Would BioShock work, or be wanted in DBD?

If you know the game, or have played it, both 1 and 2 (as 3 sucked so bad no one can change my mind lol) But with Mr Bubbles in it, the little sister, big sister and the abilities, I think it could work as a killer, the map would be amazing. I very much loved the very vibe of it, with the splicers, wouldn't need to be a survivor in it, I think a Mr Bubbles or Big sister, the map could work with the little sisters somehow put into the game play. Just a thought, what do you think?
If BioShock get added then I will get what I wanted. For a survivor I wouldn't mind booker Dewitt.
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definitely a good shout! I loved that game series
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Cool idea tbh. I'd like to imagine "The Big Daddy" being the killer. You could use the little sisters as a power somehow, maybe they could reveal downed survivors or something along those lines? Very unlikely but would be fun to see.
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Alas I didn't like number 3 :( but I suppose is what the peeps would wish and hope for :)
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I did too! I mean imagine throwing bees at Meg! "Shut up Meg!" lol I feel is a lot of potential and possibility :)
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haha honestly so much potential to work with!
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If BioShock ever gets it's own chapter, i hope the killer is a Big Sister and not a Big Daddy.
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Plasmids as a killer power would be something else lol! BHVR would never be able to balance that nonsense.
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why not both? like pick? did it for legion :)
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BHVR hasn't been able to balance anything it seems, without complaints, wants and wishes and demands lol, is why I keep to my perks and peeps I know, is too much to try and learn, remember with perks etc, I just wish to play not combat a stragergy lol
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We'd 100% need a Nic Cage voice line!
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Still my most wanted license.
Bouncer big daddy with little sister as killer and either Booker or Jack as a survivor.
Map should be the ruins of Rapture. Just imagine a water based map, where you run through broken tunnels or water filled rooms.
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The Legion treatment wouldn't work here because both of their powers and overall body sizes + heights differ too greatly from one another, something not even legendary skins could fix.
Also i simply just don't believe Big Daddies and Splicers are good picks as their own killers regardless of the former being the most recognizable character of the IP.
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they are probs afraid to use a kid as a killer or apart of a killer, tho im sure there is some thing they can do so ur not hurting them. like simply taking away there syringes or sumthin
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Hell YES! I been hoping Big Daddy makes it in here!
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Drill'em good!
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It's a tough ask, because of the more bombastic characters.
Would the Killer be a Splicer? Lots of people would be sad to see it.Bouncer? Big and lumbering - very difficult to animate right, and would be a challenge to balance
Rosie? Can't have them shooting rivets. Fits the MO otherwise but would cause problems with balancing.
Rumbler? Not recognizable enough.
Alpha/Delta? A lot more recognizable, but also not an antagonist well associated with the series.
Big Sister? Probably the best option, although there would be problems with implementation.
Finally, the elephant in the room.
Bioshock has a lot of children in it.
Children are a large part of the story - helping them or murdering them in a society completely designed around murdering helpless little girls.
While I'm sure that some finesse could soothe the shock of bringing something that disturbing to our DbD platform - the presence of any of the primary Big Daddy characters without Little Sisters feels somewhat hollow.
It's possible to immerse the maps in an "under water" filter and make the Big Daddy move at 92% while survivors move at 80% - give them air tanks to manage as if the realm is under water.
It's possible to put sea slugs around and have some sort of "Plasmid" system similar to Vecna's loot.
It's possible to have survivors "Save" Little Sisters to remove the Big Daddy's power.
It's possible to give Survivors control over particular props (Such as turrets) to turn the tides against an otherwise unstoppable Big Daddy.
But, all of this potential would pale in comparison to the balancing act and cultural surgery needed to embody the Bioshock franchise within a DbD incarnation.
I'd love to see what a concentrated team from BHVR's best and brightest could come up with - although I must be honest, I think that a Bioshock crossover would be doomed from the start. There's just no way to create a product that does the original property respect while also making it viable for this experience.
Maybe seeing some skins (Like the Unknown becoming a Spider Splicer or something) - but I cannot imagine it being done in a way that works out.
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Nah, we still have other horror IPs that need to land in-game first. Candyman, Clocktower, Elvira, SiREN, Fatal Frame, Parasite Eve, Deadly Premonition, The Suffering, Constantine, Condemned, F.E.A.R, and the likes I would take first.