So, when Thrill of the Hunt buff is going to be reworked? :)

I hope BHVR that you aren't waiting 6 MONTHS to do something about it like you've waited for Eruption CoB Overcharge meta and early December I can see another update with nuking this new Hex Perks builds.
Or is this new meta?
From high risk high reward into absolutely no risk high reward?
If I don't have hope that the match I'm playing have any chance to be okay-ish, why should I even bother?
Let's wait for yet another wave of "omg why survivors are giving up" wave of posts here and on Reddit.
Definitely not as good as original Undyingas that person says but still insane for sure. Killer mains are gonna attack me but this definitely isn’t a healthy perk. I used this combo while playing Demo against a team that was far better than me in every way but they just couldn’t beat me because I was able to easily protect my Pentimento totem.
6 -
I'm sure there will be changes at some point, but probably not for several months.
6 -
That seems miserable to go against.
8 -
Just imagine that the survivors have anti-totem perks
4 -
The survivors' dislike of adaptation and meta changes is truly astounding.
You have
Counterforce, Better than New, Leader, Object of Obsession, Resilience, Spine Chill and Boon: IlluminationMaybe we should at least change the meta for a change? Try how it works?
It's so sad that because of this we'll be stuck in the meta of 4 perk slows Wesker and 4 perk auras Huntress for many years.
The same old Weave Attunement could counter Plunderer's Instinct. If only someone had bothered to study the perks. True, unfortunately, anything more complex than m1 and shift+w is met with fierce resistance.
9 -
Omg… I was doing my "Bless a hexed totem" challenge, this explains why it took 6 billion years (and yes, Dinosaurs spawned on the map and died to the entity, again). Luckily no one was sweating, but this needs to be reworked. I love how the devs just add random numbers to things.
"Let's up this by x-amount of percentages, gosh what could go wrong?"
<b>Edit:</b> considering a lot of people like to run Devour, Undying, Thrill & Pentimento (or Penti switched for Plaything) makes it very risky not to cleanse at all. This could easily become a new meta since old Ruin/Undying/Thana.
8 -
Pretty sure it takes over 90 seconds to Boon with new TOTH.
So that suggestion seems silly to me.
It's not a crime to admit that, while you may enjoy something, it isn't healthy for the game.
17 -
Lack of adaptation for survivors is just astonishing, and no perk is fine, it shouldnt be changed, we shouldnt balance the game around unskilfull solo potato
5 -
So take the perks above to counter this. Killers take Lightborn to counter the warriors of light.
In general, give the killers those perks that are worth the game on 12 hooks with a decent reward. Which contributed to the fun game of the survivor, but not at the expense of the killing side. Where does the killer get the idea I should be as far away from the hook as possible for the sake of the reward.
Whose fault is it that only sad things are profitable?
It's just that all you will achieve with nerfs is an increase in the Wesker and Huntress population. The eternal meta of slowdowns and auras. The emerging meta of slug. Campers and tunnelers who are getting better in sad tactics. Streamers who shoot videos on how to play slug on Singularity.
All your nerfs do is remove players who are interested in chases and playing on 12 hooks. As a result, only those people who are ready to use cruel methods to achieve their goal remain on the side of the killer.
4 -
I am absolutely with you and agree with you 100%. It is what it is. First they complain about gene regression. Now it's the totems. It's getting dumber and dumber.
4 -
Bestie I am complaining about totems because in recent update one of the perks got huge buff and makes all matches miserable.
I don't care about Hex Perks, I don't like the fact that I have to spend HUGE amount of time to destroy something that was designed to be high risk - high reward.
Literally before this patch I didn't mind hexes at all.
7 -
But isn't Hex: Thrill of the Hunt a high risk high reward? Please tell me what's stopping you from taking perks against totems if that's a problem? Counterforce, Better than New, and Leader buff totem breakage much more than Hex: Thrill of the Hunt slows it down. One survivor with Counterforce is enough to counter Hex: Thrill of the Hunt. 20 vs 14.
Hex: Thrill of the Hunt Survivors' Cleansing and Blessing speed is reduced by 14% for each Token.
Counterforce Gain another, stack-able 20 % Cleansing Speed bonus per cleansed Totem.
Better than New Increases their Action speeds for Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Unlocking by 16 %.
Leader Increases the Action speeds for Cleansing, Gate-Opening, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, and Unlocking by 25 %.
Object of Obsession Increases your Action speeds for Cleansing, Healing, and Repairing actions by 6 %.
Resilience Increases your Action speeds for Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Blessing, Opening, and Unlocking by 9 % when in the Injured State
Spine Chill Increases your Action speeds for Blessing, Cleansing, Gate-Opening, Healing, Repairing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, and Unlocking by 6 %
Boon: Illumination Increases your Action speeds for Blessing and Cleansing by 10 % while you have a lit Boon Totem.8 -
literally all of the perks you've written need some prerequesites, either having another surv next to you, your aura needs to be revealed, killer have to look at you, you have to already break totem or boon one.
9 -
Oh yes... you don't have time. It's much more exciting to go through Gens in peace... I'd forgotten all about that.
7 -
One survivor with Counterforce is enough to counter Hex: Thrill of the Hunt. 20 vs 14.
Thrill of the hunt: For each totem you have -14% penalty
Counterforce: You have 20% boost to speed and after each totem is broken you gain another 20%.
Now please take a piece of paper and calculate how long would it take to break first totem, second one, third one and fourth one.
Then tell us once again if Counterforce is any counter to entire hex builds with new Thrill.
5 -
Hehe... Hens video, of course...
Just want to bring something to the table. Just yesterday, I've read a post, where someone said, that survivors can't have a strong perk and that "killer mains" would ruin everything by crying and complaining.
A bit of self reflection please.
12 -
Hex perks have been useless and dead for a while (with Plaything/Pentimento maybe an exception) because of how easy they are to find and remove. Half the time they spawn 5 feet away from a gen in plain view. This might actually make them somewhat relevant again.
People are always going to complain about any change that makes them have to adapt and use something other than the busted meta they are used to.
3 -
No, this makes them uncleansable, not "relevant again".
6 -
There will be no self reflection, unfortunately. The forum is full of posts from players who clearly only play one side and have no ability to view things from the other side's perspective or realize when they are being hypocritical.
3 -
This is dramatic hyperbole. They're not "uncleansable" - they just take a little bit longer to cleanse than they used to, at the expense of the killer using a perk slot that they can't use for chase/regression and also will be permanently eliminated from the match after the totem gets broken.
4 -
All the killer mains in here whinging about a complaint about this perk, I do want to remind you all:
This isn't some tiny buff. In flat numerical value, this is effectively a +40% on the existing perk. That is already a massive swing, but because of the way that negative speed modifiers work, it's actually, in effect, more than that.
Old ToTH would increase the cleanse time from 14 to 28 seconds. New ToTH increases it to 46. That is a 66% increase to the perk. That is a colossal swing.
'It just got buffed a bit'
No, it got almost doubled. Imagine DS going from 3 seconds to 5.
Oh yeah, that got axed, didn't it?
And one of these two perks only works if the opponent chooses for it to.
14 -
You're arguing with a forum full of players who passionately argued that nurse isn't actually overpowered and survivors just need to git gud. Good luck and may god help you.
16 -
One can hope right?
0 -
They didn't wait long at all to change the "gen kick meta" and if we had a self-respecting community who valued skilled gameplay, those perks would still be in the game as they were, and would still not be meta. Noob stomp stuff is not the same as meta. If it was, why the massive disparity between killer and killer perk picks in comp, for years now?
And inherently, picking hex perks is high risk. There's no amount of mental gymnastics you can use to change that, because the perks are permanently destroyable. Can you imagine killers destroying random things on the map and it being like, "Now you can't use Adrenaline. Now you can't use Dead Hard. Now you can't use DS. Because the killer destroyed this thing." It's funny because I complained about the Demogorgon nerfs (no, you're not dreaming, that really happened), and the reason its defenders cited was, "Cuz Demo hex builds are OP!" Really? That's the killer/build combo that's plaguing the game right now? Have you even seen a Demogorgon in the last 4 months? I've seen 1.
The devs made a mistake not waiting til Counterforce's release to touch old Undying. Had they let it play out, they would have seen people using Counterforce to counter the hex, like clockwork. They will make the mistake again, now, if they do as you're suggesting they do. What do we complain about all the time? Knee jerk reactions from them. "People say this thing's OP?! Nerf, nerf, nerf! People say this thing's weak?! Buff, buff, buff!" The always overdo or underdo themselves, because you're pressuring them, over nothing, with the same voracity you would a legitimate game problem. Let a week pass, and see if people are still using hex builds. I won't be, because I know what's good and what isn't. Sadly, as can be observed here, most people play the game with their eyes and their mind closed.
4 -
Correct. 93 seconds to boon a hex totem. On one hand I think that you don't have to bless a hex totem but on the other 93 seconds is longer than a gen.
That is beyond ridiculous. Just the cleansing time alone is too much already. 46.7 seconds just to get rid of a totem. That is about the time the devs supposedly balance chases around and then we haven't even considered any value that these perks would provide and the time to find that totem. Come to think of it, forget impossible skill check Doctor. Now it's impossible totem Doctor.
If they wanted to buff Thrill of the Hunt and make hexes a bit more reliable they could have just added something similar to Corrupt Intervention to it, where for X amount of time in the early game hex totems are blocked and can't be cleansed / blessed.
6 -
Never ask survivors to do anything other than hold m1 on a gen with the same 4 perks every game, because if you do that thing is suddenly extremely overpowered.
I swear, i guess the LIKE going against 4 slowdown perks every game.
6 -
I just wish BHVR would make some anti-totem perks ya know? Sucks there are zero and there's nothing you can do to help locate totems and cleanse them faster.
2 -
OK... I do play killer, and Hex's needed help, but let's be fair... 14 * 5 = 70% slower... the numbers on survivor perks are a LOT lower.
I actually think it's worse, cause if remember right for charge calculations, negative multipliers are applied after positive ones, so the buffs for survivors are also reduced by 70% as well... but even if not and the numbers are additive, it's still bad.
- Counterforce you have to cleanse a Totem to get stacks, you're getting a 38.88s time instead of 46.67s if I'm right. If it's additive it's still 28s, which is a damned lomg time.
- Better Than New is laughably awful... no one would take this perk.
- Leader you have to stand nearby for a 1.25c/s. Counterforce is 1.2c/z... That's 2 players occupied to still be painfully slow. 24.45s at best and 37s if negatives are second. It's still massively outweighed.
- Object of Obsession is obviously trash for this issue, you don't get the bonus indefinitely, and it makes it even harder to succeed.
- Resilience you have to be injured and still is only giving 1.09c/s.
- Spine Chill is 1.06c/s only with the killer actually starting at you doing it.
- Boon: Illumination is countered by Thrill of the Hunt, you take forever setting up the Boon, and it doesn't help you, cause the totem needs to be broken for TotH to lose strength
So I think it's fair to say survivors don't have any good options vs. this buffed TotH, it's pure slowdown they can't ignore that any highly mobile killer can easily exploit.
7 -
lol, invocations in the basement are literally faster to perform than booning a totem with the new Thrill around, and only 14 seconds slower than cleansing.
3 -
The buff to this talent made plaything pentimento build just way to oppressive on any game.
3 -
Honestly, considering how quickly they threw out this buff and looking at how they've handled small changes before in the past, I'm pretty sure they can quickly undo it and I'm expecting it to be addressed in an upcoming bug fix patch. It won't last nearly as long as gen kick meta, or even MFT meta.
That's actually a great idea, and probably the best way to buff the perk in a way that's not ridiculously overpowered like the current version is. (Although I personally think Thrill was perfect before, and therefore, I think no complimentary buff is necessary at all.)
2 -
Played afew games as Doc with full hex builds on The Game. It's been a pretty one sided beat down. I've seen teams beat it on other maps though.
0 -
What was the old time to cleanse Thrill? Was it really that much of a difference?
0 -
What the heck is BhVR thinking when they violently raised the numbers and gave them a messy enhancement without testing them in the PTB?
FYI, CoH has been the top meta perk used by PT for over a year and OTR has not even been fixed yet after almost 2 years, the CoB & OC environment is better by comparison as it is still short and could be dealt with without allocating perk slots.
2 -
It was 28 seconds with all 5 tokens before. The extra 4% more per token adds 230%ish time to cleanse from base as old thrill was an added 100% time to cleanse from base.
3 -
Effectively, the perk's value was increased by 66%.
4 -
What are the alternatives?
Let's move towards buffing the anti-totem perks if you don't like them so much. Than nerfing what the killers liked and made them give up 4 slows and auras. Because otherwise the only new meta that threatens survivors is slug.
To be fair, you can take all 4 slots of anti-totem perks. Do what the killer did by taking 4 totem perks. 4 out of 16 perks is a small price to pay to counter this tactic.
2 -
It could use maybe a slight reduction but otherwise, just let Killers have this. If Survivors can control hookstages, it's okay to let Killers control the round in ways that aren't gen regression.
Rounds should never be less than 10 minutes.
3 -
Sure, and I will agree that I think hexes being stronger encourages usage of things like Maps for finding totems, which I think are a little underrated especially for sub 4000 hours players. That I think is a good think.
To be fair, you can take all 4 slots of anti-totem perks. Do what the killer did by taking 4 totem perks. 4 out of 16 perks is a small price to pay to counter this tactic.
It's not quite that simple, because Survivors don't know what they are up against, so you can't expect survivors to dedicate 4 perks just to totems, because by the nature of the game, survivors can't be sure you're going up against totems... Their builds have to be flexible by their very nature, and you have to juggle chase extension, killer info, survivor info, healing, anti-tunnel, anti-camp, anti-slug, anti-hex... and if you pick wrong, you're at a heavy disadvantage.
I do actually play quirky builds all the time, I avoid all hard meta perks whenever possible, so I actually do run a number of the perks you mention from time to time, I'm bot at all against seeing them get more use...
The problem I have with TotH buffed as it is, is it's rather inelegant... the same kind of thing as just increasing gen times by 20s... it's effective, but boring.
Maybe if TotH only applied its huge slowdown to Hex totems, booning totems, but didn't apply to rekindled totems (Pentimento is strong enough) or cleansing dull totems, so that survivors could go find non hex totems and still fight TotH, that'd be interesting.
I might make a thread on that.
4 -
so hexes will be the next complaint after aura reading.
4 -
Yes, because you may not seen that in my post, so please read this slowly: in recent update one of the perks - Thrill of the Hunt - got massive buff that makes totems basically uncleansable in combination with some addons/killer powers.
7 -
Good, hexes are very weak already cause survivors can destroy them in 5 sec, so giving survivors side objective and harsh punish them if they dont do it its a good thing (for example thrill+devour)
3 -
(The problem I have with TotH buffed as it is, is it's rather inelegant... the same kind of thing as just increasing gen times by 20s... it's effective, but boring.)
You are right.
The only problem is that the killers' side is mostly made up of people who value efficiency over fun. That is why we have misunderstandings with the survivors. We will give preference to efficiency over suffering for the sake of fun. That is why the survivor's game is like an eternal holiday of sad tactics.
We need to focus on making the killers want to play 12 hooks with a decent reward. So that the survivors have fun, but not at the expense of the killer's game. Otherwise, the killers will simply continue to improve in sad tactics. No one will play to their own detriment.
Post edited by warp1die on2 -
There is a machanic that was supposed to be High Risk - High Reward.
Across all dbd years there are multiple hexes that are obnoxious with each other - Devour / Ruin / Plaything (1) protected by Undying (2) forcing player to cleanse so it could turn into Pentimento (3). This makes Hexes Lower Risk - High Reward, and Thrill (4) extends cleansing time drastically which turns this into No Risk - High Reward.
I don't know how you could say that this is good change, but ok 💁
3 -
I thought of something like Thrill of the Hunt, Devour, maybe Ruin and Distressing. Distressing gives you a bit of an extra edge in case you get to one of the bigger maps. Addons would probably be Order and Calm.
I haven't tested it yet (and I'm not sure I will because it sounds disgusting) but I have a feeling that most survivors simply won't be able to keep up with such a build.
3 -
Given that totems take ~46 seconds to cleanse this would make them practically uncleansable.
Imagine spending half of a gen time destroying totem only for whole this action to be nullified from another end of the map. And some people think it's a good change :)
3 -
Of course someone already made a video about how "busted" it is.
Anyway, it does NOT need a nuking. Reducing the numbers by a bit? Sure.
But it doesn’t need to be outright removed form existence just because it’s powerful in 2 situations: On Doctor and with Face the Darkness.
My suggestion, reduce it to 12% per token. No less. And, ofc, FIX TOTEM SPAWNS. There is a reason every Hex build has a defense perk in it.
2 -
I think some people just don't look at the implications here. Thrill of the Hunt absolutely cannot stay like this because on one hand we have uncleansable totems and on the other hand, even if they can be cleansed it takes about as long as the devs' supposed ideal chase time (45 seconds). And that's without the time spent looking for the totem and any value you might get from it.
Yeah, survivors can bring totem perks but let's be honest, the game shouldn't be lost pretty much automatically because you don't have some specific perks. We have that situation with slowdown perks already and it's not good. There is also the chance that a killer won't have any hex perks, so that would result in these perks being wasted.
I can see why they thought buffing Thrill of the Hunt could be a good idea (hexes in general are not in a good spot at the moment because they are cleansed before you get any value, which leaves Pentimento as the only reliable choice) but the buff they went with is not good. The numbers are way overblown.
They could give Thrill an additional effect that works similar to Corrupt Intervention, where totems can't be cleansed or blessed for X amount of time when the game begins. Survivors could still find the totems and remember the spots and the killer would have an actual chance to get value out of their perks. It might not be perfect but it would be better than this.
7 -
If killers didn't demand every map be shrunk to the size of a fast food restaurant parking lot, totems would be harder to find.
12 -
Oh right, because totem in middle of nowhere, or directly next to a gen is because of map size. Those spawns would be terrible even on bigger map.
Totem spawns were terrible on many maps even before their reworks.5