Distressing needs a buff

- Your Terror and lullaby (new) Radius is increased by 20/25/30%.
- After injuring a survivor, the close proximity terror and lullaby radius becomes map wide for 15s. (new)
It sounds really cool, specially on killers like doctor 🙏
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Please no, it's already been buffed and no one complained about it
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It was a nothing buff. Nothing really changed
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Sure, but it would also make sense to run it on other killers than him now. It could work as a pseudo stealth perk.
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i'd buff numbers by 10% more.
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I would agree, but I want them to add a secondary effect first before making it even bigger. Imagine a Wesker with a 56 meter terror radius - sounds fun
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I might be alone with this but I don't think this is a good idea. Doctor is already quite brutal with this perk and I really don't want to see this becoming even stronger.
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I’ve thought of him too, but I’ve come to realize; this is the only way to buff it (if we focus on terror radius) to make it useful on other killer than him as well.
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The way to solve it on Doctor and still make it useful on other killers (say legion) is to buff it by fixed number. Say 16m sounds like a good start
Just to clarify - current wesker gets +12m right now, while double calm doctor gets 13,8m. So this version would be buff to the perk even for doctor, but it would buff him the least compared to someone like hag if she for some reason wanted huge TR.
One small note though - we need to take care of TotH before this buff can take place. Because of doctor