New Chucky speed is unacceptable - please revert

Chucky is now considered even slower than old Billy or current basekit Blight. Whoever's idea it was to experiment with us in live servers with an 8 m/s slice & dice should have waited until next PTB for those changes to be tested for feedback.
One of the biggest things about killer power is its ability to be some form of mobility. DBD's original mobility standard with Blight and Billy has been "at least" x 2 of 4.6 m/s = 9.2 m/s.
Notable other numbers have been:
Spirit's phase walk is approx 7 m/s basekit,
Oni's dash is 7.8 m/s basekit.
So I can see how the numbers look on paper being similar and being an amalgamation of the two. Chucky has a very similar Oni-esque dash, and people have been comparing chucky so much more favorably to Sprit.
But the difference between the 2 is the sheer amount of warning survivors get when facing Chucky as opposed to Spirit, and also how that his power is not insta-down.
Now Chucky's slow slice'n'dice gives survivors so much more warning before he arrives to pallet - as opposed to Spirit - giving them an absurd amount of time to react for such little pay off - AND an extended cool down. His slice'n'dice may similar movement to Oni that can be used for good hits, but there is no speed add-on or meaningful dash duration add-on to shore up his power against better teams and harder maps.
Chucky is NOT Oni, NOT Spirit, his design is completely unique and different in comparison to them despite all the comparisons that people have made between him and Spirit. This is a massive design oversight.
Revert Chucky back to 12 second cooldown and his former speed. Quit trying to fix a killer at a time of year that we have no meaningful way to give you our input like a PTB.
Is chucky now slower than meme addon blight ?
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Like .18 meters faster… barely
9.2 (initial blight dash) * .85 (placebo tablet) = 7.82 m/s blight meme dash
Chucky is 8 m/s4 -
I think they reduced his speed to address the feedback of feeling like chucky gets guranteed hits, to make him more react able.
I've played chucky for a few hours today and i feel like you can still get a lot of slice and dice hits. And it may feel easier to control. But you can't really use it at short pallet loops anymore. So i am unsure if it has really addressed anything.1 -
oh yikes, we need to revert this chucky change
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For me he, in fact, does not feel easier to control, as you are still locked in to a maximum total of 45 degree turn.
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These new Chucky changes are horrible. He feels so sluggish and he's so easy to react to as survivor. I've played as and against him and even as someone who plays both killer and survivor I say this change is awful. Idk what they were thinking with this change. I love playing Chucky as a character but this change has just made him feel so much more miserable. It feels like they're just holding baby survivors hands. Again I play killer and survivor equally and counterplaying Chucky wasn't a big deal. All you had to to was either fake going one way mid dash or just be smart with your movement and how you interacted with tile walls and windows/pallets, as well as keeping track of where he was in a loop and literally just using your eyes to look at the footfalls. Even against experienced Chuckys if you knew what you were doing it wasn't that hard to counterplay him. Chuckys play rate is already dwindling and this is just gonna confirm that trend. Chucky is one of the most popular slashers of all time, and this is just sad to see him like this. The speed change out of everything is the most offensive. I hope this gets fixed soon.
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Chucky became Yucky. Seems they have to nerf every killer to oblivion.
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please bhvr, the chucky speed nerf feels awful and is wayyyy too reactable. the fake banette’s youtube video has some good suggestions for changes and i completely agree with them. all i know is that chucky cannot stay in this state. people still hate going against this killer, i had several survivors giving up when i played this new version so it doesn’t really fix anything. these changes were also just too drastic to not be tried in a ptb so i honestly don’t know what the thinking was there. also instead of a 14 second cooldown, how about an odd number and make it 13? idk just a suggestion. one thing bhvr has to realize is that they can’t ever make everyone happy, so either way whatever they decide to do (whether change chucky one more time or leave him in this state), it needs to be decisive and they have to accept the fact that not everyone will be happy with it.
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The Fake Banette's video suggests making the silk pillow charge time basekit - meaning elongating the slice & dice charge time by 50% of its current value.
I do like that idea as compromise - in conjunction with reverting the slice & dice duration and speed.
I agree with the video as well - I DON'T WANT CHUCKY TO BE 115% MOVEMENT SPEED.
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In favor of reverting the speed nerf, I will take it
And if he seriously becomes 115 while remaining unchanged , then he's just became a water down version of current trickster that's very uninteresting to play, then I would just stop playing this character