ;)
"TRY to change my mind YOU WONT BE ABLE TO ;)"
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Edit: I misread the title as "crybully" oops
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On a linguistic level, it’s fascinating how “literally” has become something of a homonym, in that it seems to have become interchangeable with “actually”. This kind of Semantic Shift seems especially common in English. It’s to be expected, given the innumerable amount of external influences, especially now that English has more or less become the language of the internet.
I also have a somewhat related etymological fun fact about blackbirds, if anyone’s interested
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!subscribe-to Bird Facts
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And your suggestion is……??
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Why is this the only game people moans so much about people rather playing with family and friends than with rage quitting solo q baby Timmies, can anyone tell me please?
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statistics say killers face duo/solo que players 80% of the time and vast majority of bigger groups and just friends goofing off. info can be strong but you arent facing a real sweat squad like 1/200+ games.
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It really aint tho
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Well i played evil dead I dont hear demons complain on swf just survivors in general, I played re resistance, I do not hear master minds complaining of swf just surviviors in general I play tcm I do not hear family complaining about swf only victims in general. Identity v no complaints about swf. So am trying to see which other games do people qq on swf other than dbd.
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Ok, so, this is largely related to the common blackbird, or eurasian blackbird. Turdus Merula, if you want the scientific name.
Take this male:
You’ll look at this bird and think: That’s a black bird, alright. It has a strikingly not-black beak and a similarly coloured ring around the eyes, but otherwise, it’s a black bird. Good. Makes sense.
But then we look at a female blackbird:
Hm. Black isn’t how I would describe this one. So that's already roughly half of all common blackbirds… not actually black.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m also able to name at least 3 other birds that are also black within the same range. One of them being a species that we, as DbD players, are very familiar with. Crows.
Take this carrion crow. Other than maybe jackdaws, these are easily the most common crow across western Europe, the same range as the blackbird.There’s some iridescense going on in the wings and the back, but you don’t need me to tell you that these crows are entirely black birds. Moreso than the male blackbird, anyway.
Moreover, carrion crows aren’t sexually dimorphic, which means that males and females don’t have any easily identifiable differences in their appearance.So… what’s up there? Why did blackbirds come to be called that, when there’s other, blacker birds in the same range?
Well!The Old English meaning of ‘bird’ was actually a bit more specialised. Where ‘bird’ means any and all feathered creature now, back then, ‘bird’ only referred to birds of a smaller size.
Larger birds were called ‘fowl’. You can still see this in ‘waterfowl’ and ‘peafowl’, for example. Crows fell under ‘fowl’ as well. I’m not sure what the threshold between bird and fowl was, but I imagine it was somewhere around the wood pigeon.
So then, since our sweet little turd(us) bird was the only commonly known small black bird back then, it could get away with simply being called ‘blackbird’. Effectively just meaning ‘small black bird’.
Both blackbirds pics are from:
Carrion crow pic from:
Post edited by GentlemanFridge on5 -
My expression everytime I load in 😂
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That's some pretty cool linguistic history! Thanks for the bird facts!
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If were talking about games with an actual playerbase, there are plenty of competitive games where people who primarily play solo dont like being queued with people who are in party (even if that party is on their team)
Those games you mentioned have a loyal and experienced playerbase who know better. There are plenty of less experienced players in this community who just blame other factors instead of trying to improve themselves.
What should be complained about is matchmaking, which is what the issue is really about since 4 solo's who are on the same page (rare, but it does happen) are almost just as effective as people on comms.
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I don't think you know what the word "literally" means
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The ones who complain about SWF are bad and SWF demonstrates how bad one is. Change my mind. 🤡 People would complain about SWF less if SoloQ wasn't a clown show.
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So what Im getting out of this is that black birds are like goldfish
false advertisement
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So I take it you have no problem handling SWF teams as killer, right? I'd love to see some of your gameplay so we can all learn from your amazing skills
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ok but what if he does
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I'd bet money that this player cannot back up their trolling. Nobody ever does
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….Most people don't seem to have any issues
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I always enjoy seeing your bird posts randomly included in threads where people are complaining about dumb game stuff. It's like finding an oasis after spending hours hiking through a desert that smells like farts.
Keep up the good work.
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I appreciate the kind words!
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In trying to figure out what actually differentiated a bird and a fowl, I discovered I was actually sort of wrong here. More precisely, I misremembered speculation as fact. Either way, a correction is in order. My example of a term being generalised still applies, tho.
Basically, in Old/Middle English (up to 15th century), a 'bird' was not a small bird per se, but a young bird. So, a chick or fledgling. This still makes 'blackbird' as a name of a species highly ususual, though, since it still should've been described as a fowl.
Regarding blackbirds specifically, then, there's a theory from the Oxford English Dictionary that the name came in roughly a full century later (late 15th century. Essentially, we've left Middle English and are now well into Middle English). Apparently, in this period, the 'bird' in 'blackbird', referred to what we now call songbirds specifically. Blackbirds, being part of the thrush family, are quite remarkable singers, especially in breeding season.
However, that same theory would then imply that corvids (which is to say, crows, ravens, rooks and jackdaws specifically), while most certainly black, were not considered songbirds back then.
This conflicts with our modern classification of songbirds (passeriformes), which does contain all corvids.
Either way, it still indicates that over the centuries, the term 'bird' was generalised into referring to all avian critters. So, like, my original point stands, as does my example, just not the way I thought it did.
Post edited by GentlemanFridge on2 -
Now explain it in DBD terms, I dare ya, friend!
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It's not even the weekend yet lol, they are starting early this week
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I’d give it a shot, if I knew what ‘it’ you’re referring to there.
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I don't know; when I go on a killer kick for a week or two, I'll find myself up against what appears to be swf after swf. That assessment could just be wrong and high level survivors are just bringing items, perks, and offerings that appear to be coordinated along with frequent coordinated outfits. Some of those can also definitely just be duos or luck too.
There are also times when it's confirmed that certain groups are swfs because you face the exact same 4-person group multiple times in the same night. Anyway, I suspect that at some point, this does start to happen more frequently, though of course I could just be judging my survivors wrong :)
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The semantic shift you were talking about, friend.
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I can't post proof of me handling a 4 Man because there is no validation they are a 4 Man. 🤡
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I must preface that 'semantic shift' is a rather broad term, encompassing multiple possible kinds of 'shifts' or movements, if you will. DbD as a whole has many terms that have shifted in one way or another, though most happened quite quickly as perks were added, metas shifted, etc..
Take the Memento Mori offerings. The phrase itself is fairly well-known in pop culture, though it has little to do with the actual act of killing someone. In the English-speaking part of the DbD community, the term 'mori' was adopted as the finisher kill we call it now. The Memento part was dropped entirely in common parlance, presumably out of convenience.
Initially, a 'mori' referred to the offerings alone. Over time, it came to refer to not just the offerings, but the action itself too. "I'm getting mori'd". In gameplay terms, this meant you were eliminated from the game prematurely. This was adopted at a larger scale when different methods of 'mori'ing' were added. Devour Hope, and Myers' Tombstone add-ons initially, then Pyramid Head's and later Sadako's powers as well. I believe Pig's RBT kill was also referred to as a mori for a while, but that didn't stick.
In-game, the action was always referred to as simply 'kill', or 'kill by your own hands' in dailies and tomes. The term 'Mori' wasn't found anywhere, except in the offerings.
Until the big store overhaul. There's this button now, called 'View Mori'. The term now officially refers to not just the action, but the animation itself as well. Individual killers can have multiple mori's now.
Where way back when, 'Trapper has two mori's' could only mean that your Trapper has two Memento Mori offerings in his inventory. Now it refers to the fact that Trapper has two potential mori animations; his regular one and Naughty Bear's.
Even more interestingly, though I can't exactly observe it properly myself, is that in Asian regions, it isn't called 'mori'ing'. At first glance, that makes sense: maybe the offerings were localised, so the term isn't going to naturally occur without influence from English.
What I find fascinating, then, is that their equivalent of the term is 'I'm being memento'd'. Memento'd. Remembered.
Post edited by GentlemanFridge on0 -
Hahaha, well done friend!
This was interesting to read.
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It isn't a clown show it's a full on raging dumpster fire next to the nuclear plant. It's that bad and it's all I play. Players go in toxic because they have been met with toxic gameplays.