weave attunement

you buffed the aura reading radius back to 12m and add the aura of the item on the ground but the perk still give infinite aura reading and the oblivious status effect so if you go grab a item to put it in one of the corner of the map the killer see you and can be following you all the way to the corner of the map without you noticing because of oblivious the perk is still really strong and some people are still abusing it with franklin. i think the perk should get the oblivious status effect removed plus a cooldown on the perk before it could show the aura again for a limited amount of time. i think the perk would be much more balanced this way.
so you don’t want there to be any risk for going to grab the item? If you want to move it to the corner of the map, that’s a risk either you’re willing to take it or you’re not. Nothing needs to be changed so that you don’t have to have any potential consequence to what you do
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Other perks that have limited aura duration are far too under powered like Human greed Or Zanshin tactics or I'm all ears. these perk needs buffs. Weave attunement does aura reading right but it seems that dev believed that perk was weakened to much so it was adjust back. this is very rare as a lot of killer perk that tend to be weakened usually die for very long time.
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Weave requires the killer is running Franklins. That is half the killer's perk slots dedicated to make a single perk work. The counterplay to the perk being pickup items and throw them into the corner is very effective and since survivors see the auras of items on the ground for free there's no excuse to not being able to play against weave.
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Complaining about this perk is wow