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So no ToTH nerf? lol
I'm not seeing any mention of ToTH… Unless they did a real sneaky nerf it looks like another rough week for survivors. Yikes :/
It will probably stay for the entire holiday season so another miserable event for survivors.
19 -
No it isn't there which is going to make the event miserable. TOH is way to strong with killers going in with a full Hex build. Hex builds were big a few months ago and they died out, now they are back with no counter with TOH. Every game I have that he killer uses this build comes at 3K to 4K.
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I didn't believe it was as good as people were saying- so I gave it a try on doc. Build: ToTH + Devour + Dominance + (I forgor) I have never felt so evil. We were on Gideon's too so it was just extra cooked- They def need to adjust it sooner rather than later; I feel like the winter events are always mid for reasons like this.
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EDIT: nevermind. It's coming in bugfix 2
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Where'd you read that?
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They gotta change it from 14% to 20%
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The absolute pandemonium this would cause would be worth it to see
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Right? Imagine if they did that for like...1 hour just to see people lose their minds and content creators to quickly make videos.
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I mean, this would literally reduce your cleansing speed by 100%, so you wouldn't be able to do totems at all. TotH + Devour Hope would mean survivors have to win in under 5 hooks.
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On the reddit post they explained that they couldn't get the roll out in time so it'll be in the next update
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Better bring some brand new parts is all I'm sayin' 💁
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Fine... 19.5%, lol
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That'd leave survivors with 2.5% cleanse speed, making the totem take 560 seconds.
You might as well just start with hexes cleansed at that point, tbh.
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Honestly just put it at 12% and call it.
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-Survivor finally cleanses first hex perk (undying)-
-Looks around and sees 3 teammates dead-
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I don't really find it that miserable to face. All be it I play with friends that realize… just ignore totems. I'm still against the whole notion of "well soloq". If you simply just do gens and use the already obnoxious survivor meta then most of the time you escape before devour even comes into play.
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Yeah, but you have to consider solo queue if you're designing a game to not utilize communication at all. The expectation can't be "get on social media to stay up to date on agreed upon strats". No communication is fine, but then the mechanics have to be feasible without communication or magical counterpicks. The trial just isn't playable when one teammate tries to cleanse a 46 second totem multiple times and gets interrupted each time.
I totally get why people don't want communication, but the problem would correct itself in a game with chat, because those players would be told to stop trolling when they get 30 seconds into a cleanse for the 2nd or 3rd time.
11 -
You see at the point where you get interrupted once you should just give up on the totem because at that point you condition the killer to always go back to the totem because they know for sure someone knows where it is. The killer doesn't know which hex it is themselves but they don't want the risk of thrill going first. I'm more for balancing around people actually knowing what they're doing and not BHVR's philosophy of seemingly balancing around people that spend half the match running around.
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So so evil! 😋🤣
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"We did it, Patrick! We stopped Devour Hope!"
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Now the last survivor WONT get moried because of DH... They'll still get moried, but it won't be because of DH.
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I agree, but we're talking about a game where you can't tell that player to leave the totem, can't queue for a competitive match where people will be more optimal, and can't rank up to stop getting matched with those teammates. The mechanic can't be tuned to the point that one survivor who disagrees on totems will throw the game for everyone. That's not good design given the current limitations of solo queue and matchmaking.
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What pandemonium? Survivors simply wouldn't play. You'd be sitting in the lobby all day. I don't even wanna play with it at 14%.
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Sounds like a good reasoning to rework the Plague imo
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Thats still not an issue with the perk. Players are the problem not perk.
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You can perform your mental gymnastics as much as you want, if it's possible to make the totems uncleansable under any circumstances then it is broken and needs to be reverted or changed. No one cares that you dont care if the game is unplayable for solo que because you play on comms.
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They said on Reddit they didn't have time to add it to this fix so it's going on the next. Guess I'm just playing the event for the Tome, shame. Solo queue games are too miserable.
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Considering a simple number change would be very quick to do... I'm guessing it'll be more than that.
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I hope change is tiny like 14%→13%.
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And then it was Haunted Grounds they cleansed, backed by Undying. 🤣
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Yeah, I would have thought just revert it and then test out another change (whether to ToTH or something else) in a later PTB. But ah well.
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They might be trying to do something like make screaming not interrupt progress. That way it still takes the same amount of time to cleanse, but the killer actually has to go interrupt the progress rather than relying on FTD or similar effects.
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BNP can now be used on totems lol
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I'd be down for that. I just hope in future they test things in PTB, especially before an event.
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When is BugFix 2?
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Not really the same thing. Hex totems are a side objective the killer has an option to introduce, and Thrill is an optional speed modifier on top of that. Plague is mechanically static. The fountains are the fountains and the power implications are binary. There's no mystery or RNG behind a Plague fountain. It's kind of an apples to oranges comparison.
You have yet to explain how 4 players telepathically agreeing on a mechanic is good design, or not problematic at least. Four players, without communicating with each other, need to separately reach the conclusion that the tiny TOTH icon in the right corner of the screen is reason enough to ignore totems. And if even one of these players tries, the game is likely over. Like, we're telling the gamer dad who plays 2 hours a week "Shoulda read the forums or got on twitter. We don't do totems now."
This perk doesn't have to exist. It doesn't have to do this. It could go away tomorrow and DbD would be completely unaffected.
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Idk I see plenty of people say they love this meta because of counterforce existing.
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That is indeed the question, and if I were to guess, probably at least two weeks from now which really stinks. : /
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Tried this earlier with crowd control, blood favor, and ruin. It feels like easy mode, especially on high mobility killers.
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Two weeks for a number change lmao
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Worse, two weeks to hit CTRL+Z.
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It’s gotta be more than a number’s change else they could have probably just reverted it.
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I really hope they can get it fixed as soon as the event starts, otherwise I won't play Bone Chill as survivor this time.
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It's not about the time taken to do it, it's about getting things through certification, we have to have the builds ready early and sent for certification, we cannot make any changes after that has happened, hence the adjustment (which will be purely a number adjustment), will be in bugfix patch 2.
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Hi Mandy, I have two quick questions related to Thrill:
Will Thrill be going back to 10%, or will it be greater or less than the previous iteration?
With the event coming up before the next hotfix slot, are there any plans to address Thrill in the short term? I know there was a situation recently with Apex Legends where a certain item ended up being far stronger than intended and was temporarily removed until a proper fix could be rolled out. Will a similar thing be considered in this case?
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Got it. So you're going with the OBVIOUS change after all of making it 20%, lol.
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thrill is not a problem. Survivors just crying that they need to do secondary objectives instead of gen rushing...
I'd say, to make survivors stop crying, to reduce from 14% to 12%... It's acceptable like that.
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me too
if they don't fix this, my Christmas present to myself is gonna be to make a bunch of casual survivor players quit the game for good so I always get lightning fast queues, cracked teammates, and wide matchmaking ranges to get easy killers
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47 seconds a totem is insane from any reasonable perspective.