Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Can We Talk About Chucky's Blind "Immunity?"

Y'all keep nerfing his abilities into the ground but I'm still frustrated that flashlights are a waste of time against him.

In order to blind him at a pallet, you need to be standing literally right next to the pallet, meaning you cannot put distance between you. Charles should emerge when the stun happens - and when he breaks the pallet - to provide survivors an actual chance to blind him.

Honestly, Charles appearing might not even be the full answer because you'd still have less time than the average killer to get the blind off after factoring in the time it takes for him to "appear."

Dunno, just something that's always bothered me about Chucky in particular. Would be curious to hear other people's thoughts on how this could be fixed.

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  • Member Posts: 751

    Blinding at the pallet is literally pointless, you're just wasting time that you could be using to gain distance, so stop complaining that you can't annoy the killer, complaining that you can't blind chucky at the pallet is the same as complaining that when you tbag at the gate the killer didn't come out to look at it

  • Member Posts: 265

    true he is harder to blind, broken killer since release

  • Member Posts: 138

    Killer is around half of my playtime in the game. Blinding at pallets can do a lot. Sure, there are some times when I can continue following via audio but there are plenty more where I'm inadvertently running into a wall or object, or the survivor was able to put some additional distance on because they were far enough away from me when the blind went off that I couldn't tell what direction they went. Tbagging at the exit gates is something ######### do for fun, blinding has actual in-game usefulness. I get blinded myself quite often from Blast Mine and flashlights, it's fine. The only one that actually annoys me because, again, it lacks proper counterplay are Flashbangs.

    Anyway, I have seen dozens of failed flashlight saves on Charles during pickup animations as well because of the shortened window to blind him - that translates into higher kill rates, higher win rates, which indirectly helped lead to the recent nerfs. Personally I don't play Chucky so I really don't care either way, but I've always had success at outplaying his power prior to the nerfs - just thought this might be a more reasonable thing to address, but hey keep him at 3.4, that's fine.

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