Singularity is too strong



  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Look out, a totally unbiased singularity main said something is false, welp that must mean he's telling the truth!

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061
    edited November 2024

    Singularity when played as a chase killer is about strong enough to be able to compete even against good and coordinated groups without necessarily needing to tunnel. That means he is really strong, but not too strong (granted, meeting good and coordinated groups is very rare, so any good Singu player will win handedly most of the time). Since he is fairly challenging to play and not a popular choice, I don't consider this to be particularly problematic. There is also some unique counterplay in chase, such as standing close to pallets and windows to make sure he can't teleport to your side or at least ends up breaking the pallet (sometimes you can also try and delay the pallet vault such that he ends up on your side and has to kick it).

    The thing that is actually too strong and highly problematic about Singu is his 3-gen proficiency. A good Singu player 3-genning with the right build for it will basically never lose in pubs. The most coordinated teams you'll meet there still aren't nearly coordinated enough to break a Singu 3-gen. And it makes for an awful gameplay experience.

    That BHVR did absolutely nothing to alleviate this issue when they buffed him is crazy to me. But yeah, between the low pick rate and of those few Singu matches even fewer being good Singus and 3-genners (and even fewer good 3-genners), I can't find it in me to complain too much. What I do want to complain about is the fact that you can get stuck in his teleport animation. It will hold you in place for a brief moment if you step onto the "puddle" he emerges from, enough to guarantee a hit. Shouldn't be a thing. And if there could be some general, slight nerf just as a concession for how potent he now is, I would say remove the "contagion/infection" aspect of Slipstream. A bit silly anyway, it's not a virus is it?

    For the 3-genning thing, one very useful change would be to make it so that pods get nerfed the closer they are to other pods, and the more there are within proximity of each other. The nerf could be taking longer to Slipstream or teleport out of those pods, or something else.

    Post edited by zarr on
  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    now you're changing your point, apparently the issue now is how survivors have to "commit time for almost 0 payoff". which is also just a really wrong and weird way of wording "i cannot appreciate being able to chain to the tile without worrying about getting tp'ed to immediately". I guess I'll take that as you saying that you cannot argue anymore there's zero counterplay to being infected immediately after using EMP and that you actually agree you just use it at a wrong time or in the wrong way.

    So now we're arguing the "time sink" and "0 payoff".

    You don't have to "sink time" to get EMP if you're planning on being chased. It's a nice bonus to have, but it's perfectly okay to engage in chase without it. You should simply be mindful that Singularity's power by default prevents you from chaining tiles too far and you have to chain one tile at a time. Unless, of course, you at least try to match the effort singularity is putting into playing the game and doing the aforementioned things. But you are just a chill guy, you don't want to put some effort into merely denying killer their power to get more opportunities in chase. That's for sweaty people and you're "Better™"

    However if you do, you get an actual payoff in terms of having the ability to chain further than one tile because you're able to stall the infection & teleport for long enough to enable that.

    It's going to be funny to watch you come up with another barrage of excuses, too bad I would only see that tomorrow, so please use that time I give you into putting at least a bit of good faith into this discussion and reading the explanations I've benevolently given you instead of responding with another ignorant accusation, thank you. Maybe you wouldn't even have to respond with that nonsense again.

    And actually try to imagine for a second that maybe you don't really have to use EMP to counter Singularity in chase. Maybe there's a reason Singularity is actually able to reinfect people in close proximity almost immediately unless they've already made distance. Maybe EMPs are meant as merely a support tool in chase and their main purpose is somewhere else like denying Singularity map presence. Maybe there's more to it, maybe the actual teleport/overclock have counterplay to them. Maybe some of it was even explained in this thread.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    totally unbiased survivor play who doesnt even know singularity gets slowed by his own power trying to argue something 🤣

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    The point literally didn't change. All that typing for you misreading the entire post 🤣😂

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 372

    Never thought id see the day Singularity is op thread Singu was 150% effort killer for 50% pay off now singu gets a 100% payoff hes still one of thee most technical killers with high skill ceiling Singu deserves to be rewarded

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    I believe he's currently a bit too powerful when playing against him, and he can be extremely frustrating. However, I haven't played as him yet (he looks kind of silly), so I try to refrain from sharing my opinions about him too much.

    DBDSM Member Posts: 139

    MFW reading an argument about mechanics beyond my comprehension for the killer that I choose to main simply because "Robots are cool"

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Yeah you're definitely thinking of someone else… I've never in my life called huntress OP…

  • Legendary_deedee
    Legendary_deedee Member Posts: 65

    Maybe they can start by removing the movement speed off his power

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I think he's kind of like Nurse, in that once you master him it's ggs. You can tell who is using the auto aim and who isn't, and when you get those Singularities who absolutely stomp without using auto aim then you see what I mean.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    yes, but unlike nurse there's always something you can do and interact with the opponent.

    you can use EMPs to destroy cameras and cleanse infections to stop him from moving across the map, you can do a bunch of tricks to force him to mindgame you like regular m1s have, you can trade resources to consistently delay him hits and so on. it's just a matter of you being ready to match the effort and skill the opponent puts into winning.

    singularity is a killer with an endless skill ceiling done right.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    he is fine atm, unless you're talking about soma family photo. that addon is in fact nuts and if OP was basing his bitching on the fact this addon exists, I would be agreeing with him that this stuff needs to be gone.

    basekit singu tho, not so much. he's like a sidegrade from what he used to be where he leans more into actually interacting with survivors in chase instead of stacking 8 seconds of overclock and just guaranteeing to win every tile. overclock rn is much shorter and has a consistent timing that's very much possible to play around as it runs out just barely before he can hit the survivor. autoaim did help people to pick him up, but that hasnt done anything to make them good at using the actual power.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 294

    Singularity is more or less fine balance wise. He just punishes the playstyle that most survivors use against most killers, which is holding W and insta using everything. I'm mostly doing fine as him and against him.

  • Shinkiro
    Shinkiro Member Posts: 142

    Another "killer OP" thread, another thread proving survivors have skill issues and refuse to adapt to how different killers play. Same old story.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    What does that have to do with you completely misreading the original post? 😂 Like if you would have understood the assignment then great, but giving an answer to a question of your own creation and then complaining that I'm not understanding you is Olympic level mental gymnastics. If it was just that, I wouldn't have an issue, but for you to then double down on it over and over again with, quite frankly, extremely unfunny memes meant as "gotchas" insulting my intelligence and understanding of the game is such a tasteless and rude thing to do.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Pretty positive the changes you suggest here would nuke Singularity into oblivion. Not being able to destroy emp'd pods and having to wait 5 seconds after placing a pod before you can slipstream a survivor would be awful, and absolutely feel awful to play as.

    I guess I wouldn't be against some number tweaks maybe, like having EMP's progress a bit further on their own so you have to spend a little less time to retrieve them, and a nerf to his soma family photo addon, but other than that he seems fine to me. There is definitely some counterplay for survivors to prolong chases and waste time so other survivors can work on gens.

    I also fail to see how he doesn't require much skill. He definitely has a fairly high skill floor and very high skill ceiling if you ask me. And it seems that most of the community agrees with that sentiment.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Soma family photo inflicts 3% hindered for 3 seconds, or only a loss of 0.36 meters if there was no hindered per slipstream. Applying deep wound only stops an anti-hemorrhagic syringe or an adrenaline play. If you think this addon is broken, then you know that you can easily reapply a pod in chase and have that affect the outcome.

    Either that, or the self proclaimed singularity main who is willing to teach others how to play singularity isn't up to date on his killer's changes…

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Most of the community misattributes skills to a specific killer rather than understanding those skills can be used on all killers. Knowing how to aim your camera (slipstreaming via pods or aiming with your power in chase) works well on nurse, deathslinger, huntress, trickster, etc. Knowing how to zone a survivor (pods that are around LOS, forcing survivors away from windows to teleport to) works well on knight, trapper, artist, pyramid head, etc. This is what I mean. There are absolutely 0 skills that are unique to singularity apart from having a basic understanding of how his power works, and then using that knowledge to play the game. That's not a skill ceiling, that's called following the instructions.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    actually hilarious reply. this guy thinks the only thing soma photo does is slowing survivor and stopping a syringe.

    do you know how busted it is to be able to force an injured survivor to do a 12 second mend every time they get into your camera sight across the entire map? in close games this addon accumulates MINUTES of wasted time on mending, let that information sink into your not very open mind.

    god forbid survivors dont have insta reset builds or you play antiheal on top of that.

    you dont just "dont know", you have NO IDEA at all, even remotely 🤣

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    it's funny how your only input in this discussion is replying with this meaningless and irrelevant nonsense instead of listening to competent people.

    you cling so hard on the idea that it's somehow not fair that singularity should not supposed to just reinfect you after EMP has been used, that you completely forget that this ability is very much the core of this killer's design and that this killer is built around it.

    You dismiss anything that's been told to you, because if you were to actually listen to even a single bit of that, your entire narrative would've fell apart and that would mean you'd have to confront the issue not being the killer you're so eager to complain about.

    this incompetence and complete lack of understanding of the character, on top of blazing rage and refusal to listen make you a fine example of what kind of people usually tend to make complaint posts in media spaces of dbd.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895
    edited November 2024

    oh, forget about nuking singularity, these changes FORCE singularity in the most boring and simultaneously efficient playstyle - gen defence, because that's the only thing he'd be able to do, even if that would be much weaker bc of the pod cooldowns.

    whenever people, who have not a single bit of understanding of how character functions, try to identify and fix the issues they think the character has, they end up making things so much worse.

    it's like this guy was responsible for making that failed twins rework.

    "How do we want to rework twins?"

    "We dont want them to slug"

    "okay, so what will they do?"

    "I dont know, but they WILL NOT slug"

    same here. this guy doesnt care what singularity will do, he just wants him NOT TO INFECT PEOPLE MIDCHASE. doesnt matter at what cost and how, he just seethes at the thought singularity is able to just get the permission to use his power without much hindrance, it's actually inconceivable

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    And here we go again with the unfunny memes to try and make it seem like your argument holds any water! 😂😂😂

    If you're playing in an MMR range where people haven't disabled that pod with an EMP, or rotated to another generator altogether, or (here's the smartest play) HEALED TO HEALTHY, then I don't know what to tell you. Your skills on singularity surely have their place in a certain MMR bracket, but now it makes total sense how you're unable to see what high MMR singularities are able to do and what my original argument is about.

    Besides, if you are on cameras most of the time trying to inflict deep wounds, you're just stalling the game and not getting hooks. Good players know how to play around that. Whichever content creator convinced you with a video of a cherry picked game that this was some form of unbeatable addon has done a massive disservice to the reality of the situation.

    I know they say killer mains will defend their main no matter what, but this is honestly just peak comedy to watch 😂🤣

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    My input has been contradicting your blatantly false statements about singularity. The only things I've dismissed are your statements that have had nothing to do with my original post, or your statements that don't hold up to any amount of scrutiny or critical thinking (EMP while he's slowed after you triggered his spirit fury after throwing a pallet, forcing him to hit you 😂 I mean come on 🤣). Make a good argument that makes sense, and maybe I'd be inclined to consider your points.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    You making the claim that I don't want singularity to infect mid chase proves that you did not understand my post and have been arguing some straw-manned point this entire time. I never once said he shouldn't be able to infect people mid chase. I said it is currently too easy to and using his only counter (EMPs), despite your erroneous claims that there's a way to make them effective, do next to nothing because reapplying a pod takes no time at all with very little skill required.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    oh, forget about nuking singularity, these changes FORCE singularity in the most boring and simultaneously efficient playstyle - gen defence, because that's the only thing he'd be able to do, even if that would be much weaker bc of the pod cooldowns.

    I think that is actually the most fun I have against Singularity.

    I really dislike killers who are oppressive in chase. I prefer the tactical approach of controlling the map. I though that was all Singularity could do, which is the reason I bought him with Iri Shards.

    …I kinda regretted it. Kinda.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557
    edited December 2024

    Because how much gameplay would be sufficient for you? Say I posted 100 games of me 4king on singularity, you'd find some way to dismiss that.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Yeah it's always some excuse. It's almost as if it's some fallback auto-win the argument here on the forums: "oh my logic fell through… how about you post gameplay or your ideas mean nothing!!!" It gets overly tiresome extremely quickly.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    At that point the discussion is over, because not even the perfect gameplay would be enough.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 301

    bubba can shred through pallet yet if you pre throw every pallet while having a gen efficient team you will beat him . Issue is solos dont do gens half the tjme

  • Ghostofsnow
    Ghostofsnow Member Posts: 181

    Oh i fully agree with op, i saw HUX's initial sweeping buffs and knew they'd be oppressive used right, they made a killer that can camp hooks and gen across the map, you cant hold W against and can brute force nearly any loop with his overclock mechanic that has an incredibly short cooldown and gives them haste.


    this is also the only killer that has a 100% kill rate after closing a hatch.

    like put bio pods near either exit gate and boom, a survivor has literally no option. they use an emp, you know where they are and replace it if they hide. If the survivor tries brute forcing you instantly lock on them cause you're playing security guard with the cameras swapping back and fourth every 2 seconds.


    the only saving grace is few people play the robot or are on console making its harder to execute.

    like the emps just feel like a time waster device that's only worth it if you're getting getting rid of biopods by hooks or gens. using it mid chase is stupid 98% of the time and save you like 2 seconds in chase when you spend 30+ running to one and grabbing the thing in the first place.

  • Shinkiro
    Shinkiro Member Posts: 142
    edited November 2024

    There was never a discussion here in the first place. There NEVER is when someone creates a whine thread because that person can never admit their thinking is wrong. Whine threads facilitate echo chambers.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    though i dont really care about you 4king as singularity. you wont be able to do that for a while anyway and we arent talking about you playing as this killer, we're talking about your impotence against this killer that you put so much effort into denying.

    i want you to post your survivor gameplay vs this killer so we can see what you're doing wrong.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    what exactly did they buff about him that was a gamechanger, please tell me.

    as far as im aware, they sidegraded him and made him simply easier to pick up on basic level. maybe they did something I dont know about, like they made emps take 200 seconds to print or they no longer remove infection or that overclock is a 100% hit every time. because to me it feels like they just made him not dependant on an addon to be playable and no longer a massive pain to pick up, while removing multiple strong high skill rewards like stacking overclock and camera tech.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    At this point, you have to be trolling if you're reading what @GeneralV and I were just talking about, and then deciding to post a comment asking me to post gameplay.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    i dont really value the opinion of the guy who just came to give you moral support because you were losing the argument so bad

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    yeah, thank god you arent in charge here.

    gen defence singu is the most tedious and boring kind of gameplay this killer has and this is exactly the reason this killer is so much capable of grinding solo q players into fine powder as beating gen defence bot is extremely difficult without coordination as he completely abandons 1v1 interactions and focuses entirely on resource&gen defence 1v4 gaming where survivors have no agency unless they play well as a team.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    edited November 2024

    Disrespect is unneeded, I was not aggressive towards you.

    I am agreeing, respectfully, with what was said here. I know for a fact that posting gameplay often doesn't help the discussion at all because it will most likely be dismissed immediately. I've seen it happen myself, actually. That is why I commented.

    As for the other comment, I was pointing out a playstyle that I, in particular, really like: macro gameplay. Less focus on chases, more focus towards controlling the map. I've always liked that, and I know Singularity is capable of such gameplay. Never once did I state I would change him, in any way.

  • Ghostofsnow
    Ghostofsnow Member Posts: 181

    exactly, they made a strong killer with all its potential oppressive power much more accessible. I think the game should have strong high skill level characters to pick up but they decided to make it was easier with an already overloaded kit.


    like before I'd argue singularity is the hardest killer to pick up and one that would very much be a test of a players micro management and one i enjoyed playing against decently cause those matches that where ended as fast as a blight meant something and i could seriously respect the play for.


    Now its a killer you can very much brute force a lot with and the 'counter play' is really non existent. like the balance was the killer was incredibly hard and the skill ceiling was admirable.


    Overall i think my problem is this games choice to not have really high skill cap or hard characters anymore. like nurse is just a muscle memory and prediction character that gets to ignore all loop mechanics, the only thing with her is she and the rest of the roster have no transferable skills outside of game sense. i think singularities gameplay concept was very unique and added way more to the game and that skill expression didnt need to be hit like it did.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    I don't really understand all the disrespect for the people that disagree with you. We're trying to have an honest discussion about the merits of my initial post, but you're just not listening to anyone who disagrees with you, on top of throwing quite rude insults back at them.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    and im not being hostile in any way towards you.

    im simply stating my honest feelings about you said: im glad you are not in charge because what you like is not what most people will like and your decisionmaking will not the game better for a lot of players me included.

    macro gameplay in dbd is ultimately boring and exhausting. either to face or to face as well. it's devoid of any actual player interaction or dynamic because for survivors to give you a proper opposition in such gameplay they would have to play in swf with comms and the game would never be balanced for that.

    as for posting gameplay - it's pointless to discuss anything objectively without talking about particular examples. people can call trapper OP because their only experience against him is facing memeing 10k hours trapper mains winning games without perks and thinking this is the norm

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    Oh, maps definitely needs fixing. There is just a minority of maps with good balance, and not for all killers.
    Then you have the obvious killer/survivor sided maps, with the likes of Haddonfield and Coldwind Farm (killer) or Eyrie and Badham Preschool (survivor)

This discussion has been closed.