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Why does Wesker have a 40m terror radius?

I've always wanted someone to clear up this doubt for me, why does Wesker have a 40m terror radius? Is there any specific reason for this? Why would it be op if it was 32m?

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  • Member Posts: 10,277

    I guess they thought he'd be OP if survivors didn't have that much heads up. It works well for Awakened Awareness and terror radius builds, but that's about it. It seems really arbitrary otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 429

    Wesker could go down to a 32 meter TR, and it wouldn't bother me that much. 40 meters is a bit excessive

  • Member Posts: 600

    He's scary.

  • Member Posts: 3,579
    edited December 2024

    I think the reasoning behind the 40 meter Terror Radius is their (old) Hindered effect being pretty strong. Im sure BHVR was probably worried that having a Killer with massive zoning potential, decent anti-loop, passive slowdown, and a consistent Hindered effect was a bit too much at the time and made their Terror Radius bigger as a result.

  • Member Posts: 516

    Doctor Maine is ready to take your 40 meters of terror. If you only knew how much I envy Wesker.

  • Member Posts: 273
    edited December 2024

    It can be pretty funny.

    I had a game yesterday where I started in the killers terror radius before the match had even begun, I thought it was a hacker at first but nope, turns out it was just Wesker with the Distressing perk.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited December 2024

    na, not a chance. when wesker was released. Clown's Coulrophobia perk was buffed to get 50% faster speed dial checks while healing. They made Wesker TR bigger to get people to try out Distressing+Courophobia. It's because they didn't wanna buff distressing so they artificially increase TR artificially. After finally removing BP bonus from distressing, they're finally buffed distressing by….. 4%. It is like barely anything. needless to say, Distressing+Infectious fight+Monitor&abuse with Courophobia is a decent slugging build for Wesker. You can keep entire team infected for entire trial while playing for 4 minute bleed out condition. It is good way scapegoat his Hindered nerf where they reset his infection to 0 for hooking(Punishing him for hooking survivors). The build was a little low on TR before to cover entire map but now it is fairely consistent.

    With chucky received some heavy nerfs, I am more incline back to playing Slugging wesker.

  • Member Posts: 16,657

    This is most likely the reason and I agree, those Killers should also have 40m Terror Radius. I thought they would give Billy the 40m Terror Radius, since especially in Overdrive, there is a VERY short time to react from first hearing the Terror Radius and then Billy being on you.

    At least it would make sense to be more consistent here, if the reason is that Survivors should get a warning.

    (I dont mind the 40m Radius on Wesker anyway, I always forget that he has such a huge Terror Radius when playing him)

  • Member Posts: 894

    IDK but maybe stealth-based Killers (besides Chucky who has a lullaby and Sadakp who shouldn't even have one) should have smaller Terror Radii, while anyone with range or quick movement like Blight should have slightly larger ones like Wesker does (or a Lullaby).

  • Member Posts: 7,223

    Probably because he can close large distances quickly.

    If anything Blight's TR should also be 40 meters considering he's even better at it

  • Member Posts: 820
    edited December 2024

    I think it's meant more for his personality than for a gameplay reason. Wesker being a lot more from the action side of action horror and getting big bombastic opera chase music kinda fits better with 40m than 32m.

    It's kinda weird there aren't any other killers worthy of that category, and that the devs seemingly went back on killers having unique terror radius changes (Pig should get her 28m back), but it's not really a big deal imo.

    Post edited by ArkInk on
  • Member Posts: 1,280

    I've always chalked this up to an aesthetic choice rather than a game balance one.

    Like other people have said, any logical reason they could give for him having a 40 m Terror Radius (e.g. mobility, lethality, etc.) applies to other killers even better and they have smaller TR.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    His terror radius is larger than all other killers to signal his superiority.

  • Member Posts: 3,933
    edited December 2024

    Uniqueness and interesting build opportunities is my main thought.

    • Coulrophobia
    • Overwhelming Presense
    • Unnerving Presense
    • Infectious Fright
    • Starstruck
    • Slightly more value from all Undetectable perks

    Now ofc, not all these perks are strong, in fact most aren't... but imagine if they were.... quirky things like this are fun to build around.

    Honestly some of the most fun I have with making builds is messing with the size of my terror radius. I remember using Coulrophobia/Starstruck/Agitation Myers with Rabbit in one build to mask my Starstruck with EW3 and still catch people when I drop back into EW2...

    It wasn't a strong build, but hell satisfying when it actually worked, and I've had fun with similar silliness with Wesker 😁

  • Member Posts: 5,784

    It was going to be based off TR but they changed it because of nurse and how well it paired with lethal pursuer.

  • Member Posts: 24

    No it wasn't. Such version of this perk was never presented to the public.

  • Member Posts: 5,784
  • Member Posts: 7,055

    Because its pretty scary going up against some one who only has 7 minutes to play

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    The true reason. Also, he should always have Lightborn equipped because, well, sunglasses.

  • Member Posts: 866

    This guy gets it. There is no reason other than just because.

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