Please revert houndmaster's chase music

I already mentioned this in my recent post but the new chase music is just so underwhelming to listen
Old version had personality with the accordion, but since it's now gone, it just feels dull and loud
You need to pull a vecna and immediately revert it back to her ptb iteration
Don't change what's already perfect.
Here's the link to the chase music comparison
Agreed, complete downgrade
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no idea why they changed it, not a fan of the current.
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I love the new music, but the outer-most layer is literally impossible to hear over the volume of the regular heartbeat. Vecna also has the problem.
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I don't understand why they changed it. As far as I know, there weren't any complaints about it. Why "fix" something that isn't broken?
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For the love of god revert it back Bhvr please. It’s actually awful. The chase on the ptb was way better!
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Yes! Please revert the chase music to the ptb version!!
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I do like the music that's currently playing. Although, I've never heard the old one. Maybe it's better.
Anyone have a link to it?
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Nah, keep layer 4.
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Here's the link
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I have no idea why they changed it. I literally didn't see anyone complaining about the chase music. BHVR always ruin chase music! They did the same with the Xenomorph and many others.
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Has her chase been reverted from the ptb?