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My tier list for survivor perks

I started playing this game since the clown is release.
In the last 3 years I stopped using any meta perks and started using different types of perks and this is my opinion.
The ranking here is based on how useful the perk is when I need it for myself or my team soloQ
Some perks need to be played differently, some require you to play smarter, and some are better used for later.
While I do prioritize generator repairs, sometimes leaving the generators on for a bit can be a much better option since most of the killers I play against like to hang around generators for some reason.
In my opinion, helping and supporting your team leads to amazing results. One time I gave one of my team a flash grenade to help in his upcoming chase, but instead this survivor used the flash grenade to save me from the killer's shoulder. This is just one example.
Note: ranking perks at the same tier does not mean that this perk is better or stronger than the one before it, I'm too lazy to do that.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
truly the most cursed tierlist i've ever seen
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a lot of perks on the list are heavily undervalued and put way too low, and there are way too many perks not worthy of being of S-tier being put into it.
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Probably because you list perks like Dead hard and Sprint burst as F tier, but put perks like Any means necessary, FTP, Invocation and plunderer in S tier?
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Well, that's my opinion.
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How the heck is No Mither is B tier? At least invocation perks can just be not used but this gives you minus value for just equipping.
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No sluging it all and good against some killers
Except the Oni
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What's the problem? I literally hate Sprint because I hate its design, and as for Dead Hard, it doesn't work most of the time, I literally press a button and nothing happens.
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That's one of the worst tier lists I have ever seen…
Smash Hit S tier, lol3 -
This is a personal opinion, if you haven't noticed.
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My personal opinion is this is one of worst tier lists in history of DBD, if you haven't noticed.
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ok, np
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A personal opinion is that the Fiat Multipla is a good-looking car. Really wrong would it be to call it an airplane.
And this is what you basically did. Your Tierlist is so wrong on so many levels, you cannot just say "personal opinion", this is just a giant bait.
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Bond and Sprint burst F tier? You gotta be kidding right.
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Are we really arguing about what should and shouldn't be put in?
Your Tierlist is so wrong on so many levels
You can give your opinion but you can't tell me what to put, I've tried all the perks as best I can and this is my opinion about it, unfortunately I find some players get angry because someone doesn't agree with them.
As for PetTheDoggo, at first when I read his comment I thought that PetTheDoggo meant that I recommend players, however PetTheDoggo made his opinion clear, so I did not find any problem with that because my post is basically to see the players’ opinions regarding my tier list.
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What you see is not a joke :)
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I needed a good smile, this thread really did it thanks.
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I like the fact that you've stuck to your guns with this list. I do have one question though:
You mention that this is based more on SoloQ and the usefulness it has for the team. I also noted you've put Bond at F-tier.
Obviously it's all down to personal preference, yet Bond I would say is a really good SoloQ perk, which gives so much information that can be beneficial for the team. I'm just wondering why you feel it's so low.
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I didn't expect anyone to ask questions, yet I am happy and also happy with how shocked I caused everyone who saw this.😂
Back to your question, it's true that Bond reveals the aura of nearby survivors within 36 meters of you and that's it, there are alternatives that are batter then Bond, for me like Aftercare or Empathic Connection which made me a team medic and Empathy allowing me to monitor the chase from afar.
Even keys with Gold Token Add-one is very similar to Bond however it has a survivor aura reveals range of 48 meters and whenever desired to use it.
So I see little use for it and it doesn't help my SoloQ team, which is why I put it in F tier.
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Even he is shocked by me even though he probably doesn't know this game.🤣
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Glad to help .
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I strongly agree with your dicussion. I for one do not follow 'META', I subject each character to my own playstyle and find mixing and matching becomes far more effective. Especially when catering to ones style.
I am new to the game so thank you for this chart/photo.
Very incitive!1 -
I'm glad this helped you.
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That was fun!
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This is a fun list... some I agree with, some I really really don't... 😅
What would be fun is say taking Otzdarva's list (8.3.0 is the latest, some of this is out of date), since a lot of people take him as a baseline (more than should, but still), then only posting a tier list of perks that heavily deviate from that list 😏
Might give us an interesting insight into different players playstyles or setups.
For example This Is Not Happening, largely maligned as a pointless perk... however for players on 60 fps with 30-something year old reflexes, this is actually very helpful in scenarios like trying to use the skillcheck medkit add-ons, especially when dealing with doctor madness or whatever. As such I wouldn't put the perk at 1s.
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Wait is this why soloQ is so miserable? There are genuinely people that think if they bring a chest build with weaving spiders they're playing a meta build?
Would explain a lot tbh.
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Did you read what I wrote in my post? Because your comment implies that you didn't.
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Let me ask you a question.
Should everyone choose and agree on exactly the same perks? Should we play the same way and not vary?
While some see some perks as weak, some see these perks as good because everyone plays differently with different thinking.
Just because the majority of players found this perk weak doesn't necessarily mean everyone will find it weak.
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Autodidact is the best perk in DBD history and I refuse to believe otherwise.
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In all seriousness, it’s blasphemy to put perks like Ace in the hole and low profile in S tier. Opinion or not, they are objectively bad perks. Are you basing this off of perk strength or just how fun they are to use?
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I don't understand the point of this, what are you even trying to prove?
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In no world is Weaving Spiders ever S tier nor are chest perks.
They literally do nothing but give extra time to the killer, being a loot goblin sort of made sense when hatch spawned before much sooner and you could hatch escape with multiple people but all those perks are F tier now.
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I don't think so because it depends on how you use it, if I'm so confident in myself against the killer then why not.
The other perk I use for my team is to give them items and if it's a medkit it ensures that they won't waste their time running around the map looking for healing by any means, and if I want to rescue a survivor I can give a Tool-box to one of the team to use while I go to the rescue, it's a good combo with the other perks.
But everyone plays differently and if the team is bad they are bad because of their way of playing and not the perks.
I respect your opinion, unlike some players who get angry because you don't agree with them.
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Ace in the Hole at the top is pretty rad, hope you are enjoying those buffs!
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You are right, but are people not allowed to ask questions and disagree with what you publish online??
You are right, people have the right to ask and disagree.
but there are some people (you can find them here) who disagree with you and argue that it is not possible and not allowed for any person playing this game to put perk low profile in S tier and it should be put in F tier just because a content creator did that (even though it is the content creator's opinion and he did not claim that this is canon).
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Just wanted to say I’m sorry you’re getting kinda “hate” for your general opinion on perks lol. I believe your point is that you’re not saying some perks are “stronger/weaker”, but only in regards to playing without Meta. All the meta are in the lowest tier— NOT because you consider them weak but because they are META, so you don’t want to use them.
In any case, I think it’s awesome that you’re playing the game in its entirety, in testing out various perk combinations and not limiting yourself to only play with what is on other people’s made up tier lists.
Keep having fun in the fog!
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You don't have to apologize, on the contrary, I apologize for misunderstanding your comment.
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SSometimes Perk value comes down to how matches play out. Pain res is often cited as one of the best, but we all see how sometimes the game is over by the time 1 token is consumed. Against an altruistic team, Pain Res is actually garbage but a perk seen as trash like Mad Grit can give infinitely more value in these cases.
Perk evaluations never take these into account and look into perks in a general vacuum