People finally started to realize that Unknown was overrated?

During last weeks I started to hear from my friends and A LOT of content creators who were attached to this character that he feels different now, after people realise how to play against him.
It was fun to read people put him in A tier on release, but I wonder how many people rate him way lower now than they did on release?
My opinion on him didn't change at all: he is very mid killer with ton of problems, his power is too clunky and unusable in half of the loops, it's really punishing to use on middle and long ranges (even if you hit it), infection timing is too short and it's too easy to remove for how much work you need to put to inflict it, his teleports exist only when survivors ignore them.
It's sad, because design wise Unknown easily is one of my favourite characters in the game, sometimes I play him only to listen his sounds.
Unknown's biggest problem is that the "staring at the Unknown" mechanic doesn't actually require staring. Survivors can just quickly flick their camera towards the Unknown for very small periods of time, and they still get 100% non-stop revealing time, because the reveal buffer is super survivor sided. And if a survivor briefly sees the Unknown as it walks past a small hole in a wall, that still triggers the full reveal buffer's worth of time too.
This also means that the Unknown can't easily duck behind various objects while it is chasing a survivor, because the reveal buffer is so long that the survivor is still revealing the Unknown even when they can't see it.
The result is there is a lot of places where Unknown just can't use its UVX, because it can't realistically land a 2nd UVX shot before the survivor cleanses the 1st UVX.
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I think "the 3 hit mechanic" for his m2 was his the most weakness just like for Nemesis, but at least with Nemi you have limited 3d health state, unlike Unknown
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The 3 hit mechanic is massively undertuned, because the 2nd UVX hit only removes 6 seconds from the reveal timer, meaning that the time window to get 3 UVX hits in a row is super super super strict.
It's not fun to know that Unknown can play perfectly, and land every UVX perfectly, but still not get a 3-hit UVX combo because the reveal mechanic is way too survivor sided.
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It's cause they nerfed all of his add-ons to be mid AF now when they weren't even that crazy to begin with.
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NGL, ever since his release I have often felt he was a little easy to play against… fun, but I often did better against him than most…
Though I got absolutely slapped by an Unknown the other day… man just didn't miss and he read everyone like a book… was kinda scary how badly this guy ruined my life…
Now I don't know how to feel about it… I felt really helpless vs. this man… 😂😭2 -
they should increase detection time and start counting direct UVX hits (seriously this killer gets punished for direct hits their ability)
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Absolutely still think Unknown is A tier.
Once you realize Unknowns real power is the hallucinations and the UVX only exists to get Hallucinations faster they make a lot more sense and are very easy to get downs with. The ability to have survivors think you're somewhere then hit them from an entirely different direction should not be underestimated.
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Aw man! What is up with everyone calling killers clunky? This whole game is a clunk fest. I don't care if the killer is bad or not; if I can spit alien boogers over a tile and slime people with silly sauce- the killer responsible is obviously S+ tier
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So dredge remnant with more steps? And I say this as someone who plays a lot of unkown, hallucinations are easy to counter once you know how to play the game.
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Unlike dredge, it is instant, barely any cooldown, an unknown has a real chase power
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This maybe true for PC but on console it's actually harder to rid yourself of that. He's also not easy with blowing his snot at a good shot. But that's console vs PC we are very one directional with everyone like that.
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I still think there should be a controller keybind for "instantly turn 180 degrees". God of War has a controller button combination for instant 180 degree turns, and I've wanted that feature in every console game I've played since then.
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I knew this the moment the nerf was announced. Heck, even before that, when Unknown appeared on the devs' game plan, I knew. This community is so slow to catch on to stuff like this. And the rest of them will never say a killer nerf was unwarranted, because they don't play the role.
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And the rest of them will never say a killer nerf was unwarranted, because they don't play the role.
I think it depends on the circumstances.
Many players here were against the introduction of the Overheat mechanic for Hillbilly, and those comments came from both killer mains and survivor mains.
Just wish the same had happened with Skull Merchant, because those recent nerfs were completely unnecessary.
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As someone who plays a lot of Unknown, you should know how unlike Dredges remnant it functions. You get the husks as you play rather than manually activating them, which also has the secondary effect of not slowing Unknown down, there can multiple hallucinations at once, survivors have a whole animation and bar dispelling hallucinations. Generally, Unknown can use Hallucinations for actual map traversal and as set up traps, whereas Dredge usually uses Remnant as a trick or to cut off a loop.
Thematically, yes these abilities are incredibly similar. Gameplay wise, you might as well rope Nurse in here with that Blink Back addon.
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Yeah, it's also what I meant, just didn't go into details in post.
It's more like Artist. But with Artist I can use power almost anywhere and I actually rewarded for good use of it.
Understandable, I love to throw survivors into the walls even if I pretty bad Wesker.
What nerfs? Didn't he reserved 1 tiny buffs and few addons nerfs? Idk, he literally the same as before, nothing changed about him. At all.
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The All Things Wicked chapter is overrated in general.
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Unknown teaser was so great that I still rewatch it from time to time. I was SOOOOO hyped about it. But yeah, whole chapter feels like missed opportunity.
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people overrated every single killer on release. like i'd see people rate houndmaster as A-tier or S-tier day 1. it is complete non-sense.
i think it is more that weakness mechanic doesn't do anything for unknown. its straight drawback with no upsides. it is worse version than Trickster's blade knife decay. LOS LOS and you get free health state vs the power.
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Nothing changed in playing against him.
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In chase, it does work incredibly similar to the remnant, while yes it does not slow the unknown, the remnant to is also instant. The best part of the hallucinations is map traversal, while it can be used in chase, a survivor can see the aura and avoid the hit once you teleport.
The multiple hallucinations only comes into mind with map traversal as if you have two hallucinations in a loop you have wasted so much time or are using the footprint, both cases you are wasting a tp place.
My point being the main part of unknowns power IS the UVX, as the counter for the hallucinations is really damn easy.
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That's kind of why i'm calling it overrated, you got an analog horror based killer who's carried by their aesthetic and who's power doesn't even reflect the analog horror part & a Survivor with no depth or redeeming qualities outside of being popular only because they're a conventionally attractive goth girl.
The marketing is the thing most people primarily focuses and praises the chapter for despite it being completely irrelevant to the actual chapter itself after release. If people cares more about the initial marketing of a chapter than the actual content we end up with, it just tells me that people don't really care nearly as much about the chapter itself, but moreso about the initial mystery that surrounded it.
It's possible for something to do too good of a job than what it needs to and i believe the ATW's marketing did just that, to the point where it feels like it's overshadowing the actual chapter itself and it's content.
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This is literally true of every single Killer. Once you know the counterplay they're pretty easy to deal with. The problem is people would rather have their hands held than learn counterplay.
Unknown suffers a similar issue to Ghostface because it uses the same Reveal mechanic - that being that the reveal mechanic is finicky at times. The difference between Unknown and Ghostface is that Unknown has to hit three times to down someone. Ghostie only has to hit once.
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Maybe, but I think the difference is that the Unknown's reveal mechanic isn't frustrating for the survivors, because it actually works.
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It really, really doesn't in my experience.
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People almost always overrate killers before survivors become more competent vsing them
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He's not overrated, the people that play him are.
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I don't have a problem against Unknown when I'm playing survivor, his mechanic seems fair.
Ghostface's though.. yeah, no. It was the reason why he was my most disliked killer in the game, despite the fact that I really enjoy the Scream movies.
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Except a dredge has one trick to try and pincer you.
You have no idea where an hallucination might be it counters both looping and holding W.
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True, you have no way of knowing where a hallucination might be, maybe the devs should implement is so that when you are near then you can see their aura and get a vfx on your screen...
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1. It's only an 8 meter range, you can teleport before they know it's there.
2. If they're weakened they're probably looking behind at you and not where the hallucination they're running into is
3. If they run near it you recover so quickly it doesn't really matter if they know it's there.
Let's not oversimplify how unknown is in chase yeah?
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The point with Unknown's projectiles is to use their AOE and bounces creatively. If direct hits did anything super meaningful then why play Unknown over other killers like Huntress?
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- This I will give it is a small range however 8 meter is enough to redirect chase, however this can be used in favor of the killer much like a hag trap as a zoning tool, so here yeah I over simplified the aura, its only really usefull outside chase.
- Nah, everyone knows you dont stare the unknown like that you take peeks at it and let the linger take weakened off, if the survivor doesnt even know that id doubt they even know how to loop so discussing strategy against wuch players is a waste of time, they down themselves basically.
- Prob only if you are using blurry photo, I personally dont use it which is no argument against that but with the slowdown albeit minimal and 8 meters that enough distance to redirect the loop for survivor.
While I do think unknown is quite better that what the op is suggesting I will die on the hill that the remnant is a much better chase tool than the hallucinations, now hallucinations+pressure of good uvx shots is another thing, as I am not delusional and I know dredge is dogwater, but my point is people give too much credit to hallucinations in chase when their real kick is map pressure.
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Eh yeah, it's like "Oooh a Creepypasta killer!" for like five minutes
Then it's like "Oh wait, it's literally nothing, but it's scary because we don't know!"4 -
I was talking about why direct hits shouldn't be as impactful as people think they should be. That doesn't have much to do with 3 hit UVX and the reveal mechanic nor was I trying to use the Unknown's projectiles as a way to justify the state of those aspects of his kit.
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I don't think so, my friend.
In discussions like this one it is very important to consider the other side. People often complain about the flaws of the reveal mechanic for the killers, but the survivor side is rarely taken into consideration. And it needs to be.
Survivors are supposed to actually use the mechanic, it is the intended counterplay for both killers. It is also extremely frustrating when Ghostface manages to expose you when you were clearly looking at him, but you couldn't do the intended counterplay because the mechanic didn't work properly. The same doesn't happen as often with the Unknown, because his mechanic is actually a reliable source of counterplay, at least in my experience.
Things don't need to be the same as PTB Ghostface (which would be a one-sided take if it had been said), but the mechanic needs to work properly.
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I enjoy Unknown and his power feels satisfying and has a good idea of how it works. Using the environment to hit a survivor with your power feels really engaging and planing ahead makes also fun. But his UVX power needs a slightly buff because 10 seconds and 7 seconds cooldown is very rough because in some situations you have one second to shot or to lose - you also lose a second for charging power. They should increase the weakened status duration to 12 seconds and reduce the cooldown down to 5 seconds which means you have 4 more seconds. He should also get killer Instinct when a survivor gets rid of the weakened. He also needs a little addon rework/tweak because many of them feel useless and he does not have the typical ones like aura reading after hitting with UVX, Sloppy with UVX, giving him one more Hallucination but many addons that work around his Hallucinations in a useless way. What really bothers me is that how weak he is compared to Wesker and Singularity: All of them have an iri addon that makes the survivors infected at the start but only Unknowns has a drawback. Wesker and Singularity have a secondary positive effect but also some built-in like position reveal. Both killers also get killer Instinct when the survivors get infected or get rid off it but Unknown has to use an Addon for it. He also has a long cooldown while the other two have a shorter one or get shorter depending on the infection.
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The problem is that with The Unknown, the killer side wasn't considered at all. The buffer isn't a buffer, and instead it's an extra extension.
- The way buffers are supposed to work, is if a survivor stares at the Unknown, stops staring briefly, then starts staring again, that the buffer will backfills the reveal time from when the survivor wasn't staring at the Unknown.
- But the way the buffer currently works, that if a survivor briefly sees The Unknown through a tiny hole in a wall, they get an extra 1.25 second reveal time bonus, even if they don't see The Unknown again within that 1.25 second buffer.
- And the time a survivor needs to stare at The Unknown in order to activate this buffer, is an extremely small period of time. It's not like survivors need to stare for a minimum of 1 second to enable the buffer. It's more like 0.25 seconds, or something so incredibly small, that I can get 100% reveal uptime by quickly flicking my camera towards and away from the Unknown once per second.
- Hitting a survivor with a UVX blast area, doesn't even fully reset the reveal timer, meaning that 3-hit UVX combos are unnecessarily difficult.
- Survivors should need to stare at The Unknown for a minimum of 1 second, for the reveal buffer to enable.
- Hitting a survivor with a UVX blast area should fully reset the reveal timer.
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I mean yeah I always saw Unknown as a mid tier once people knew how to play against him. Just the fact that it was 3 (possibly more) hit chases for the M2 was enough to solidify my own opinion. Also the fact that direct hits apply nothing but a hinder that's counteracted by the Unknown also getting slowed to a crawl when firing a shot.
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Artist needs 4 hits with power, but her chase is strong. I don't think this fact alone is doing anything with strength of any killer. Trickster needs million hits and in some loops he is Nurse level oppressive and in others he is completely useless.
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Artist can damage without having to hit twice and can sniper more consistently long ranges. Meanwhile Unknown is wonky bouncy grenade that can just randomly take a trajectory that leads to space thanks to a random pixel on geometry. You just get better overall zoning with artist than unknown because artist only gets a minor slowdown upon throwing crows.
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Yes, this is exactly my point. It doesn't matter how many uses of your power you need. It's more about what your power does, skill/reward ratio, consistency and such factors.
So "3 hits mechanic is enough to judge about power" is statement I don't agree with. Sorry if I misunderstood you.
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How is Ghostface unfair when we have Killers with way more unfair mechanics than a Reveal that often screws him as much as it screws Survivors? You're entitled to your opinion, I just really don't understand it.
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I think its just as janky as Ghostface, but while Ghostface gets thrown out of his power from all kind of bad angles, Unknown only slowly ticks down their Weakness status effect, setting them on a very strict timer, so its not as apparant when survivors "reveal" it when they shouldn't.
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I feel like this is a rumor made by Ghostface mains to make BHVR avoid fixing his reveal because never once in my history of playing DBD have I revealed a Ghostface through an object or wall
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I'm not sure, it feels fine to me. With the Unknown there is rarely a scenario where the mechanic prevents me from doing the intended counterplay.
With Ghostface, the sheer amount of times I couldn't reveal him even though I'm clearly looking at him is unreal.
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Idk if ‘overrated’ is the right term. People who like him, like him and people who don’t, don’t.
Not sure why it should be anything more than that. Every killer has their problems/weaknesses.
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I still wouldn't consider those similar in chase, given Unknown can't reliably summon a hallucination at will and either needs to take advantage of one spawning or use one already there. The whole game with Dredge is you use set up the remnant and make a plan around using it that moment because otherwise you're pouring time with the slowdown it gives. Unknown has either laid a trap or is being opportunistic, Dredge in most cases needs to actually use Remnant in chase to make use out of it.
Combine that with the aforementioned map traversal effect the power has. Maybe it's a personal thing, but I make much more use out of Unknown's hallucinationa than I do UVX and I wouldn't say I use them in a way at all similar to Dredge's remnant. That said, sorry my first comment was demeaning, looking back it was harsh to be accusatory over something that ultimately amounted to splitting hairs.
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I played him on the PTB.
Thought that the UVX mechanic was too wonky and weird for my liking, and left it there.
His add-ons are also meh for the most part.
His perks are bad, except Unforseen, and I'm not going to waste 9000 shards on a killer who's power I dislike, and who has only a single perk I'd maybe like.
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I promise you I see it a lot, and it usually has to do with ping. I've seen clips of bots revealing him from the basement when he is 30 feet away.