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General Discussions

bad balance

Member Posts: 31
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

Do the developers of this game only play survivors? Or are you really bad at playing killer? How do you guys strike this balance? The ranking system forces the killer to achieve all kills while the survivors yawn and win.

Post edited by BoxGhost on

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  • Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2024

    1. The killer needs to know what perk the survivor take. There is no clue. When they pick up a generator-related perk, they need to add an effect for it.
    2. All of Killer's useless add-ons must be reorganized. In the current situation, all of them must be boldly buffed strongly.
    3. Survivors are too boring. Increase the number of items or reflect the characteristics of each survivor.
    4. It just became no fun.
    Post edited by iymo on
  • Member Posts: 445
    edited November 2024

    They don't really have a clue they only see the£££. My advice from a long timer is to accept that if you want to enjoy the game. Forget balance or logic - your cash is more important. Make your own win condition and don't get frustrated by the hockey-like chaos of BHVR. Don't burnout like me. Should it be better? Yes. Will they listen? No. Your ideas are 'interesting ' let's say. Very poor bait attempt- if you're going to try fishing here you'll need to put more effort in and put some more imagination into it (this is 2/10 at best). But it matters not. Because me disagreeing is irrelevant. Only the £££ that BHVR earns

  • Member Posts: 31

    if nothing change, just leave and no spend money

  • Member Posts: 31

    What do you mean? Did you not understand? Did I say something wrong there? Don't ask me to go through that trouble.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    It's so fascinating for me to see how both sides thinks this game is unbalanced at the same time.

    Ain't this exactly is called balance?

  • Member Posts: 1,914
    edited November 2024

    Me too, both sides.

    I think if you try to play a stronger killer (A-S) - then you'd think that survivors (solo-q) needs buffs.

    The tiers with killers - is the main cause of unbalance. Aside from moments when MMR being… You know.

  • Member Posts: 31

    No other game provides convenience for solo players, especially this one, and all such support is part of destroying the balance of this game.

    They are like a solo play community, so all they have to do is just go and make friends. Is the solution to playing S-tier killers because of balance issues?
    Do YouTubers try to upload videos that they are not good at?
    S tier is not invincible. I have invested thousands of hours into this game, but I just hate the developers who only listen to the cries of beginners and the game that turns into a mess as a result.

  • Member Posts: 895
    edited November 2024

    i dont see how this question is confusing.

    what's hard in showing proof of your words by giving your own gameplay example? shouldn't be too difficult to play a few killer games and record them to show how badly this game is balanced and that there's nothing a person can do to combat that.

  • Member Posts: 31

    If it were you, why would you waste your time and take such unguaranteed trouble for no gain?
    What can you do if I do that?
    If it means typing a few words on the keyboard, I don't want to do that!
    Are you a developer?
    And if you've been playing this game for a long time, you probably won't have that question. At most, would it have been 5,000 hours?

  • Member Posts: 895

    so you are unwilling to prove your words by showing the best kind of argument in support of your position which would be video evidence?

    sounds like you need to come to terms with just not being very good at playing killer, feel free to prove me wrong though

  • Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2024

    No, why should I do that? What can you give? Of course there are videos, but your demanding attitude is really rude!
    Why do I have to prove it to you? Who are you? And did I just complain? I just suggested this direction. What kind of evidence do you need to express your opinion? I will listen and show you what you can do. actually I'm streamer too
    People have never questioned my skills, but the point is that this game is no longer fun after playing both games. Do you understand? You idiot
    When asking for something, the first thing to do is to tell me what you could do if you were in the same position as me. It's a child
    You pretend to be logical, telling me to do this and that as if it's none of your business, but in my experience, kids like you are the stupidest

  • Member Posts: 895

    so will you post your gameplay to prove the game's balance is broken or will you keep coming up with excuses? you're the second guy with a "thou shall not see my gameplay as thou deemed not deserving of that" attitude Im seeing today and both of you fit in the same pattern so far.

    it's honestly funny how often people on these forums are posting these strong radical opinions and then chicken out the moment you ask them to back that up.

  • Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2024

    Let me emphasize this for you idiot, "I'm telling you to ask politely because you're being rude." Then I'll show you.
    And I told that, "Tell me what you can do for me."
    If you answer this first, I'll show you.
    Don't keep judging me and telling me what kind of person I am. You're not Conan, right?
    This community may be strong, but if you can't do this, you're weak!

    you: you're the second guy with a "thou shall not see my gameplay as thou deemed not deserving of that" attitude Im seeing today and both of you fit in the same pattern so far —>I can show you! but
    Answer me first about your rudeness

  • Member Posts: 31

    Where have you gone, you coward?
    Is my request difficult?
    If you can’t even do this, are you talking to others like that? Get out of here.

  • Member Posts: 435

    If you've put thousands of hours into the game, it's a you problem. There are some pretty big swings with perceived balance in the game. If both the killer and survivors are new, it massively favours the killer. Then it seems to favour survivors for a while because it's easier to get really good at survivor, especially if the survivors are playing with friends. But once the killer player understands and masters a few killers and understands what they should be doing in all phases of the game, it leans heavily in the killer's favour again. At the highest level of play, it's actually in a pretty good state balance-wise.

    If you're a strong killer player, you should be easily winning like 75% or more of your pub games. Instead of spending your time complaining, spend your time figuring out what you need to do to improve.

  • Member Posts: 3,356

    You crack me up. 🤣

    (I’m at my desk at work typing on the computer when I read this on my phone and cackled) 🙈

  • Member Posts: 895
    edited November 2024

    so no gameplay? well, you are free to refer to the previous reply i have made. cant verify your claims without video of your gameplay, sowwy

    also, it's funny how you started malding in my DMs just because I didnt insta respond to you. Gives off huge negative energy, you might wanna spend less time on forums

  • Member Posts: 507

    Pretty much.

    BHVR really needs to do something about these rage bait accounts that just get spam created and make threads like this.

  • Member Posts: 31

    You keep saying different things. It seems like you don't want to get information, you just want to win this argument.
    I emphasize again, but if I don't answer, is that the evidence you want? I can't see it. The reason you're not answering is so childish that I understand why even if you don't say it.
    And your actions only make me laugh

  • Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2024

    To tell the truth, I have never said anywhere that I am losing the game or that I am a killer user.
    I was talking about the direction when comparing the past and present, and the conclusion was “It’s not fun.” Please do me a favor and not repeat your speculative remarks. Please read the article again and make your point.
    Did I tell the developers to only buff the killer? I asked for Survivors to reflect the characteristics of each character and increase the number of items, right?

    That singularity guy keeps dragging the argument strangely. In the end, he only said what he wanted to say, and the story ended up like this.

    Post edited by iymo on
  • Member Posts: 377

    I think the have is balanced, aside for a few perks. It's the poor playstyles on both sides that make the game unfun.

  • Member, Mod Posts: 1,901

    Closing this thread due to the increase in toxicity with some comments.

This discussion has been closed.

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