Hangman's Trick Is Awful According To Science

I did a little experiment to test out just how awful Hangman's Trick is now that we have Jagged Compass which makes multiple scourge hooks and its just as bad as I thought.
- I sent us to the smallest 2 story map, Midwhich
- I brought the perks Hangman's Trick, Jagged Compass, Monstrous Shrine and AA
Monstorus shrine was brought just to make the basement hooks scourge hooks to try and buff Hangman's trick and here are the results:
- 1st Pick up 8 Scourge hooks, Zero aura reads
- 2nd Pick up 9 scourge hooks, Three 2 second aura reads. Healing under new JC hook
- 3rd pick up 10 scourge hooks, Two 3 second aura reads same as last
- 4th pick up 11 scourge hooks, Zero aura reads
- 5th pickup 12 scourge hooks, Two aura reads one was 2 seconds the other was 3
- 6th pickup up 13 scourge hooks, Three aura reads one was 7 seconds one was 13 and the other was 3
- 7th pickup 14 scourge hooks, Three aura reads one was 7 seconds the other two were 3 seconds
- 8th pickup 15 scourge hooks, Two 5 second aura reads
- 9th pick up 15 scourge hooks, Three 6 second aura reads
- 10th pickup 15 scourge hooks, One 5 second aura read
- 11th pick up 15 scourge hooks, One 12 second aura read
- Total aura reading time across all survivors: 96 Seconds
- 12 hooking with BBQ and Chill itself provides 190 seconds of aura reading alone (potentially)
- 266 When using Lethal
In conclusion Hangmans Trick is omega level whack. Just switch it to a 2 meter aura read on all hooks permanently. The carry requirement makes it worse than it already is. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Why are you running this perk?
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To prove it is cheeks and needs a change
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The perk never should have been made into a scourge hook. It made no sense to do that. I personally go beyond that, and say that the full buff/rework that the perk got in the Deathslinger PTB should have gone live, and it never did. People pressured the devs into nerfing that version, as it was "the strongest aura perk in the game." Well, we were desperately looking for an alternative to BBQ at the time, because it was the go-to aura perk (and still is for many), and yet people didn't want Hangman's. I tell you now, if you put Deathslinger PTB Hangman's in the game, nothing crazy would happen. It would be like dropping peak Freddy in today's meta; no major shake up.
What people need to understand is that BBQ happens upon hook, and lasts a few seconds after. But with Hangman's, it happens only as you're carrying someone, so if you're facing the wrong way to see auras across the map, it doesn't work. If you down someone right near a hook, and immediately hook them, it doesn't work. It only works in those scenarios if you waste extra time, which you might not have, to be looking all around for a few seconds, AND THEN hook the person. And by the time you get to where the person's aura was shown, they might not be there, whereas with BBQ you can actually see them running a few seconds after, getting their direction of flight.
I'd be interested to see the perk hit live as I've suggested. Maybe we'll see people go from "the hooks are too close together (despite them being spaced out via patches like 3 times)!" to "the hooks aren't far enough apart (denying Hangman's value)!" Any time one of the roles has another decent perk to run, that creates options which creates more variety, and we all want that.
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💐 not forgotten
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hangman trick is pig perk. the perk is trash, i tried on ptb using new jagged compass. it is not good. the perk should work like weave attunement, you can see survivors near hooks over certain radius.
Any time one of the roles has another decent perk to run, that creates options which creates more variety, and we all want that.
dev don't want that. they'll buff meme stuff like Machine learning only to nerf it like next patch after. whenever they buff something for killer that ends up being good, it's just an accident. they didn't mean to do that.
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True. And they never address the real problem either. "I wonder why nobody uses Machine Learning?" Not only is it weak in that you get max 5 uses, and get screwed out of a use if you don't get lucky and kick the 1 specific gen they complete first, but the perk lies to you and says you only have to kick the gen once when you really have to kick it twice. Why? Nobody knows.
Oh, we buffed Pop to 30% after destroying the perk through taking progress off current, not total? Let's destroy it even more.
Crap like that.
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they buffed machine learning to only require 1 gen kick.