Forcing Survivors to Run at Least One of Their Teachables

With certain survivors getting more cosmetics than other due to their popularity, one way I thought up to incentivize people to play other survivors without being too obtrusive is to force them to use at least one of the selected Survivor's teachable perks. For example, someone selecting Dwight would have to run at least one of prove thyself, bond, or leader. Or, someone playing Mikaela would have to run at least shadow step, circle of healing, or clairvoyance.

I know part of the appeal of survivor is that they're all pretty much just cosmetics, but having that perk freedom also takes away from seeing a survivor's own character in game. Claudette is a medic, as reflected in her own perks, but that can be completely unacknowledged and missed. Nea's perks emphasize stealth, yet how often do you see a nea being stealthy?

I'd just like it if we could see a survivor's character snone through in game rather than just the completely ignoreable lore. And also to help incentivize more diversity in survivor pick rates.


    HOMOGRIMOIRE Member Posts: 49

    Sure, it would mostly shift the more popular survivors to thosewith meta perks, but its only one perk slot, so its not particularly restricting since most characters have at least one viable perk. Plus, the idea is to let a survivor's character shine at least a little and to get people to try new things. people liked chaos shuffle because it forced them to try new things, so the idea isn't so outlandish. And even if survivors with meta perks are chosen more often, meta perks change.

    But honestly, i wouldn't mind this restriction for killer either. It could even be a point of balance for them. Perks can alway be buffed/nerfed, and it makes it so running 4 slowdown is only possible on a select number of killers. And just like survivor, allows a killer's character to shine more, even though they already have their power, voice lines, and animations to show that.

    So, sure it could still lead to low survivor diversity, but its an issue we already have and this could be something worth trying, at least on a ptb to see what happens. And i wouldn't mind it for killer. something to help balance some of them at least and show more of their character in game. Though, not every cares about character showing in game, so it's understandable for this kinda change to not resonate with people, killers especially.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited December 2024

    here's an idea. you can do it already. pick any character and put 1 teachable perk. you already have the mode. no reason to force your challenge on everyone else.

    Some player have supported the idea of survivor powers and a possible survivor power is one of teachable being free perk slot but this creates meta survivors such as survivor that just happen to have exhaustion perk as one of their powers. Maybe you get 1 free teachable perk if you don't bring an item into the trial. could be an idea.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    I think it could be cool if perhaps certain survivors get some sort of buff or added effect for using their own perks. Or at least certain perks. Just a slight buff for some and maybe a larger buff for others. Maybe a very slight or no change for meta perks. This would be to keep people from using the same skin for bonuses on meta perks and promote variety.

    I think the same should go for select killers and their perks as well.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,228

    This isn't a good idea. This would cause certain survivors to become meta solely for their perks and not because people actually want to play them. Overall it would not increase diversity in survivor pick rates, if anything it would decrease it because survivors who don't have any super good perks would rarely be played.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 990


  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 542

    Even though I like to use perks that involve the character (especially when their perks are good on their own). I don't think forcing both killers OR survivors to run a perk specific to that character.

    Huntress for example has terrible teachable perks other than Hex: Huntress Lullaby and even if the goal is to shift the meta - it would just cause people to run specific characters with the same builds, albeit small changes every now and then.

    Even though I don't care for the meta, forcing people into always using one teachable would make the game even more boring and stale. Like, Ace, Tapp (is ehh), Ash, Baermar/Aestri all have terrible teachables at least to me and forcing people to make builds out of their already niche perks isn't the way to go.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    I already play Claudette exclusively for the medic role using Botany as a staple in all 3 of the builds variants that I use. StB will probably be a staple as well.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    First of all, that is seriously unfair to all the players that have devoted time and money into one character already. Imagine being a P100 Jonah main who's bought all the cosmetics. Now all of the sudden, if you want to play your main then you have to play a garbage perk. There would be so many people quitting the game. Now what I could see is for survivors to get a slightly better version of their own perk if they so choose to use it. Nothing game breaking. Like a 10% buff to their own perks

    For example, let's say you want to play Meg. Her teachables are Adrenaline, Quick and Quiet and Sprint Burst. Adrenaline and Sprint Burst both give 50% run speed boost normally but if Meg equipped either of those perks she would get a 55% run speed boost. Quick and Quiet normally has a 20 second cooldown but if Meg equipped it then it would have an 18 second cooldown. That would give something of an incentive for players to use their teachable perks but it wouldn't break the game. Maybe if the player only runs their teachables then the bonuses are tripled.

  • There’s no real point to it. People should be able to pick whatever skin they want with whatever build they want. It would also give a silly minor advantage to Killer because they’d be better able to predict Survivors’ builds.