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They're just gonna ignore Houndmaster, aren't they?

But thrill of the hunt gets all the attention
Whatever man
Dont you think it is a bit more complex to fix Houndmaster compared to a simple number change for Thrill of the Hunt? Come on.
25 -
Are you trying to be funny or condescending? They could at least say on X, Reddit, Forums or official announcement in-game "We're working on hotfixes for the Houndmaster, please, stay tuned!" but that's too much to ask.
All we get is silence.
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Houndmaster will take months to fix. For Thrill changes all they need to do is revert the number buff it got. Not really seeing how this a clean comparison even if Thrill got mentioned and Houndmaster didn't. They aren't comparable content.
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You mean years not months.
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That's how it is. Stronger killers than her are having to settle for forced draws and 4-man escapes constantly. And then they gaslight you into thinking all killers and their perks are OP. No point in me playing this season.
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I think they are comparable. They're both killer things. One is claimed to be OP, and will most assuredly be nerfed before month's end. The other is underpowered, will get placebo buffs at best, and then be left to die. That's how these things always play out.
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Changing the values on Thrill of the Hunt takes a couple keystrokes. Fixing Houndmaster will take considerably more effort.
6 -
Why does it take houndmaster months to get fixed, but a game like dota 2 can in the same time frame:
- Completely change the layout of the map
- Completely change every single character adding massive new basekit mechanics (like the facet system)
- Completely rework multiple characters
- Completely rework almost all the items
- All of these changes amount to effectively playing a new game.
- Have a team of < 100 people
Why does it take BHVR a few months to change 5 perks with numbers tweaks that don't actually ever make the perks usable because everyone still uses the same 10-15 perks on both sides? But yeah, i bet if we give the teamwork perks some bigger numbers people might use them.
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Because BHVR normally throws these changes in with Hotfixes for bugs.
And also even though BHVR is larger than a lot of studios, size does not necessarily equal speed, sometimes the larger amount of people can result in things taking longer in the workflow; more people means more people to communicate to about specific issues or problems.
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Hi there, we have communicated on this forum that there will be adjustments and bug fixes for Houndmaster, as well as for the Live Balance changes from the PTB in our hotfixes, as is our normal cadence.
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I'm a software engineer i know how long things should take. And they should not take as long as they do.
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They already announced that balance fixes are coming for this character. And Mandy just confirmed it again in this thread for you.
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Will her chase music be reverted to her ptb state?, the accordion was so much better before it got changed
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Yes but they also have to push out all the updates all at once for all platforms. This can pose issues since DBD is on many platforms and each platform has requirements before updates get pushed out and they also need approval from each platform to push it out; PlayStation is the biggest contention with this.
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I know we getting updates soon for her but she still should not have been released in the state she is in currently…dbd has this bad habit of pushing killers out when they not ready I feel. HM isnt the first killer to be released in a broke buggy state…you would think they would have learned something by now.
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Again, i am a software engineer. I know how long things should take including shipping things to multiple platforms and globally and dealing with localization and regional specific changes (and censorship) and dealing with China, etc.
Dealing with those things is the same whether you make one small changes (number tweak) or you ship a whole new game (maybe not the localization process). The way it works is ship a build do PS or xbox or w/e, they run their tests and tell you if they are happy with it. If you are shipping a number change, the test takes just as long as if you are shipping a new character, or if you are shipping a new map. Its all automated regardless. But the point is. Why does it take them 3 months to change the numbers of 5-10 perks? They should be able to ship that in a week, and in 3 months they should be able to completely rework every perk in the game if they needed to.
Like, if all of that stuff took that long, why does fortnite do the same thing? They have to ship to multiple platforms (even mobile) and they still manage to do more things than BHVR does and the crazy in-game events they do? And the collabs with multiple different IPs and products? The new skins, new modes, new features. etc. all the time?
What i don't know is BHVRs internal processes, code base etc. obviously. But my point is, if those things are setup in such a way that it makes them take this long to do even the smallest thing, what they need to be doing is restructuring their teams and org in order to make it so it doesn't take that long to do things.
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when can we expect em
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They already made an official statement before this thread was made. What more do you want?
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Please Houndmaster need more buff.