"Thrill is a Problem" *Counterforce Exists*

Current flavour of the month thanks to a content creator slapping together a few matches of Hex Builds working against mediocre teams to convince people Thrill of the Hunt is unhealthy for the game after it's recent buffs.
Killers will most likely be using:
Thrill of the Hunt, Ruin, Pentimento and Devour Hope so a whole build dedicated to totems
Thrill of the Hunt - For each totem 14% speed penalty to cleansing and blessing
Ruin - Automatically regress Repair progress at 100%, not overly problematic It's just a Killer kicking gen minus the kick regression
Pentimento - Re-lighting broken totems gives you bonuses like reducing heal and gen speeds
Devour - 3 stacks allows insta down, 5 stacks allows Mori
How to counter this build:
1. If Totems are bothering you that much because you believe in the "If it glows it goes" schtick then Jill Valentine's perk "Counterforce" is now your best friend in the game.
Counterforce - You cleanse 20% faster, gain 20% per totem you cleanse and reveals the farthest totem from you for 4 seconds. If need be bring a Map too.
2. Simply ignore the totems. If you know the Killer has Ruin and you are not getting hit by Devour then you know you can ignore totems and just focus on gens as you normally would.
3. If you notice Devour early just go for immediate unhooks, Killer can't gain stacks with immediate unhooks they have to leave the area asap to get any value from it.
4. Rush gens as you usually would. Ruin isn't enough regression by itself against a solid Survivor team, Thrill is useless because you are not doing Totems, Penti is useless as no Totems are broke and Devour is getting no value because your team is efficient on gens and going for immediate unhooks.
I can't see this "Meta" lasting long if it can even be considered a Meta. It has so many holes to the point of in worst case scenario you needing to bring a perk to counter it. When Killers start to realise Counterforce is single handedly bricking on these Hex Builds they will stop trying to use it and go back to whatever they were using before.
But sadly despite these fairly obvious counters and ways to adapt around it people will simply ignore it and still demand nerfs.
Counterforce isn't working in soloq most of the time. Others don't know that you have it and waste time regardless.
2 and 4 are good options.
3 sounds like farming to me. Sorry.
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Counterforce doesn't work in solo queue, believe me. Best way to counter this build is do gens as fast as possible and in chase don't get caught for as long as possible.
Problens with this are that for the past year, at the very least in solo queue, there has been a wide number of perks you can use and not feel completely useless or just get instantly stomped by the killer. If TOTH isn't nerfed, you are essentially playing against Tombstone Myers but on every killer, except you can't hide in lockers to prevent the mori. Which is quite ironic considering the update nerfed tombstone add on heavily on Myers!
It's the same approach as playing a Tombstone Myers except it's nearly every match and with certain killers, even more powerful than that. If TOTH isn't tweaked down, it'll just lead the every single survivor bringing Commodiuses, BNPs, maybe Built to Last, Streetwise and every other gen rush perk and add on imaginable as well as dead hard, syringes, borrowed time in a bottle and everything else to extend chases. That will be all survivors will be able to bring.
The survivor build variety will die and any killer not using this hex build will moan about increased sweaty survivors gen rushing, using powerful chase perks, add one's and stuff. It needs to be changed quickly for everyone's sake!
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"A content creator"
I've seen videos from the German Boomer Frog, the Guy Who Mains Speed, the Meat Alternative, and the Handsome Spanish Otter (not naming them, but if you know you know). Don't put this on one person, at least 4 major content creators think the perk is over-buffed.
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"If TOTH isn't tweaked down, it'll just lead the every single survivor bringing Commodiuses, BNPs, maybe Built to Last, Streetwise and every other gen rush perk and add on imaginable as well as dead hard, syringes, borrowed time in a bottle and everything else to extend chases. That will be all survivors will be able to bring."
They do this anyways and have brought it in long before this TOTH buff was ever a thing? Nerfing TOTH what's stopping Survivors from bringing that stuff you mentioned afterwards? I go against green toolbox's and insta heals A LOT as is. If Thrill gets nerfed should also that stuff you mentioned be looked into as well?3 -
Can't say I have ever heard of those others you mentioned but there is one in particular creator known in the community that has released content on the "issue".
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I saw a big streamer run Thrill of the Hunt buillds with the sole intent of making people miserable.
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It's pretty easy to figure out the youtubers if you just look at their names and pfp, lol.
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- Counterforce reduces the first Thrill cleanse to a whopping 39 seconds. That's still a ridiculous amount of time for a side objective whose progress resets if you're interrupted for any reason.
2. This is where I feel like players wildly overstate their survivor experience. Ignoring totems team-wide is a macro strat, and this game has no comms by default. I can choose to ignore totems all day and be in perfect coordination with myself. Console Corey in solo queue has no way of receiving that info. And not every player is engaged with the forums or social media.
Beyond that, "wait til you maybe get hit by Devour" is ludicrous. You're not cleansing Devour through Thrill while Devour is at 3+ stacks.
3. This is such a bad play out of context. Genuinely throwing against a decent killer.
4. This is another take I see a bit that makes me question survivor experience level. There are very few good killers who are going to get 3 stages or less, with or without regression. This will only work against a bad killer.
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Sounds about right.
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Due to how positive and negative modifiers affect each other in DBD, Counterforce's +20% does not really counter Thrill too significantly. Also:
Simply ignore the totems.
Lol, lmao even.
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Someone on the forums: "Thrill isn't a problem"
*Otz and Hens, with 10s of thousands of hours between them saying it's busted, exist*
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Thrill is a base game perk. Pentimento, Devour, and Ruin are available on characters you can get with shards (console players get Hag for free in their version of the base game).
Counterforce is from a character you have to spend real money on.
Players should not be expected to counter things that are free in the base game or unlocked using shards with a perk they need to spend real money on. This applies to both sides.
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Counterforce is so ridiculously useless that it is not even worth running it in these situations because there is barely any speed increase in totem cleansing.
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Fun fact:None of this works against Sadako lmao
Do gens and ignore totema? You have to deal with her secondary objective first
Instant unhooks? Doesn't work since she can teleport away instantly
Do totems? You get condemned passively and you have to leave the totem
Just something I found fun
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Especially when it is other streamers playing with either solo q or their group so that they can make these toxic ttv pathetic ytd videos to give said streamer a bad name
There is a certain someone whos really good at it but I will not mention name but its lame how people do this
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The people who are defending thrill will defend anything that benefits killer. It doesn't matter how ridiculous it is or what the most well known killer players think of it. These are the same people who defended old eruption and three gen skull merchant by trying to pass it off as a skill issue on the part of survivors.. The best team in the world getting locked into an hour long game wasn't enough for some of them to see how ridiculous the old skull merchant used to be. This should tell you everything you need to know about the type of player you're dealing with.
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The problem is that Counterforce is not a good counter against current Thrill.
It is barely even worth running.
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And all are of the same 1 opinion on every other issue as well, like game journalists. You're getting 1 viewpoint, spread across multiple people. There's no discussion to be had when everyone simply jumps to, and agrees to, the conclusion from the get go.
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So the average game then?
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all are of the same 1 opinion… like game journalists
ah, that explains a WHOLE lot
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No, it doesn't sound like farming. It's you assuming that a survivor getting off hooks means the killer will tunnel (not always true). It's also assuming that the survivor can't take a chase for very long, and that their safest place is on hook. In both cases, it sounds like the entire team falls apart the moment the killer starts doing their job, or applies any amount of pressure. Ultra casual mindset. But we'll never give the benefit of the doubt to casual killers, no. It's only ever a dominating killer against helpless survivors, never the opposite.
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It's literally 20% extra, and 20% more for each 1 you break. Meaning you breaking 1 totem makes the next totem break worlds easier.
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Be that as it may, I and others have always sought out the path of least resistance with killer. If the build is as dominant as you make it sound, I expect most killers to be running it by the end of the month. But I'm doubtful, especially since the devs might just nerf it before then, because they don't like seeing killer changes play out and shift metas. They just knee jerk reaction to survivor complaints.
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Counterforce is a very strong option but you still need to the killer to completely ignore you while you spend 39s doing the first totem that can be interrupted. If you get chased or spend a lot of the game on hook there is no guarantee the 3 randoms are running it as well. Killer is still doing chases while he gets immense passive slowdown from his build so by the time you get them it's ggs.
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Maybe we will, because there's so little that does benefit killer. I've debunked so many things: 3-gens, "solo weak," loop strength, kill rate, tunneling, "OP" killer perks, gen kick limit, and people keep parroting that exact same stuff like it's Gospel. I'll try to keep it short as I can, because I've said this like 100 times:
Thrill is fine, because the killer's pressure is split between not only the gens but also his totems. If survivors can't find a window of time through all of that to do a gen or a totem, they deserve to lose.
Old Eruption was mostly fine, because the killer spends all this time kicking gens instead of getting leads in chases, he has to down a survivor with people on those specific gens, and he has to do it before the gens get done. If survivors are just allowing the killer to waste all that time kicking every gen in-between each down, with unfavorable chases, and he's still winning, then they deserve to lose.
3-gen/Skull Merchant was fine too. With 3-gens, you can avoid the entire situation before it even starts by 99'ing a far one, and pushing the 2 furthest apart that are in the 3-gen area. When the killer comes, you yo-yo. If they kick the gen then leave, you can get right back on it. If they commit to chasing you, both yours and the other gen are free to be pushed. Skull Merchant doesn't change a thing about that situation, other than the few seconds needed to disable her drones. The only thing wrong with her was that her scan tags never disappeared, like it Trickster's knives just stayed on you forever. Survivors complained about the complete wrong issues with her.
The match y'all keep crutching on is really the biggest thing that disproves your point. "The top team in world couldn't do anythiiiinggg! Aaauuuggghhh!" Except they could. They could have 99'd and not purposefully 3-gen'd themselves. Didn't do it. The threw down pallets really fast on that side, even though them getting hit wouldn't have resulted in a down. They had to not get downed/hooked near the 3-gen, or at least use that opportunity to push gens hard. Didn't do it. I could have played that better than they did! Because every time Hens spectated a new survivor after that, what were they doing? Walking around, failing a flashlight save, doing nothing, not on gens. They really deserved to lose after all that, and they still didn't. Their opponent was M1 trash, and the whole SWF knew their game plan before the match started, and didn't do anything to counter it. I'm sorry, but they should never have got the "world's best title" after what I saw. I've seen random solos with more game sense and efficiency.
So there you go, again. It was just obvious to me.
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Thanks for providing this perspective on the Thrill of the Hunt change! We've been sharing feedback on this with the team and can confirm that we have plans to address this perk in an upcoming hotfix. Stay tuned for details!
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No, dude. How is the killer gonna be checking his totem every 40 seconds but also getting crazy pressure on the gens? Y'all should be pressuring him in that case. Survivors could afford to do totems and gens before, and can do so again. And spending all game on hook? Y'all are basically arguing that extremely casual survivors should be beating good killers. If your teammates aren't good enough, blame MMR for that. But don't just blame all your losses on the killer's doing alone. They can't do much.
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Is Shoulder The Burden getting addressed in an upcoming hotfix too? It's miserable when multiple people in the same game are stacking the perk on the same survivor, or are daisy chaining the perk (i.e. survivor B uses the perk on survivor A, then survivor C uses the perk on survivor B). And the perk inflicting exposed instead of broken, means the perk's downside is doesn't matter much against M2 killers because exposed doesn't work with M2 hits.
It feels like we had two problematic perks this chapter, but one of the perks got so many more complaints, that the other perk is getting completely ignored.
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The two perks are not comparable at all.
Not mattering much against m2 killers….
You trying to say M2 killers are in some sort of disadvantage ?6 -
Actually, it's 6%.
TotH removes the other 14%.
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I'm saying the downside should feel impactful for all killers. But if an M2 killer like Huntress uses their power on an exposed survivor, it only takes off one health state. But if the downside was broken instead of exposed, then the downside would feel impactful against M2 killers.
This is supposed to be a high risk / high reward perk, but against M2 killers it's often just high reward.
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Excuse me?
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It is though.
M1 killers are M2 killers just with an advantage.
M2 killers dont HAVE to hit you with M2. They can (and should) just zone you and hit you with M1 if you shoulder someone.
You can make the argument for nurse sure but this perk wont matter to her (if you are any good at her).0 -
Once comp SWF have a slight obstacle where they can't mindlessly rush the generators, expect a nerf to happen. The whining from 4 survivors is greater than 1 killer.
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Everyone should listen to content creators like Otzdarva and Hens because they're always "right".
Nobody can run different perks without complaining.
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Many M2 killers, like Huntress and Trickster, have zero extra mobility, and therefore can’t easily zone people into M1 hits.
Furthermore, it’s basically telling M2 killers that they’re better off ignoring their M2 power. And the M2 killers only have 40 seconds to get an M1, which often means the chase needs to be much faster than 40 seconds if the killer wasn’t heavily proxy camping, and therefore the killer needs to walk back to the hook to find the exposed survivor, before they can even start a chase. And since their killer is balanced around their M2 power, trying to win a chase that quickly with an M1 hit is often miserable.
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Thanks for this update. I had been spam-playing Thrill + Undying + Devour Hope + some other hex (generally crowd control or blood favor) and recording the games to make the point. Knowing it's going to be addressed soon, I don't have to keep playing this build that feels just too good
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Is this like a troll post or something? Survivors could do them before because totems were 19s shorter with old thrill. You quite literally don't need to baby sit your totems because the window to interrupt them is 68% longer. If they cleanse them they spent an insane amount of gen time while the killer is still killing people. If they don't it's an auto loss due to devour or natural hook stage progression/gen inefficiency.
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I hope this means yall doing a full revert while also adding the bp bonus back to the perk…I agree with everyone that the perk needs to be changed but I don't want it just to be reverted back to 10% and that is it. If it goes back to 10% plz add its bp bonus back to the perk.
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Since this comes up often right now, saying "counterforce is the answer/counter to thrill" is basically just disingenuous. It barely makes a dent. And by the time you have enough stacks to notice any difference, you've cleansed probably 4 totems and thrill has gotten a gens worth of time out of you.
It doesn't "counter" as much as "barely mitigates the tremendous impact that thrill has currently".
Thank the entity they're addressing this soon though.
Post edited by AmpersandUnderscore on7 -
He does this a lot. Whispers call him… the Daniel Monster. From trial to trial, he consumes poor souls in infinite anger, preaching everything you are thinking and doing in a trial. If you don't know what to do in a situation, just come here and let him tell you exactly what you did wrong, how you should have played, and why survivors are whiney.
In all seriousness, don't feed the troll. Just nod and move on for a better forum experience. Peruse his post history if you need more reinforcement.
Comp dbd is what another mode of play should be. Like ranked/casual queues. Many want it.
Also, its not mindless genrushing. It's just a strategy, like tunneling or camping. In this game, no one is allowed to have fun. This is the precedent set, and so it shall be.
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Thrill should not have been buffed in numbers, but by eliminating its token system that makes no sense.
Thrill being buffed from 10% to 14% gives the impression that they don't know their own game
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Thank God, I thought I was gonna miss the Christmas event avoiding this whole current TotH meta.
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Please don’t revert the buff completly and leave it with nothing. Thrill wasn’t strong enough prior to the buff to even being a hex. Make it 12% per stack or/and give it a secondary effect like for example; for each remaining dull/hex totem the generator, healing and sabotaging speeds are reduced by 3%. And please give it something, that makes this perk useful without other hexes if you make it 10%.
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Could you also discuss the current state of hex totems in the game with the team? This is the first time ever hex totems feel really good and rewarding. Yes, the buff might be a bit too much but it also shows that hex totem need some kind of this power to feel better to use because without it they feel like extremly high risk for mediocre rewarding.
We need a basekit change to hex totems to feel more reliable like not losing them because a survivor spawns next to it or the totem is easily found by the survivors because it spawned right next to a generator.
A healthy change to make hex totems more reliable would make the metagame so much better because then we had more perk variety, different gameplay for both sides, and creativity.
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Absolutely insane that the feedback from the forums is taken and changes to the perk are happening Soo quickly. You literally have not let enough time pass to actually get any meaningful data beyond survivors bitching because they have to adjust their playstyle. If this gets nerfed, you truely don't play or understand your own game. The survivors complaining are low skill level players who honestly just need to get good and stop complaining about anything killer related gets changed in the game.
Post edited by BoxGhost on3 -
What's there to good get with for holding a button for more than 40 seconds or running a Perk to aid which just would get complained about by you?
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I responded the way I did because I was expecting as much.
Thank you for the good laugh my friend 👉🐽
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Please let this be a lesson to test impactful changes like this on Ptb. Always.
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No, revert it back to 10% and test 12% or other variants in next PTB.