What is something from the modern DBD you wish existed in the Old DBD?

This is a fun little discussion that I'd like to propose here.
It isn't uncommon for us to discuss things we wish had never been changed, like BBQ and WGLF. Or things that we wish would return to the game, with the best example being Old Freddy. Generally speaking there are a lot of things from the Old DBD we wish were still around.
But what about the opposite?
This is a question I think has never been asked. So imagine that I, GeneralV, have my way and suddenly we're reverting this game back to the Old DBD. Everyone has to return, there is no other option, but you're allowed to bring something from the modern DBD back to the old game.
What would you choose? One specific perk? One character? The add-ons would be included if said character is a killer, of course.
A modern event that you enjoyed, perhaps? A new map?
You can choose anything, but no more than one.
The Killers... but that's obvious
The HUD changes to Survivor
Some of the Perk ideas... like Boons when the Hag was released for one
Higher though process when it comes to balancing (just going to throw that out there)
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umm before we answer, whats the "old" time we're going back to? If it goes to far we'd end up forced to pick something outta spite and that'd be no challenge.
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Oh true…I didn't think about that
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Depends on the era... but...
For me I think the most consistent answer regardless of era would be the Pig 12 box search standard. Thinking about, keeping an eye on, and playing around this mechanic is my favourite thing in the game. 🐷
Second place Trapper's haste boost after setting a trap.
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Being able to play with bots in offline match.
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I wanted to say the time I first started playing DBD, but that means dealing with Old Legion and I don't want to see that thing again.
Lets say... Spirit's release.
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Wesker and the RE survivors in 2019 DBD would be the best of both worlds for me.
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Good answer.
I am not really a fan of the RE chapters, but 2019 DBD (before Freddy's rework) was PEAK. You really can't go wrong with it.
Hahahaha, that is what I expected, my friend.
Fair enough, that was a good addition to the game. I can see the appeal.
Now that I think about it, you would have the chance of seeing the sheer strength of Endgame Pig in action!
You would have loved it, I'm certain of it.
Which killer, friend?
All of them?
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I'm curious how busted the current default bloodwipe would be when paired with old STBFL+Unrelenting. Maybe add in rapid brutality.
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Does returning old/og Sadako count since she is still from a later point in time, but is no longer in current dbd?
I would take her back to old dbd and her old addons.
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Dedicated servers.
Admittedly, they've been in the game for longer than they weren't, but they were the single biggest improvement to the general state of the game.
It was tortuous having to invite all your friends to a lobby, queue for 10 mins, finally get into a proper lobby (assuming nobody got disconnected at that point, which was common), then all get booted back to the main menu because the killer dodged and then have to do it all again. Sometimes we would go an hour without a game, and that's not even taking into account the mid-load crash bug that plagued the game for the first half of 2019.
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Actually, I also wanna see OG Freddy with TODAY'S meta. Curious how that would work out. I remember alot of ppl using selfcare to wakeup mid chase before. No one really uses selfcare anymore though...
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I think that is a good answer, my friend. OG Sadako was very fun, it would be nice to see her in a better DBD.
That bug cost me an original Class Photo add-on years ago. Those were valuable ya know?
In all seriousness though, the dedicated servers were an improvement.
He would be a good fit.
People never appreciated the Dream World slowdown and the aura reveal when he was around, but I think they would now. Self-Care is no longer a factor, and even chases would be easier now that many maps have been nerfed to oblivion.
But you know a meta that would have been perfect for him? Circle of Healing.
The Dream World slowdown would cut CoH's healing bonus in half, and with the aura reveal all you would have to do is pay attention to where survivors were going. They would lead you straight to their totem.
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Adrenaline also no longer counters him. Imagine OG Freddy with the green beam range addon+class photo. Combo that with current base speed hit cooldown, original STBFL+Unrenting, rapid brutality and maybe unforeseen.
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Why Unforeseen though?
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OG Freddy got aura reading on survivors outside his TR. I use to run monitor on him because of this. Unforeseen though COMPLETELY hides the TR. You'd be constantly catching survivors...
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True, but you mentioned the original Freddy. Before his first nerfs, he had a 16 metres TR at base.
Its enough to catch survivors unaware.
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I didn't play him when he FIRST released, so I only remembered the 24 meter version. You're right... slap monitor on the 16 meter version and call it a day. With the machine gun combo+ rapid, you'd be ending chases SUPER fast against anyone who doesn't wake up ASAP.
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Well, unanimous vote went to current object, specifically ([{#### that perk)}]
Individually, aside from that:
Midwitch (he wasn't picky about either version)
DS disable conditions
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This would be a deadly combination.
Especially considering how the first hit with Freddy is easier due to him being invisible before the Dream Transition.
Well, tell the one of you who chose Midwich that it is a hell of a good choice.
That map was a good fit for DBD's horror atmosphere when it first released. It could have been here since the early days and it wouldn't feel out of place.
Fair enough, my friend, I certainly wouldn't want to stay without my favorite killer.
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claire Redfield
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Post-buff Myers.
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Good answers, both of ya!
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Hooks not being destroyed forever after a kill. It was just another thing to waste brainpower on which made no logical sense. Even now, I don't think they should have to 'respawn.' They shouldn't be destroyed at all.
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Interestingly enough, this actually used to be a thing, with the original Hangman's Trick. Though really not worth the perk slot.
Yeah, this could have been made basekit earlier.
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Blood point incentives.
Yeah I'm talkin' bout those from BBQ and WGLF
Skybilly/skydoggo and hugteching Blights
Old running animations had some funky charm to it.
Perks that were imbalanced AF for BOTH SIDES (as it should be)
Oh, wait, you ment the other way around, my B.
Uhm…….I guess the pallet vacuum fix or smt?
Oh and Skull Merchant so people had years to adapt to her.1 -
The hug changes that we have now as survivor would have been pretty neat in old dbd. I think that would be cool. I missed a cool era of time when Coldwind was dark and eyrie. I think it would be fun if some of the coldwind maps had a day and night verison.
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Yep, it is a question that I don't think has ever been asked before, but I was amused by the possibilities.
And I gotta say I agree with your choices, my friend!. I've recently started playing a bit of Skull Merchant myself, and despite her unnecessary nerfs and the sheer amount of toxicity I'm getting, she is really fun to play.
Dark and eerie Coldwind Farm was truly amazing, my friend, it is really unfortunate they got rid of it.
And the HUD changes are useful for the survivors, though I still prefer the old UI we used to have.
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I would bring the HUD changes as the main thing. It has improved my SoloQ experience exponentially, but more than that I feel if it was introduced much earlier on, then survivors may be much more confident and aware than they are now.
HUD is definitely the top choice, but honourable mentions go to: Basekit Borrowed Time, Alternative game modes, FOV slider, and the visible heartbeat and colourblind systems. Those would have made the game healthier in its earlier stages.
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I think Eyrie with the game's old lighting and atmosphere would be pretty to look at
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Piggies 28m terror radius.
My bad, I read the title wrong.
Sadako ^^
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If there had been a way to introduce the HUD improvements for solo queue early on without massively changing the UI I think it would have been perfect, my friend.
I agree, specifically because that map is the only one that still has a decent level of Fog, if you use an offering.
And I say the same for OG Borgo (the red was fine and I'll die on this hill).
Sadako could've worked, my friend! She would be a good fit for the game's horror atmosphere back then.
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I would bring Garden of Joy back to the past.
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I think two of my perks - mirror illusion and plot twist would have been even more fun in the old DBD as it might have made for very funny moments - mirror illusion is almost seen as throwing by some in the current state of the game but it always brings me joy! I suspect in old DBD it would have been taken in good spirits by teammates and killers alike (it still does for some which makes me happy!)
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Garden of Joy is interesting, I'm not sure how it would have looked with the old lighting and atmosphere.
But probably it would have looked better. Every map did.
I'll be honest, my friend, I don't even remember the last time I've seen someone use Mirrored Illusion. But Plot Twist can be pretty funny sometimes, I agree.
Good choice of perks.
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The soloq improvements. Honestly I don't know how people survived without it, even with kindred it's still insane to me how bad it w
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haha I might be one of the only handful of people that uses it - I actually haven’t seen anybody else use it in my games either 😅
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You adapted, learned to play with the information you were given. I've always thought solo queue wasn't as bad as most people said it was.
But the HUD improvements helped. It definitely did, even if I still prefer the old UI. Maybe the two could have been mixed… food for thought.
Hahaha, must be rough getting a Spirit or Dracula, then.
I know Dracula and Spirit can counter the perk because the illusion doesn't disappear when they use their powers.
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Yes all of them... Though I don't play much of Freddie, Bubba and the newer ones (I don't have the money nor time to play)
The grind to get all of the Killers to P3 is mind numbing to me... and people will complain about anything
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Maybe instead of getting Nurse first we could have gotten Knight or Unknown... how different would the game be if that were the case
Or maybe starting the Licensed Killers with Ghostface instead of Micky
Or maybe realizing that adding in all of the different mechanics into the game in the state it was in wasn't a good thing
IDK if that helps but that's just my thought process when you're question came up
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Xenomorph. Going back to old dbd, i would miss my Alien. Plus, turrets beeping and the Xenomorph animations would be so cool with the old dark and foggy atmosphere.
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The Unknown is a way better fit for the Old DBD than modern DBD, now that I think about it. He would have worked well with the old horror atmosphere.
Ah, I know the feeling, my friend!
I cannot imagine a DBD without Freddy, it is simply not possible.
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See... that's what I'm talking about
So for me flipping the releases of Killer would've helped more then hurt
Or releasing similar mechanics... like Hexes and Boons being released at the same time