Off the record

Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 65
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

This perk dominates way too often. 80 seconds of endurance is too strong on top of that 80 seconds of uncounterable iron will and no aura reading. Please tune it. At least deactivate iron will and aura reading once you’ve done a conspicuous action. What most of these people in this thread failed to realize is that when killers don’t tunnel the person who is abusing otr will use it to body block someone else wasting your time. How exactly are you supposed to counter that? There’s no counter. And to assume that the reason I want it nerf is to tunnel is absurd. I want it nerf because people use it like that which can cost games especially if they are all running the perk with decisive strike.

Post edited by Legendary_deedee on
