Ranking System

We really need a better ranking system, like a leaderboard where you can see top 100 killers and top 100 survivors either based off of wins or something where a survivor that has 4 games with all iridescents has a higher ranking than a survivor that has 6 games with all silvers. I know that you may be wanting to focus on bugs or things that may seem more essential to the game; but by improving the ranking system you are making it much better for people who are new to the game. I'm not necessarily saying the current pip system we have is bad, just a more in depth ranking system that isn't 1-20. Also along with this I think we should open back up region switching, so people can all play on Toronto and not have long queue times


  • Esoteric
    Esoteric Member Posts: 19

    Also having some sort of reward for the top 100 such as sepcial cosmetics (like a shirt that has something moving on it) or like 5million bloodpoints or a ton of auric cells; maybe you get multiple choices but you only get 1/4 choices. Something like this would actually give insentive to play at high ranks and make people not want to dc!