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Scourge Hook: Jagged Compass causes Floods of Rage and Gift of Pain to work on every hook

sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,224
edited December 2024 in Bug Reporting

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The new Scourge Hook: Jagged Compass perk causes Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain and Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage to trigger their effects immediately when a survivor is unhooked from a regular hook, before that hook has been converted to a scourge hook.

Note: I am not 100% sure whether this is a bug or not, but I'm reporting it just in case. Based on the wording of the perks, it seems like it wouldn't be intended since Floods/Gift of Pain say "when a Survivor is unhooked from a scourge hook" while Jagged Compass's conversion occurs "when a Survivor is unhooked from a (normal) hook", so it shouldn't be counting that unhook as a scourge hook yet for Floods of Rage/Gift of Pain until the next time that hook is used. If this is actually intended, then my apologies and you can close the thread.



  1. Equip Jagged Compass, Gift of Pain, and Floods of Rage
  2. Hook a survivor on a normal hook (not a scourge hook)
  3. Have another survivor unhook them
  4. You will see the rescuer's aura from Floods of Rage, and the Gift of Pain effects are applied to the unhooked survivor (Hemorrhage/Mangled + repair/healing penalty), despite that unhook being from a regular hook.


(The hook shown here is a normal hook, when the unhook occurs you can see that Floods of Rage triggers and the Jagged Compass hook conversion sound effect plays, showing that it was a normal hook before the unhook.)


Post edited by Mandy on
1 votes

Not a Bug · Last Updated


  • Daniel_Silva04
    Daniel_Silva04 Member Posts: 136

    I think this might not be a bug, maybe the Jagged Compass perk activates before Floods of Rage/Gift of Pain

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,586

    This is not a bug, the activation condition of Jagged Compass takes precedent so activates prior to Floods of Rage / Gift of Pain etc.

This discussion has been closed.