Boons should be limited

Just like hexes, when killer destroy it, its gone forever. Its kinda unfair that losing a boon especially strong one like circle of healing have no punishment for survivors and unlike hexes they can spawn it on any totem they like, so at least make them more punishable
Shattered Hope, if boons bother you so much.
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So survivors can destroy hexes by basekit but boons need a specific perk? No it should be base kit for killers
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Currently, boons are not in the best state. So making them even worse via being a one time use is unnessesary.
If they would get some improvements, then this would be worth a consideration, but as it is right now? Nope.
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Well 90% of hexes are also weak garbage, but they only 1 time use, so why boons should be different?
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As long as boons are garbage, NOPE
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Neither should be garbage.
Totem spawns should be actually hard to find.
Huntress Lullaby, Two Can Play, Wreched Fate, and Ruin should get buffs. But other than these, Hexes are in a good spot (when totem spawns aren't bad which they almost always are).
But on the other end, Boons are loud af, Dark Theory and Illumination are jokes, Shadow Step is mid and Exponential is situational. Only CoH is an actually decent perk, and even then it's outclassed by We'll Make It.
Oh and to answer your question, half of the Hexes require no imput and the other half requires you to do things you'd do anyway. For Boons you have to sit there and bless them every single time.
At a time where anything other than gens is considered throwing, mind you.
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There is only 4 hex perk that worth to be bring in trial right now: Pentimento/Plaything/Noed/Devour Hope other hex perks is pure garbage. They buff Blood favour and Crowd Control but even after that they not worth to be bring and other hexes is just a joke
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That would make sense if the boons were much stronger.
I personally am content with the tame versions we have atm. medium risk & time investment, medium reward.
Insane risk insane rework perks suck to play as and against because so much hinges on that chance of them working/not working.
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Well, I see we are getting into a subjective territory, so I'll just stop with this.
Boons are fine.
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Boons are already garbage.
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Boons are currently too weak for that. You never really see people run them and their pick rates are pretty low on nightlight because they’re just not worth it. Every single boon perk is outclassed by another perk that isn’t a boon.
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I would be okay with this change, however then boons need a buff
Affects the whole map
The sound being emanated is way quieter
Circle of Healing back to 100% with self care
Shadow Step removes grunts of pain and pools of blood
Exponential gives endurance upon recovering
Dark Theory is 5%0 -
Dark theory should never be buffed it would be actually old MFT if it was map wide. The perk need a whole rework cause even now it can stack with blood pact, hope and power of two (survivors became faster than killer)
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The system of totems being placed at the same spots with a pure RNG - the main issue here. And I wish we could've just completely rework the totem system in general, but it's never going to happen.
Any RNG based stuff outside of the map choice - is just unhealthy for a PVP game. Any PVP game should be skill-based, not RNG-based. Because RNG - is something that is out of a Players control = out of knowledge and skill.
This is also comes to "AI-based" power for killers. The most frustrating thing - loosing a match, because my AI - dummy got stuck on something, or been acting weird.
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Changes like these would last all of 2 minutes on the PTB before they get reverted again, and they wouldn't be wrong to, either.
Boons are easier to balance when they're weaker but infinitely reusable.
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Yes, thats why its already fine as it is
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But just snuff the boon and its gone
Also, the pair up with other haste perks only works in SWF, and SWF is already stronger by default.
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I mean, I wouldn't exactly call it 'fine', but it's certainly healthier than what it would be if boons were limited use, baseline.
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These are all broken and unbalanced beyond reason.0 -
Thats why the thread first idea is also "no"
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Useless discussion and part of why DBD fails so hard is because they listen to ridiculous stuff like this.
You cant just stack broken on top of broken and think you somehow have balance.
You just end up with more broken.1 -
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The same rules of Hex totem cannot be applied to Boon totem, because one side plays in a completely different way than the other.
On one hand, the killer is much stronger than the survivors and is unstoppable, so the killer can protect the Hex totem if the killer wants to prevent losing effects, I mean like it or not it is impossible for the survivors to cleanse or bless the Hex totem while the killer is around.
On the survivor side, survivors can't really defend Boon totem if the killer is going to sniff Boon totem, there's nothing a survivor can do to stop the killer from sniffing Boon totem, you can only delay and that's all, which is why survivors can bless the totem indefinitely.
I've seen comments complaining that survivors don't want to adapt to the 48 second cleanse totem and have to use perks to counter it, so same logic for killers why don't they want to adapt to the boon perk and use perks to counter it?