If you are going to nerf thrill of the hunt, don’t just revert it back to 10% please!
Thrill of the hunt got buffed in the last patch and with it came a lot of complains.
If you gonna nerf it please don’t just return it back to 10% without adding anything. A middle ground between 14% and 10% could be the solution → 12% or add a secondary effect to it.
I don’t think it needs a nerf, but I know things, that get complained about a lot, get nerfed.
A secondary effect could be:
- It reduces the gen speed, sabotaging and healing speed by 3% for each totem standing.
let's do some math here.
14/0.3 = 46.66 / 0 cleanses
14/0.44 = 31.67 second to cleanse a totem /1 cleanses
14/0.58 = 24.1 seconds /2 cleanse
14/0.72 = 19.2 /3 cleanses
14/0.86 = 16.2 / 4 cleanses
the value of the perk dramatically goes down after 2 cleanses. if 4 survivors start cleansing 4 different dull or hex totems, there is very little possibility that the killer can interrupt all 4 cleanses. It's like trying to defend 7 gens. the killer can only be at one place but survivor can be in 4 places at once on 4 different corners of the map.
With detective hutch+map with Crystal bead, you can finish 1 gen and show all the totems to your teammate via aura. even soloq can cleanse totems very easily. So all you do is rush gens at the start and than cleanse the totem as a team by splitting up.
furthermore, Many hexes don't do anything even if they left up entire game. Hex:Lullaby is easy to land skill-checks. Ruin has slow regression that you can rush gens and entirely ignore the perk. Blood favor is hold-w after a hit. Crowd control abusable by blocking irrelevant windows. Hex:plaything doesn't need to be cleansed. if no one cleanses, you won't deal hex:penti. NOED is NOED.
the only hex perk that stands chance to produce impact if entirely ignored is devour hope. even this perk can be defeated by rushing gens and being good at the chase but let's you don't want to take chances. it is still possible cleanse all the totems under devour hope.
you can also muti-cleanse without a map because realistically… your going find some dull totems or hex totems if all 4 survivor look for totems. perk does not need nerf. player need to use their brain a bit to counter it. it is like any time BVHR remotely makes hex totems a mild inconvenience to get rid of, everyone jumps ship that they need to be weaker and easy to remove…
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on3 -
Hex:Lullaby is easy to land skill-checks
Disagree, very annoying perk.
Crowed control and Blood favor are both good perks.
perk does not need nerf.
I’ve not said it needs, what I said was: If they nerf it, they shouldn’t completly revert the buff and add a secondary effect.
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I think you’ve seen the threads about “revert the buff” too.
I just hope, they give it something in return and don’t just revert it.
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What if it went back to 10%, but was no longer a Hex? It'd still have the counterplay of getting rid of dulls to lessen the penalty, while not having massive penalties to speed like the current iteration does.
It might still have problematic synergy with Pentimento, but that perk is probably one of the most unhealthy perks in the game currently and needs addressing itself. You could just make it not work with Rekindled Totems for the time being.
Could be an idea worth considering, I'm not sure.
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I would also be fine with that. I just hope they do not only revert it. I never understood why it is a hex.
Why exactly is pentimento problematic? You need two or more perks just to get some slowdown, which can easily get removed by survivors.
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30% gen slowdown is insane. Combine that with the fact that there are perks that can light up every totem on the map, and that are hexes that you absolutely HAVE to cleanse, otherwise they're game ending.
They are not very easily removed provided the killer plays around them, a Pentimento totem near a hook or in the middle of a 3 gen is extremely hard to deal with even for very well coordinated teams. You could argue that this is RNG dependent, and to a degree it is, but the killer can mitigate it by only lighting the Totem when they're in a favourable situation to do so, for example hooking near a rekindle spot and only lighting it afterwards.
Best case scenario, it's a very good amount of guaranteed slowdown as a fallback on some already great perks. Worst case scenario, it drags the game to a complete standstill until it's over. Either way, it's extremely obnoxious.
This isn't even mentioning the fact that keeping track of cleansed totem locations as a solo player is inconsistent at best. It gets leagues worse in this case.
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30% gen slowdown penalty is good punishment for ignoring totems and just seat on gens. It gives survivors side objective, counter annoying genrush strategy and actually punish survivors for ignoring this totem with huge penalty. Hexes should be a threat that survivors cannot ignore and no untill gens stop pop every 5 sec and game over in 5 minutes this perk does not need changes.
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Ignoring totems by…. doing the totems? You do know Penti requires you to actually take out totems to work, it's punishment for doing the side objective.
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And by the fact is impossible in SoloQ, you can't tell where the teammates cleansed the totems and tell them to cleanse them again
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I fail to see why we can't just bring genrushing perks or toolboxes for this. Survivors seem to like those.