Slugging has gotten so much worse since the Finisher-Mori for the last survivor

I don't mind being left on the ground to bleed out from time to time, but this has gotten insane.
Whenever I'm one of the last two people left alive me or my teammate usually get slugged for the full four minutes just to get mori'd.
If it happens sometimes, I don't mind. But it happens almost. Every. Single. Game.
Please give survivors a "give up" button or I don't know but one match suddenly lasts forever before I can go next, and it's really, really not fun and makes me want to play the game less and less.
Or do something about killers doing this. I don’t think it should be ok. The increase of it has gotten too much honestly. The finisher Mori was a terrible idea.
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I blame hatch and challenges requiring a 4k
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Do you mean that because hatch exists alongside challenges requiring a 4k, that players are slugging for 4k in order to ensure they complete their challenges? If so, I'd say that's definitely a contributing factor to the number of slug for 4k instances. But that already existed before the update; I think it wouldn't likely contribute much to the increased incidence of these behaviors a lot of people are talking about since the finisher mori update.
But I think that OP is right that various bm playstyles have gotten significantly worse since the finisher mori was released. I've also definitely seen bm directly centered around getting the free mori. Personally, I've even already had situations where the killer hit me repeatedly on hook because they had the slug down near me and wanted me to let them do the finisher mori. It's really just adding bm to the game for the sake of some annoying animation.
It's gotten so bad for me that I've actually not even played the game in the last couple days because I don't feel like dealing with the increased chance of tunneling, proxy camping, and slugging for 4k I've seen lately. Every time I think of playing it, I just get this feeling like it's going to be a bad experience, and instead just go watch some videos.
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Yeah i hate playing survivor more than usual but i have challenges to do. Its pathetic that anti-slug perks are required now and I get value every match. God forbid I wanna have casual fun
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Slugging for the 4k has always existed and yes it's because of hatch and certain challenges requiring a 4k, i doubt that killers slug for the 4k to see the a mori they probably have seen like a thousand times already. The really big issue here why killers are slugging more is that it actually benefits the killer more than it punishes them such as wasting time picking a survivor and getting the survivor to a hook (especially to a scourge hook that's far away) + it leaves you vulnerable to flashlight saves, pallet saves and numerous perks that activate when you hook someone.
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If hatch is removed, you'll see a lot more Survivors giving up on hook, or quitting the game entirely. Neither will be good for the game's health.
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The slugging on last two survivors was always a problem so i don't see why they should remove mori just because its mori. It looks cool getting moried than just hooked and also more rewarding for killer. Even before last mori was basekit killers did that by slugging 1 survivor and trying to find second one to hook them both. Counter for it is hiding in locker i guess not so much killers check lockers because it wastes your time. Survivor "giving up" button will make it worse with giving up on killers u dont like and will promote "just go next" tech that will be really annoying for killers. And no it haven't got worse with mori basekit it was like this before. Wait out before teammate bleeds or you bleed to get the hatch, sounds selfish but i think it will work best. If u getting slugged and ur 2 left just turn on music or something and just chill until match ends! Please guys dont fight with me for it, its my opinion as I see it. Hope this helped!
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Saying that slugging for 4k is caused by the hatch is like saying that tax evasion is caused by tax laws. There's an intended result (hatch race/paying taxes) that's being evaded because someone found a workaround to avoid doing something that's in the best interest of the most people. Just because it's possible to do doesn't mean it's good to do.
Also, the endgame mori definitely incentives slugging for 4k. And I think people already don't enjoy being slugged for 4k. It's insulting enough when a player bypasses an intended mechanic just to make their job extremely easy at the cost of the enjoyment of two other people. But when they do a preprogrammed victory dance over you at the end of it, it's like BHVR coded in a message telling people not to play survivor.
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Exactly they be hitting third hooked person repeatedly and with the 4th some goes as far as to even let the survivor bleed out up 95% then use it.
But let them be ignorant and these killers are the same ones with omg swf bully squad, omg survivors dc or giving up it never will change at this rate.
I been enjoying streaming and playing other things and am glad identity v being even if its more child like is far more fun and almost no toxicity compare to this mess.
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There are VERY few challenges that require a 4k. Not nearly enough to make that the reason for the rampant slugging in almost every match.
Flashlights are also not a good argument as according to the official DBD stats released on OCT 29, there are 0.22 saves per match and an average of 1.44 blinds. I don't think that is anywhere near enough for people to use flashlights as an excuse to slug. Only when there are survivors rushing around you for the save I understand, but this is more or less about slugging despite that threat being absent.
"perks that activate when you hook somebody". Killers have way more of these perks and are arguably stronger and far more meta. According to DBD besides Decisive strike there isn't a single survivor hook perk that is within the top ten used perks in the game. Even then Decisive is strictly an anti-tunnel perk, that deactivates if they do anything. This is not true for the killer stats as half of the most common perks are hook related. So killers get more of a power boost from not slugging than slugging. Slugging is a placebo fueled by anxiety and promotes an unhealthy community.
Killers with this mentality seem to play defensively against a strategy or outcomes they're unlikely to see. Its anxiety being an excuse for ruining others experience.
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What does slugging for the 4k have anything to do with IRL thing like tax evasion? Blame BHVR for implementing a horrible mechanic for which slugging for the 4k is responsible for. Slugging has like i said before has become more prevalent now to the assortment of hook related perks that survivor have gotten over the years.
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so people will give up more because pure luck has decided the match outcome for them as individual?
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the worst comparison i've seen so far.
slugging for 4k is literally done in order to prevent last survivor being able to get into the pure rng game for hatch.
Hatch exists as a nothing but lame mechanic to prevent games going into oblivion in terms of duration .
Your comparison absolutely makes 0 sense
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The comparison makes plenty of sense. I'll write the point again: There's an intended result (hatch race/paying taxes) that's being evaded because someone found a workaround to avoid doing something that's in the best interest of the most people.
You might notice how both things are designed to do something that's meant to benefit a larger group (hatch does this by stopping games from ending in a long boring hunt and giving the last survivor a reason to play the endgame out), but then people are evading those things.
The comparison is quite accurate. People aren't slugging for 4k because of hatch; they're doing it because they desperately want an easy kill. People don't try to evade taxes because of tax laws, they evade taxes because they want to keep their money. In both cases, blaming the mechanic doesn't get at the reason for what's happening.
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your logicc ompletely excluded survivor players who basically grief their team whole match and avoid the killer just so that they can get an easy hatch at the end and think how they "outplayed" killer. It literally has 0 similar points to paying taxes. It's just a poorly done bandaid for something bigger that contributes more towards less healthy game than a more healthy one.
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That literally almost never happens though. Very few survivor players actually do that in any match I've played or watched.
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(Killers have way more of these perks and are arguably stronger and far more meta.)
Oh no. Survivors have more advantages in hooks. 27 perks, 2 items and many quality of life buffs for the survivor (10 seconds, anti-facecamp, etc.) against 23 perks that the killer has. At least 28 against 23. This is without taking into account how the hooks were buffed for the survivor side. The funniest thing about all this is that the killer hook perks are getting nerfed. This is clearly a very clear hint for killers to abandon hooks in favor of slug.
Naturally, anyone who bothers to compare hooks against slug. Will come to the conclusion that slug is a more profitable tactic at the present time. Killer hook perks simply lack the strength to make you want to play them. While when playing slugging, you can make more powerful builds. Since killers are not limited to all the punishments associated with hooks.
Dead Hard, Off the Record, Decisive Strike, Shoulder the Burden
Babysitter, Borrowed Time, Breakdown, Deliverance, Kindred, Reassurance, Resurgence, Second Wind, We'll Make It, Wicked, Fast Track, Blood Rush, Slippery Meat, Camaraderie
Boil Over, Breakout, Power Struggle, Flip-Flop
Lantern Assault
Background Player, Flashbang, Champion of Light, Residual Manifest
Toolbox Assault
Killer Hooks
Friends 'til the End, Furtive Chase, Alien Instinct, Barbecue & Chilli, Blood Echo, Blood Warden, No Way Out, Dying Light (weak joke), Hex: Devour Hope (random), Hex: Huntress Lullaby (weak joke, random), Hex: Plaything, Make Your Choice (Bad design), Leverage (Bad design), THWACK!, Grim Embrace (Nerf), Pop Goes the Weasel (Nerf), Dead Man's Switch (Nerf, buff), Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (Nerf, random), Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain (Nerf, random), Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (random), Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine (random), Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick (weak joke, random), Scourge Hook: Jagged Compass
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Sorry for me commenting on the forum now. I just created my account on the forum, because I needed to read threads and opinions from other players to feel that my opposition to the final mori is not alone.
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Well when you have to fight against a rng hatch spawn which may or not be affected by offerings
Then have to fight against the gate spawn rng which may or may not be affected by survivior perks
Then have to fight against if the survivior in question even attempts to open a gate or just hides to deny you the mori
It suddenly just becomes a lot more viable to just slug to get your mori. Im not condoning it but its really hard to get a mori with hatch open if a survivior truly doesnt want you to. Its like locker standoff with tombstone micheal
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- It is still enough for people to slug for the 4k but mostly it's for the hatch.
- BHVR's stats are completely useless and it doesn't tell the whole story, it's across all MMR and we have no idea how exactly that data is collected and is mostly used a tool by BHVR to paint the narrative. Their latest stats on the killrates was a joke.
- Killers hooking survivor gives them We'll Make It, Borrowed Time, 10 second haste, 10 second endurance, Dead Hard, Aftercare, Blood Rush, Breakdown, Aftercare, Breakdown, Fast track, Decisive Strike, Babysitter, Renewal, Resurgence, Guardian, Deliverance, Kindred, Kinship, Boil over, Off The Record, Reassurance Background player, Breakout and not only that but carrying a survivor reduces your movement speed making kilers more susceptible to sabo plays and flashlight saves. A lot of content creators have made videos about slugging these last few months including Otz who was part of an experiment which only included slugging and not hooking and they got better results when they slugged instead of hooking survivors. Decisive Strike is still one of the best anti-tunnel perks that survivors have even after all the nerfs it has received over the years, the only perk that i would say is better is Babysitter but you rarely see that perk in solo queue because it doesn't benefit the perk user and you have no idea of knowing if your teammates have it or not.
TL;DR of the problem here is that killers players have essentially realized that they can circumvent anti-tunnel and hook related survivor perks if they don't hook survivors because a lot of these activate when you hook survivors. BHVR has chosen to adress tunneling not as mechanic in the game but with perks so killer players have found away around said perks.
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I see here that Nurse is weak and Pig is top tier.
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i just crawl away while they sit on the hooked surv and tell them to hold on as long as they can on hook. ive bled out before the killer can get their mori, which is hilarious. especially in end game chat
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Yep it has turned the end game into a miserable experience now.
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It literally hasn't. Y'all are just looking for things to get mad about. Feel free to show me evidence that proves you right.
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If this is true and this has caused more slugging I just don't see why. Are people really that eager to see moris over and over? Even the ones I like I don't need to see over and over.
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It depends on the player. Some people will want to see their moris, but I think the novelty will wear off for a lot of people. However, finisher moris are only executable on the last survivor in the match, making a 4k a very common way of achieving them. The subtle impact there is that the finisher mori can feel to some players like a reward; that is, their brain will reward them with dopamine when they get the thing they think means they've done well. We see this in gaming all the time where an in-game reward incentivises playing a certain way and doing it more often.
You're right though, some people won't feel the incentive, but others will feel like they're doing a good job when they get the mori, regardless of how they've managed it. I don't think the finisher mori incentivises much slugging in general, but when the endgame comes, some players are going to see a reward waiting for them if they just slug for 4k. And although the reward feeling may seem subtle, the impact on gameplay for people who get slugged for 4k by anyone who feels incentivised in this way is overt.
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One massive reason there is no way to escape it. Unbreakable is once per a game the other two methods require a trash Boon or be cursed and how many sluggers run hexes?
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I recently had a Blight in Chaos Mode trap me in a corner for 4min, just so I would not be able to 4% and maybe find hatch.
I thought of DCing, but I did not want to give that player any satisfaction. So I sat it out.
Sadly this bs behavior is not bannable. I know other games where you would get a temp ban for stuff like this.
There needs to be a way to "give up" in these scenarios. If they want to up their ego, by doing this, fine. But I don't want to be part of it. Idk, maybe you loose some % of your BP, but pls remove the DC penalty if there is only one survivor standing (this would help with mass slugging in general). Then, the killer can up their ego by humping, trapping or slugging a bot.
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@YuffieGreatestWaifu No Mither squad.
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And again one can think that content creators are the source of evil in this game....
I don't have anything against Otz and Hens, they are amazing, but with experiments like this, they make playing unbearable for everyone else.
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The worst perk in the game and you are always a one hit… yep troll squad.
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Yesss! I do the same! 😂
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David: "I brought No Mither. It lets me start the match injured."
Jake: "Why?"
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I do the same out of pure spite, I have to admit.
I am okay for my team mates to rat and hide it out too, so then they have to wait out me bleeding out and then my team mate will either get hatch anyway or possibly also hide out EGC out of pure spite too. It would be a whole lot easier just to hook and leave the hatch to RNG/luck but so many are so petty they just want to waste your time bleeding you out, so I feel it is just to waste their time back.
It is sad it has come to this but here we are, however this cant go on indefinitely and change is clearly needed.
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Yeah but that's always bound to happen when you have content creators for muliplayer games.
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it's a fun idea, but it should not have been implemented without base unbreakable.
i hate bhvr for this, because they probably did this to make moris more common as a way to sell moris in the future. but since they are incompetent and their game is held up with tape, they are still probably studying the way to implement them to the game without breaking up mori animations or the store.
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Well, it’s making super unfun for survivors. I hardly even play anymore . 7/10 games are slugging. You have no chance of getting a hatch at this point. It should be base kit. I hate having to use an anti slug build. I’ve been trying not to fully give up on the game. I have in the past but it’s almost unplayable for me in its current state.
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what makes it unfun is that you cannot counter the slug for the forced mori unless you bring unbreakable. which makes unbreakable an "in case" perk such as the anti-tunnel ones. i'll bring off the record just "in case" the killer tunnels, i'll bring unbreakable "in the case" the killer slugs.
and bringing all of this is unfun because there is no worse outcome than a killer that plays normal so you are basically playing with no perks at all. but it's enough for you to bring a fun build of non-meta perks to get the sweatiest killer that tunnels you at 5 gens and slugs the rest for the win only for you to be unable to do anything about it cause it's a blight/nurse/spirit, the map generation is bullcrap and you don't have second chance perks to have a single CHANCE to escape.2