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This Achievement Took Me 312 Hours To Get...

Member Posts: 3,606
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

Specifically the Left For Dead achievement.

This achievement took me 312 hours (yes, I kept track) to get, and it really, really has to do with how poorly designed this achievement is and how much it relies on luck, especially in SoloQ.

  • You have to get lucky and hope your teammates are decent and get Generators done… but not too lucky since you need your teammates to be just horrible enough to die at 1 Generator remaining.
  • You need to then complete the final Generator, which often the Killer will find Hatch and close it before you can even get a chance to complete it. Perks like Sole Survivor can help with this but you are still at the mercy of RNG here.
  • Since you completed the last Generator, you need hopefully not get found by the Killer, which is difficult since the Generator being completed gives the Killer a notification of your exact position. Perks like Bitter Murmur can also reveal your location afterwards and make it impossible to escape.
  • Finally, you need to win the Exit Gate stand-off or pray that the Killer is nice enough to give it to you. Perks like Sole Survivor and Wake Up can increase your Exit Gate opening speed but mobility, information, or trap Killers completely shut down your ability to escape.

All of these factors combined come together to create, what I would call, the hardest DBD achievement. There is a significant amount of luck and skill involved to get this achievement, but mostly luck, which is why this achievement took me 312 hours to get.

In 95% of my games (rough estimate), I never even got an opportunity to get this achievement since they were often one-sided stomps from the Killer or Survivors. Getting a chance to even attempt this achievement took an insane amount of time since I was just that unlucky with matchmaking.

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505
    edited December 2024

    You have to get lucky and hope your teammates are decent and get Generators done… but not too lucky since you need your teammates to be just horrible enough to die at 1 Generator remaining.

    From my experience, that's not necessary. It does not need to be the fifth generator. You just need to complete a generator after the rest of your team has died. Then, open an exit gate after the killer closes the hatch and powers the gates. (Unless it's changed since I got it.)

    But yes, it is an annoying pain-in-the-butt of an achievement.

  • Member Posts: 3,606

    From my experience, that's not necessary. It does not need to be the fifth generator. You just need to complete a generator after the rest of your team has died. Then, open an exit gate after the killer closes the hatch and powers the gates.

    It use to be that way due to a bug. The bug got fixed.

    Ive heard people say this multiple times and I tried it out for myself, no… it doesnt work that way now. It HAS to be the 5th Generator.

    Ive had 4 different games where I was the last person to repair a Generator while being the only person alive and escaping through the Exit Gates did not give me the achievement, Ive tried it, it just doesnt work that way, at least not anymore.

  • Member Posts: 3,606

    Way back in the day, if all 5 Generators got done but your team was dead, you could still repair the remaining 2 Generators to escape through the Exit Gates. But as DBD mechanics have changed, this achievement has aged like milk. It went from something situational but easy to something insanely hard to get.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Heh, makes it extra special for those who got it after the EGC was added to the game, imo.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505
    edited December 2024

    Daaamn. There's no reason it should actually be the fifth generator. That's a horrible decision on BHVR's part.

    I already thought Left For Dead was awful. I feel deep sympathy for you and anyone else going for this achievement.

  • Member Posts: 345

    Closest I got to it was about two years ago on one of the farm maps against a Nurse. There were two gens left when the other 3 were dead. The Nurse found the hatch and just stood by it. She didn't know that I'd seen her camping it, so I 99'd the first gen, did another nearby one, quickly popped the other one, managed to get into a locker by one of the gates, but not too near it, so she had no idea where I was for a while. Unfortunately the gates were pretty close together so she found me once I was three quarters of the way opening it.

    Never been as close to getting it again and have never taken a build to attempt it.

  • Member Posts: 6,148
    edited December 2024

    I had a killer force me to get it lol I was the last person with 1 gen to go, and he downed me and carried me to the last gen. I finished it then he downed me again and carried me past hatch, shaking his head at it as we passed, then let me off at the exit gate. I wasn't familiar with the achievement so he was kind of weirding me out until I left and saw it pop up. I really wanted to thank him, but being on console I couldn't :(

    Edit: wanted to add that I got the Vecna challenge (escaped with the Eye) done thanks to a Vecna doing the same thing, making sure I survive and escape. I'm not big on getting achievements completed but I probably wouldn't have either of the above achievements if not for the kindness of other players

  • Member Posts: 3,606

    Ive heard there are many Killers who try to force this achievement since it tends to be really difficult to get through normal means.

  • Member Posts: 6,148

    It's nice of them to take the time. They could just hook the last player and move to their next match but instead they're willing to help. Restores my faith in the gaming community.

  • Member Posts: 2,453

    I got it some months ago, but i wasnt aware of that challenge (after 100% GTA 5 i decided to stop doing boring things for trophies). I just wanted to finish the gen bc i do sometimes stupid things.

    But yh that was after playing 3500 hours, so the chance is pretty low.

  • Member Posts: 3,955
    edited December 2024

    I've managed to get this achievement twice, and both times it was the same...

    When the last player alive, I managed to repair a generator, and the killer found me and seemed to respect the fact I did gens... and led me to gate...

    Fun fact, the first time was against a Demo while Stranger Things was barred from the game, and I was so new I wasn't aware of the killer body language yet... so thatbwas my first memory of the killer actually letting me get gate done... I was nervous the whole time xD

  • Member Posts: 2,085

    Congrats on earning one of the game's more difficult achievements!

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    Both times I had to get this I just got lucky. First time was when the killer just went afk after they killed the third survivor. The last gen was 50% complete so I just finished it and left.

    The second time a kindly Spirit let me finish the last gen and go out the exit gate. It was like she knew I needed it.

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