Thrill of the Hunt

I might be jumping the gun a bit here, but this perk seems like it's s almost on par with original Undying. If the killer has any sort of detection or mobility power, you CANNOT cleanse hexes. SWF may be able to coordinate synchronised cleansing, but this buff hurts solo players IMMENSELY.
I had a match today with Thrill and Pentimento
Yeah it was miserable. I went next with no guilt
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This is probably their attempt at shaking up the meta by trying to force survivors to bring totem cleansing perks like counterforce which won’t work as the comment above mine shows. People will just go next
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Absolutely. Speaking as someone that loves using Hex builds, I think they went too far on this.
4% more per token might not seem like much, but it's 20% in total. Not only that, the cleanse time increase is not linear, since rather than increasing the time to cleanse, it decreases the cleansing speed. So we go from 14 / .5 = 28 seconds with old Thrill, to 14 / .3 = 46.6s now. Blessing a Hex with Thrill on 5 tokens taking a whooping 93.3 seconds, more than a gen.
Between how strong Blood Favour, Crowd Control, Devour, Ruin and Pentimento are as well as the existence of Undying and the - also now buffed - Dominance, I don't think this is healthy. Especially considering that various killers can be oppressively good at protecting their totems (such as Singularity, Demogorgon, Knight, Doctor, Pinhead, Trapper, Hag, Twins, Artist, any high mobility killer, …). Face The Darkness, Pinhead that has the Configuration add-on/knows its spawn logic, Doctor with big static blasts/Interview Tape can make it downright impossible to cleanse totems.
I like that they want to buff Thrill. But I'd rather see something like the explosion notification returning when a survivor touches a Hex totem (albeit with a cooldown of a couple of seconds per totem), or even a slight increase to pallet break, window vault and pick-up speeds or even hit and pallet stun recovery per token.
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I might considering using Counterforce for now, it takes FOREVER to cleanse one single totem…
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solo players having poor coordination cannot be account for in the balance of the game. it has to be balanced around swf and coordination(good play) and not balanced around bad play because if it is balanced around bad play than whenever killer faces good play, the item in question is not balanced properly and has poor power-level to the point of irrelevancy.
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If that were the case, why did almost every player unanimously agree that Eruption needed nerfed? SWF could counter it, does that mean that 20 seconds of being unable to do ANYTHING as survivor was fair?
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because it was agree to be too strong vs swf. I personally did not think it was too strong because time sink to kick gens needs high rewards to merit the risk /opportunity cost of entering chase sooner. surprise, surprise, the perk is seen very little. base-kit gen-kick rewards are too little and perk isn't good enough to stand on its own.
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I love Hexes and decided to test Hex builds with the Huntmaster and her scream add on for 6 hours straight while my brother watched. Worst game was a 2k against a super stack. It’s gonna be everywhere once YouTubers start making videos on it.
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Because you should always balance the game around what the best players are capable of, not the average player.
Do you think nurse needs a nerf too?
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I'm sorry but I really don't have the energy to try and justify why this buff is not healthy to someone that thinks Eruption was balanced
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Maybe they should try 12%. This would be 35 seconds at 5 tokens which is still a buff from what it was before, but not as insane.
The old notification now would probably be too much in combination with the cleansing speed even if reverted back to 10%/token. Demo's Lifeguard Whistle which just got nerfed for that exact reason is evidence enough of that, so it'd probably still be too abusable on certain killers.
Back when it had the notification the cleansing speed penalty was only 30% at max (it was 6% per token), which is only 20 seconds of cleansing time.
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Yeah, unless there's a notable cooldown of 20 or so seconds on the notification, I agree, it'd not be feasible in this day and age where many killers exist that can quickly or instantly return to their totems or force survivors off by other means, as well as with the power level of various Hexes today. Even back in the day Thrill + Devour was broken on Nurse and Billy, people just fortunately almost never used them.
12% would certainly be more reasonable, although personally I would like if "Thrill Of The Hunt" did something for, well, the hunt. So a couple of % faster pallet breaks, window vaults, hit or stun recovery, hell, faster Bloodlust acquisition. Just a neat little something to make it more attractive to run beyond protecting other Hexes that actually do something.
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Just got back from a DbD break, what did they do to thrill?
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This is the fastest way to kill a game. WoW had that mentality in shadowlands and that xpac nearly killed the game.
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of course your going to tell me that deleting a killers entire perk build quickly is fair and balanced. It is like What the heck BVHR, Why can't i delete my opponent perk load out easily with no effort? rigged.
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Just bumped into a Dracula that tunneled at 5 gens with Pentimento, Thrill of the Hunt, Undying, Blood Favour 5 mins ago, literally unplayable, I closed the game after we got destroyed.
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Why do single players always get dragged into every little thing? This is so ridiculous. How about this one?: Remove everything directly and put the murderer in a corner..... It's always the same here in this Forum. SWF players will ALWAYS have an advantage no matter how well the developers balance the game. Imagine if solos were on the same level ?.... for crying out loud.
It would be hell, im sry
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Counter force: Even through thrill by the time you cleanse the 2nd one you already counteracted thrill there is no stack limit so eventually you get to the point of doing totems in literal seconds.
Post edited by Brimp on4 -
Thrill was already in a good spot prior to this buff if you ask me, couple this with Pentimento being a meta staple now and one of the newest perks that blocks a totem the first time someone touches it for an extra 15 seconds yeah I can see hex builds getting really irritating
Pentimento builds are even stronger now if you use thrill
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Basically they removed all the extra bp bonuses from perks like no one left behind, thrill etc and gave them a small compensation number buff. In thrill of the hunts case, it went from 10% slower cleansing speed per totem to 14%. From 50% to 70%
This also causes a bit of an issue with one of thrill's built in counter-measures; cleansing dull totems to weaken it. Since Pentimento is a meta staple for many killers/builds right now, it's an extremely bad idea to go around cleansing dull totems. Especially if you're wasting a lot of time in the process.
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Do you think nurse needs a nerf?
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Maybe they should delete every hex perk, I mean, is not convinient cleansing totems. Lets do that.
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Just faced a Nemesis using a totem build, with zombies also helping, he was completely carried by this perk, the soloQ team was running for for minutes at a time but the constant cleaning and pentimento dragged the game on for so long I gave up.
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And at this point the game is lost. Seriously, Survivors dont have that much time anymore to do Side Objectives. If you spend your time cleansing Totems the whole game, the game is basically lost. But yay, you can cleanse Totems in seconds afterwards, cool.
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Hasn't left my builds since i went against a Face The Darkness Pin Head, there's literally enough time to cleanse all totems over the duration of the match, the amount of NOED's, Devours and general hex perk shutdowns you get before they can effect the game is really good. You never have to worry about Haunted Grounds either since no one ever seem's to run it.
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If Thrill gets nerfed wont people just swap for Dominance instead?
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If the game is balanced around SWF then solo queue dies, and if solo queue dies the game dies
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Except BHVR have said before that coordinated 4man swfs are an extremely tiny percentage of the player base. If they balance around that tiny percentage to the detriment of the broader base then kill rates would sky rocket and the end result would be nerfs to killers. Which would not go down well. You can't just tell the majority of the playerbase to essentially suck it up lol they'll just find something else to play. I'm sorry but this a ridiculous take when it comes to the health and longevity of the game we all enjoy
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ran into a hound master who kept sending the dog to check totems. Game was laughable.
over 40 seconds to cleanse just so they can penti. I run object when i play so i went near a dull fully expecting undying vs the hound master.......and 🤣🤣🤣🤣 of course it was undying/devour OF courseeeeee.
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Is that your only comeback to any point opposed to your? A useless comment that has no barring in the said thread. I'm sure if people look your posts that 1 line maybe 60-70% of all your posts.
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killers are already nerfed. a vast majority of killer are balanced around soloq which is why they're terrible vs swf because something that is balanced around poor play will not do well against good play because it wasn't balanced around good play.
they're not so tiny if you play killer at higher level because those player are the player winning every match so if your killer and your winning every match. your playing vs that level on regular basis. 2 man and 3 man swf can also be somewhat challenging to defeat so it is not just 4 mans.
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they're not so tiny if you play killer at higher level
Or it's just an excuse for you for poor performance as a killer in match?
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I used thrill of the hunt, ruin, thana (for extra slow cleansing speed) and the scream perk from knight on Sadako yesterday. The survivors wasted like 3mins to cleans one totem and the game was on paused while they tried to remove one. In the end I won with 3 gens remaining, but I’ve decided to let the last two go.
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wouldve been nice if they made thrill much weaker, but made it so it isnt a hex. current one is horrendous
it's annoying to gamble your hex protection on a hex that can be broken first.
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I'll trust the devs stats over yet another assumption that someone is playing in high MMR. Every single killer main who comes to this forum assumes they are high MMR. High MMR, which the devs have also said is a small minority of the playerbase. So again, making the rest of the playerbase deal with terrible games just to help a small percentage compete won't bode well for the health and longevity of this game.
If you're struggling at the level you are at then perhaps you are sitting at a level you don't belong in. The devs shouldn't change the game to make it easier for you if you are, in fact, in high MMR. High MMR should be tough. It's presumably where the best players sit.
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Its a simple argument that nobody has been able to refute yet. You cannot hold the simultaneous belief that the game should be balanced around average level players, but also think that nurse also needs nerfs. If you do, you are biased and misguided.
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They could add a secondary effect, that makes healing, sabotaging and gens slower by 3% for each remaining totem. Then it would be a good hex.
I agree with your point tho, I would just prefer they buff it in a more interesting way, so it can shine on its own.
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yeah, i was never a fan of this perk.
i honestly dislike the concept of hexes a lot, it's not a fun kind of gambling. wish that a bunch of hex perks werent hex and balanced normally.
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What she needs is a rework of her power. Lowering both the skill floor for newer users to use it to get a hit and lower skill ceiling so the 10k+ hour nurse only players aren't oppressing everyone.
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I came back for 2v8, enjoyed that one.... and idk, if that doubled down slowdown is where it's gonna be at then I'll probably just play even less of the regular game mode than before.
the whole "balanced around the top players " thing is all good and well but as long as there are killers that can interrupt cleansing every 40-ish seconds the perk and the associated builds are busted without justification.
Even if you have a swf with at least two players with counterforce simultaneously cleansing a hex totem so that at least one goes through that's two perk slots blocked and at least a minute of the match wasted. That's beyond op. It's making a killer more oppressive than a 3v1 at five gens *right at the beginning of the match* when killer is supposed to be weakest.
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The gamble is fine as long as the effects are at least high risk - high reward, but there lies the problem. Most of them are high risk - medium/low reward.
Retribution and Two can play are hexes, that I wished hex didn’t spawn a hex totem.
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So I jumped on and played three games, came prepared with Counterforce. All 3 killers ran a hex build. First, even with Counterforce everyone was dead at 3 gens left. Killer was very protective of his Hexes. Second game I brought along a Rainbow map with stamp add-ons too and that went alot better. We got down to 1 gen before the game was over. I feel like I spent more time on totems than I did gens. Third game I brought the Rainbow map again and it was on Mothers Dwelling, which is a decent sized map, so I kind of went back and forth hitting Hexes and then returning to take care of the pentimentos. This made me the ire of the killer and they were gunning for me. I died but the other 3 got out, so that was a win. NGL, I don't wanna be playing totem chaser every single game lol
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That is my stance as well. Nurse with her current power can never be balanced with buffs or nerfs. Her power is too fundamentally broken as she ignores a large majority of key game elements and basically plays an entirely separate "game".
A rework that makes her both more accessible for new players while also making it so she can't simply ignore almost everything in her path, is the only way she'll ever be balanced.
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The perk has 2 synergies: with Face the Darkness, and Doctor because of course it does.
Unless you use of of these, the totem is getting cleansed even with Thrill in play. You can try to sit on the totem, but what good will that do to you?
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The fact that you think there's zero potential for nuance in balancing strategy is misguided at best. That, or, you're deliberately ignoring that fact to try and get one ups in arguments.
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There is obviously nuance. But it is always the same people who think that "solo queue needs help" and "average survivor blah blah" who also say "nerf nurse" and "blight hug tech OP" when "Average" level killers are not playing those killers to that level.
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Idk I see survivors constantly full reset and have 20 second chases and still get down to 1 gen and gates. From the looks of those games people have plenty of time to do totems if they lasted just 20 seconds longer.
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These survivors were throwing by the time they realized. This wasn't a perk issue it was the survivors not recognizing the perks because ruin regression is basically nothing.
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Why would you balance a game that isnt competitive around the biggest minority?