That knotted rope change is the change of all time

Remember when this was 40%?
good times
10 -
Why not just make it unstackable with STBFL?
4 -
Yeah, bc I would love to run an addon that gives me half of a stack of Sbfl…. They might as well change this addon to brown as well since few of the browns have more value than this one now lol XD
4 -
I actually fell off my chair laughing. Like how do you come up with this?
9 -
Add-on saves 0.056 seconds now. Terrible.
5 -
2% is worthless, that may as well not even exist now.
0 -
Just rework the whole addon at this point, BHVR…
0 -
They're just throwing random numbers to see what sticks, lol. At least TOTH didn't get gutted.
0 -
Hopping in to provide a little context on this, the team has been closely monitoring The Houndmaster's performance and determined that Knotted Rope posed a potential balancing risk when paired with certain perks and addons. They're currently re-evaluating this addon and plan to revisit it in 2025, but ultimately wanted to ensure that heading into the holidays, the risk of an over-tuned combo was minimized.
We know larger balancing changes like this can be frustrating, but we appreciate your patience as at the end of the day, we want to ensure there's a solid balance between having fun as the Killer and playing against the Killer.18 -
This kinda does confirm the idea of overnerfing for the sake of it though. To just make the addon basically useless for those who have earned it. I get the idea and personally I haven't faced it that much. But what's done is done I guess.
15 -
Like you did with Skull Merchant? Why not just killswitch the addon at that point, instead of making it completely pointless to use? Did the killswitch break or something?
12 -
I had a feeling it was another case of “destroy it until we can actually work on changing it to be easier to balance” but yall couldn’t have just atleast made it like 5-7% instead of 2%? I feel like it atleast having some minor use is better than actually no use whatsoever
5 -
Alot of the changes were completely tone deaf but...yikes.
7 -
I wish the addon could have been reworked to be a weaker version of one of her other addons (e.g. "Increases the distance of the Redirected Chase Path by +10%"), instead of being super nerfed into the ground.
Even if the addon is revisited later, cool-down reduction addons are so heavily hated by survivors that it's unlikely to be changed back to a better percentage. We went through this whole process with Hillbilly, where the cool-down reduction addons got nerfed twice and are still nerfed.
2 -
At least with Hillbilly, it was cooldown of MISS attacks that was the issue since ppl felt hillbilly could just spam even if he messed up. This is punishing someone who managed to get a hit.
0 -
Mmm, so the same thing y'all did with SM huh? Something seems off balance but instead of actually fixing the issue yall rather over nerf it so it won't be an "issue" since you know no one will ever play with it since its SO bad and then just push it to the side for what could a year or even more.
Great, love it. /s
4 -
Oh no, addon paired with STBFL gives a value of old STBFL, which should never have been nerfed to begin with.
5 -
"They're currently re-evaluating this addon and plan to revisit it in 2025, but ultimately wanted to ensure that heading into the holidays, the risk of an over-tuned combo was minimized."
And that's why you have to destroy it completely instead of reducing it further first, right? What's the point? I've always said that developers tend to destroy things completely. Please nerf properly in the future, but stop destroying items completely. It's not just frustrating. It's unbearable and there are many examples of it. See Chucky
5 -
This isn't really relevant to the Houndmaster, but will Chucky's changes be at least partially reverted? Nobody is happy about his changes (mostly the lowered movement speed), any info or will Chucky be left in this state for a long time?
3 -
Thank you 🙏🏼
1 -
Idk maybe after a rework it might have an effect, like maybe just have it not stack with stbfl and just take whichever is a larger bonus so you get a minimum 10%
1 -
So you nerfed it into the most worthless add-on to ever exist. And you aren't going to fix it until "2025" which by BHVR standards means this add-on could be left like this until next Christmas for all we know.
1 -
Just like how SM is getting her rework later in "2025" which means she be reworked in 2027.
1 -
You guys need to stop just nerfing things to be completely useless and "revisit it later" that is not how you balance games.
2 -
I mean, it's not a terrible strategy…if BHVR moved at any rate faster than a glacier.
Myers changes took four years and they amounted to some small number changes. Twins "rework" got completely scrapped because it was so bad after many years of cooking.
"Make sure it isn't an issue and revisit it" is fine…if the revisiting is relatively quick.
6 -
Its not good even if they moved quickly but as you said BHVR is so slow. They are the ones who said "you won't have to wait a year for SM changes" and then it turns out we have to wait 10 months. Like wooo we get an extra 2 months! This is precisely why i have stopped buying content until they stop doing this policy.
0 -
Do you have plan for Chucky change in the future?
0 -
I stopped playing entirely, honestly.
Certain events have made me lose faith in the company, but I still enjoy the community, hence why I'm here.
Ultimately, I think DBD is about to crack under its own bloat. Unless BHVR massively changes, there's no way that the current content schedule and update schedule is sustainable. We have, what, 300 perks? Maybe 25-30 of which are good on either side? Tons of Killers stuck in the backlog that need major updates.
7 -
They do need to cool it with the changes. The fact that it takes months or even years for simple numbers tweaks is insane. I don't understand how games like DotA 2 can basically rework the entire game each year and do numbers tweaks in DAYS when needed while often reworking entire characters every few weeks.
They should start with an "operation health" type update where they cool it with new stuff and just fix some old stuff, then if it goes well maybe only release 3 chapters a year and the 4th one is a health update.
1 -
To be fair, it sounds like BHVR is a wonderful company to work for. No crunch, reasonable hours etc etc
I imagine that DOTA's team is either significantly larger or is not afforded the same luxuries.
1 -
If you know how valve works you know that is not the case.
Valve as a company has around 350 employees and has a very flat org structure. It is so flat that projects live and die based on people convincing other people to work on them. People can move around projects as they see fit.
DotA 2 has around 40-50 people working on it at any given time. During big esports pushes and other things that sometimes goes up to around 100. But they do this with a very very small team given the size of the game.
Valve also actively discourages "crunch" and generally avoids it most of the time, although i'm sure it does happen from time to time like it does at any company.
I would suggest googling valve as a company and read about their structure, it is quite interesting given that they basically hold the entirety of the PC market share with steam.
0 -
I have to say I'm reaching the same kind of point, unfortunately.
A lot of it is due to how a lot of the playerbase seem intent on deliberately making the game miserable for other players, and BHVR seem allergic to basic QoL changes that'd prevent the more egregious methods of doing so, and the fact that every other lobby has multiple syringes or the busted slowdown build that's flavour of the month depending on which side you play (which has always been an issue but has only gotten worse with time).
There's been nothing to address 4 minute bleedouts, no way to quickly push people out of the gates without having to be BMed, and no changes to AFK crows to prevent the last few Survivors from holding the game hostage for upwards of 30 minutes at a time.
Balancing changes are at a snail's pace, and this trend of gutting things and saying "screw it, we'll do it tomorrow" is extremely concerning when there are already fundamental issues that have been left unsolved for years. BHVR seem completely asleep at the wheel when it comes to certain things, and this is one of them.
Playing the game at the moment just has me completely bored as the best case scenario. I'm not sure how much of that is because of burnout or because the game is just objectively frustrating as-is, but I've uninstalled and moved on to other games for the time being.
If the upcoming Deep Wound changes ruin Legion then that might end up being indefinite, because I know compensation buffs would take an eternity to come.
1 -
Valve can do that thanks to the revenue steam produced tho, if any of their games flop or they have to cancel a project, it isnt a major loss. However not all developers can have that backup behind them.
0 -
bhvr nerfing an addon instead of changing the addon’s effect entirely, and wanting to wait MONTHS to change it is comically bhvr.. like..nobody complained about this addon. Why not just make it not stack with stbfl?
“ closely monitoring houndmaster’s performance” is that why she released basically broken??? monitoring what exactly? She sucks…1 -
I can’t believe this change was approved. Laughable.
1 -
Not enough people working on patches I feel. Also the chances feel bad and unnecessary too often for me.
I stopped spending my money too.
It's sad because I loved this game with nearly 9k hours of playing
0 -
Yeah... I might be taking a break myself. Warframe is about to release a major update and bunch of videos about Marvel Rivals hit my YouTube feed... so gonna try that. Maybe by the time I get back, they'll rework this addon to 2.5%.
1 -
Not gonna lie killing an addon for the sake to "come back to it later" is an ULTRA red flag. It just screams lazy. This would mark the third time they've done something like this (all though addon is less of an impact compared to chucky and SM).
2 -
What’s the point of this add-on now? I don’t understand.
0 -
All her add-ons are mediocre/rng useless this gone be my last chapter I buy disappointment on top of disappointment. Then they didn’t even give her adequate buffs. Her powers search command travels slow and has to be aligned at a certain angle just for it to reach a gen which is clunky. I’m not about to keep doing this back and forth. Who is even telling them to make these changes like please? Fire them immediately.
0 -
It's sparking zero for me. I thought 4 man slugging was aggravating but that Broly guy is something else! First patch is out today so I'm hitting the gym
0 -
are you sure you missed a 0? Maybe you meant to write increase the % from 10%→20%?
2 -
Then they got the nerve to be nerfing things without going on ptb now. Like what? You just announced you nerfed it and now you sending it to live servers already. 🤦♀️
They really need to give some of these people a refund for them Chucky nerfs because they did not know before they made those nerfs to his power. They just releasing nerfs to live servers without even testing first.
2 -
So basically confirms Devs are just on this mindset trip of huge Nerfs now fix it later in a year. Which is a terrible thing to do
4 -
A 96 percent reduction in effectiveness since the addon come out isn't "ensuring the risk of an overtuned combo is minimized", its a baffling overaction that would make the recent Skull Merchant nerfs blush.
2 -
Oh so you guys basically said "Well this add on could be problematic (but wasn't so just in case) so we made it completely useless while we wait until 2025 to look at it again." So you guys skull merchant'd it? So thats the new strategy going forward? Nice to know
2 -
Literally no one was complaining about this nor was it broken in any capacity. I literally built builds around this add on and the best it did was make it so survivors in dead zones would be easily taken out while making little difference depending on the map greatly. It was actually a pretty balanced add on all things considered and was a good example of a yellow rarity add on. The best you could make of this add on was STBFL and this add on which even at max STBFL tokens only gave a 42% cooldown reduction to attack speed which old STBFL which we had for years gave a 40% on max stacks. So can you explain how this add on was so op it needed to be nerfed into the ground and left to rot until some unknown time next year? Can you explain where it made the game unplayable for survivors?
2 -
What slander? Again, can you explain what about the add on made the game unplayable and which combo it was that did this? Those were your words.
2 -
I think there are add-ons on both sides of the killer survivor that need more attention (especially the survivor that can use a total of 8 frames).
Why leave out the Cenobite's Very Rare add-on? Survivors are frustrated, remember?
And what about Michael? Isn't it broken that one person can still exit the game instantly when the numbers are nerfed?
Why are Insta-heal, tourniquets and gears allowed? I take them every game because they are so effective for the cost, even for playing Survivor myself, and I see at least two every game when I play Killer.
0 -
Someone needs a refresh on English class…you don't paraphrase with quotation marks…you use them for direct quotes. On top of that, you didn't even paraphrase, you put words in the dev's mouths since the commuity manage never said anything about fixing the interactions with perks and other addons. He said they saw it could be an issue and they nerfing now to revist it later.