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General Discussions

No... I Will Not Be Voting For DBD For The Steam "Labor of Love" Award...

Member Posts: 3,598
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

First off, Id like to start this by saying that any Steam users that plans on participating in the Steam Awards event should focus on making their own decisions on who to vote for based on their own personal experiences.

I just want to say that DBD is trying (again) to earn the Labor of Love award and I really, really just wanted to voice my opinion on this.


One of the previous winners, Warframe, is a game I love a lot. It is up there is one of my favorite games of all time since the developers actually listen to the demands of the playerbase and have been working to improve the game.

In recent years, they have worked on adding highly requested ideas, flushing out story in the meaningful way, and improved the new player experience significantly while also providing Quality of Life (QOL) to experienced/long-term players.

Warframe DESERVED the Labor of Love since it was clear that the community was positive about Digital Extreme's changes and updates and DE was actively working with the community, improving relations (which were already really good to begin with), and actively showed a lot of effort and care into their game.


Dead By Daylight is a game I love, but it is really FAR away from earning the Labor of Love award.

bHVR has released a lot more "panic patches" where things were nerfed insanely fast in response to community feedback leading to some content feeling overnerfed or just overally not designed well since they were not actually given the time of day for a proper rework. The best example of this was the Machine Learning nerf which was intended to stop heavy end-game snowball builds but has fallen by the wasteside and has practically seen little to no use since the changes. Or panic nerfing Skull Merchant to make her literally unplayable.

DE has released many updates that do not feel tested and/or often the community feedback gets ignored and as a result we have gotten content that is either too strong or half-baked. I (along with many other Demo mains) protested some (but not all) of the changes towards Demo since it shoehorned players into using meta addons and further reduces build variety but bHVR ignored all feedback involving Demogorgon's issues.

This has also been the buggiest and glitchest year for DBD. Houndmaster released in the state that she is in currently and she does not work half the time since the AI for the Snugs was not fixed enough before the Chapter release, or how about the swap to Unreal Engine 5 that broke the game in many ways and still continues to plague DBD matches with bugs and glitches that have still yet to be fixed.

While the progression has been slightly improve, progression and P2W still plague this game and have for a long time. The lack of meaningful changes to the Shrine of Secrets and character unlock progression still leaves DBD in a spot where players (sometimes) feel forced to spend money since the alternatives for unlocking is so incredibly slow. If DBD was a Free To Play game, Id understand this being the case, but DBD is Pay To Play, it costs 20 USD (60 USD for Ultimate Edition) upfront to start playing.

None of this is to say "this was DBD's worst year" but this year was really, really rough for DBD and based on my own experience I dont think it deserves the Labor of Love award compared to other games.


Again, while I am just sharing my own opinion here. I do encourage people to think for themselves and make their own decisions on who to vote for.

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  • Member Posts: 3,013

    DE and BHVR are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I hope Warframe wins Labor of Love again because this year has been good for that game with multiple positive reworks, content and QoL updates, and the upcoming expansion looks very promising. Meanwhile, BHVR has been updating a number of perks to be far better than they were before, but for every positive thing they do, they make several missteps. And Doomed Course lives up to its name far too much.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Im most definitely not voting DBD for labor of love reward. They just released one of the most buggy killers with a very large skill floor (I still haven't gotten a kill with her btw...she first killer I have gone this long of a losing streak.), they nerfed SM this year and left her to rot till they rework her(they say next year but I'm money it's going to take two years at best), they fired a lot of ppl who did amazing things for the community, and they honestly mishandles the fog whisperer program. So yeah i don't even think they should be nominated honestly.

  • Member Posts: 5,249
    edited December 2024

    I voted rimworld

  • Member Posts: 272

    Ive never even considered dbd for it and i have thousands of hours in this game. New player experience is abysmal and until they fixed hostage situations like bleeding people out for 4 minutes and body blocking survivors in a corner(I get its ban-able) but until they fix these long standing issues its laughable

  • Member Posts: 27

    Yeah dbd hasn't felt like a Labour of Love with the many many bugs (multiple game-breaking), terrible servers, the SM gutting, random balance changes and new maps.

    For me, Path of Exile was the obvious nomination. While I'm sure bhvr is doing their best, you can watch the lead devs at GGG talk about poe2 and see that there's so much excitement, love and care being put into their game — I'm at the point of refusing to put more money into DBD until things change for the better but I'm gladly about to put 45 AUD into POE2's early access in a few days.

  • Member Posts: 1,280

    Won’t be voting DbD for Labour of Love either.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this game but I feel like they never really learns from past mistakes. Every other patch we get some new issue pushed to live that should’ve been caught by playtesting.

    Thrill of The Hunt buff is just the latest in a loooonggg line of things that should’ve never hit live servers and it definitely won’t be the last.

  • Member Posts: 9,707

    I went with BG3, because the bg3 devs have only added free content to the game over the past year when they didn't really need to and they just announced adding new subclasses for each class in the game.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Same! I love BG3 and the devs have been amazing to its community and game.

  • Member Posts: 6,144

    I fully supported them last time but yeah, I haven't felt the love this year. Sorry BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 347

    After gutting Skull Merchant and releasing Houndmaster, I can't see any reason to vote for them over other games. Maybe next year, if they start focusing on QoL instead of mindlessly adding more licenses

  • Member Posts: 621

    I voted Labour & Love Award. ❤️ 👍

  • Member Posts: 974
    edited December 2024

    I haven't even noticed the stream awards thing was going on so I'll have to look into it. DBD likely won't get my vote. They still put in good content, but it gets held back with a lot of bugs, lacking long over due QoL updates this game still really needs. DBD for me would get a 'game don't like, but enjoy playing'.

  • Member Posts: 969

    Kinda off topic I guess, but people still believe that dbd grinding is that bad? Most of the characters got their prices reduced by a 1/2 or 3/4 we also have shards in the rift etc... none of my friends that I indicated dbd (recently) thinks that it takes that long 🤷‍♂️ and saying the game is P2W is kinda going far, i personally think this year was really good in terms of QoL changes etc, but in the last few months they kinda dropped the ball (cof cof my skully)

  • Member Posts: 994

    I fully agree - I wouldn't pick DbD for this award either. My reasons:

    • It always takes an extremely long time to implement any sort of community-suggested improvements, and that only happens after overwhelming outcry from the community
    • Knowingly releasing and selling bugged content as well as leaving past bugs unresolved for months or sometimes even years
    • Overall lack of transparency behind changes in the game as well as refusal to release data that would provide insight into game balance
    • My primary reason: Matchmaking remains a complete and total disaster and BHVR have made no mention of any attempts to improve it. It is far and away the biggest negative aspect of the game. Even solo queue could be a consistently enjoyable experience if there was a functioning SBMM system that actually matched you with players of similar skill level.

    I believe that BHVR's biggest problem is, ironically enough, lack of competition. They can continue to leave major issues in the game unresolved because people are still playing and still paying. Gamers who want to play this type of game have nowhere else to go, and no doubt BHVR knows it. That's why they can get away with focusing resources on cranking out content, even if it's poor quality, and leaving all the other issues as secondary priorities to fix if they have spare time.

    With all that said, for all its faults, I still enjoy playing this game, but it certainly does not feel "Labor of Love"-worthy

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    Why anyone would waste their time with a pointless popularity contest in the first place is beyond me.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I voted as a sign of trust, due to Freddy's upcoming changes.

    This is me giving BHVR another chance.

  • Member Posts: 1,263

    Ah yes, vote for us for the Labor of Love after we have CONSISTENTLY cherry-picked the most BARE-MINIMUM things we can do to pretend we listen to community feedback. We DEFINITELY deserve it. Your feelings towards us are most certainly not at the ABSOLTUE LOWEST they've ever been.

    I've tried, BHVR. I've tried giving you the benefit of the doubt for so long. But this past year has been too much. The new player experience is STILL awful, and gets worse every update. Most of the perks you release are awful. You're pumping out more content than you can handle by shoehorning Survivor only chapters into the mid-chapters where they aren't needed. You shut down an entire company that you bought before they even had a CHANCE to do anything. You have proven once again that you can't handle four Killers a year by releasing a Killer who's more bug than game. You've aggressively pushed micro-transactions and limited time outfits for years despite MANY people telling you how predatory they are. You had one of the best lead-ups to an original Killer that made the Unknown one of the best Killers in the game, then you proceeded to FIRE the team that did that for you. You completely nuked a Killer out of orbit because you couldn't figure out a way to fix her so people wouldn't give up immediately and chose to do the closest thing to deleting her you could legally do in hopes that people forget about her so you can rework her. And I could go on.

    But honestly, none of that are what broke my trust in you. The straw that broke the camel's back was this:

    There was literally ZERO reason to change the HUD for any reason other than pure greed. You gave it the same functionality of the store, being able to trial outfits and purchase them without ever having to leave the lobby. In exchange, you destroyed BASIC FUNCTIONALITY. Quickly changing cosmetics, quickly leveling multiple characters, quickly looking through inventories to find who has Streamers, etc. are no longer possible because you can't be bothered to add a BASIC QUICK SWITCH BUTTON. Or I guess, RE-ADD it because you took it out and instead focused on the literal BARE MINUMUM you could do to "fix" what you broke and make it four-per-row and a reasonable size. Finding cosmetics is still a pain because you have less shown now, and don't even get me started on the charms, which were always difficult to figure out and are now even worse.

    Is this a petty reason to be ticked off? Yes. But this was genuinely what pushed me over the edge. Just about everyone was telling you how AWFUL this was (including myself), but all we got was a bare-minimum change with an explanation along the lines of "we can't go back." Why? What was it about Lara Croft that made it so you couldn't restore basic functionality? Why were these mutually exclusive?

    And now you DARE ask us to nominate you for Labor of Love? How about doing something that shows you DESERVE it first. And then KEEP doing it for at least two years straight. I love this game and I want it to succeed, but you make it so difficult. I don't see a team that actually loves working on this game anymore, just good people being fed to a greedy megacorporation that dictates their every move.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    "This has also been the buggiest and glitchest year for DBD"

    You... weren't around for Twins, were you? Or RE (first) that literally couldn't be played on console.

    This is absolutely mild by BHVR standards.

  • Member Posts: 878

    No. DBD has yet to even cross my mind for the Labor of Love award and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon.. The most recent chapter speaks for itself… Garbage in…garbage out..

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Overall, a really bad time to be playing DBD.

    Twins release, the UI changes, that horrible desync a couple patches later, first RE chapter with original RPD and being almost unplayable on consoles…

    Yeah, it was way worse.

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