When Immersive Playing Goes Too Wrong

This isn't going to be a thread of me saying we need to ban or punish players like this, but I complain about immersive survivor teammates like Killers complain about DS and SWF. The crap is annoying (probably the only thing in this game that gets me salty) when you're a solo player, especially when you're a solo player who actually pulls weight, runs bond to avoid spooking these players while chased or to find and help them, and runs kindred to try and discourage this foolery when hooked.

So finished a game, trapper, spent all 5 gens and both exit gates chasing me. I managed to get 1 gen to 85% before the clownery began. (Love you trapper, you're cute af lemme get your number)

The gen rush was on point, as far as I can see, the immersive claudette (THE immersive one from now on) was only working on gens with another player. Typical, easily spooked immersive one. I cannot count how many times I managed to wiggle out of this poor trapper's grip during that game. But here comes Claudette's one time to actually pull some weight without the help of others: OPEN THE GATE!!!!

Cute af Trapper was running noed, slugged me then went far to the other side of the map (temple of swag lady with dank clouds) to try and use (more like waste lol) his noed. The immersive one, was on the gate near to where I was slugged, she couldve had the gate open and I couldve crawled out or let her farm me by the exit by the time I got there. But what does she do? She saw I got hit with Noed, saw the killer walk off completely in another direction, and spent close to 1 minute crouching behind a small ass rock while I'm crawling towards the gate scared he will come back. She finally gets me up and I go to open the gate while she goes to hide behind a bigger rock because, she thinks the killer will be back soon and she shouldn't open the gate or bodyblock. *Eyerolls* I bring the gate to 75% by the time my hot rich boyfriend is back for some spanking. I run, away from the gate and left her enough room to have the gate open before the killer can get to her if he gives up on me. She is still freaking crouching behind the big rock.

*Cue the killer flooring me and me wiggling out of his grip 2 times in a row while claudette is still hiding around trying to avoid getting crows and getting seen instead of opening the gate while the killer is walking with me in his grip or chasing me.*

She waits until I am freaking hooked at last, to open the gate and exit. Even if I wanted to run to the other gate, it was WAY too far for me to make it and I didnt want to be hooked to more convenient hook locations for the killer since I was in a good spot.

I'll be honest though, she seems new, she's inexperienced. So that was the worst immersive play I've EVER seen. But even when I play in higher ranks, its not uncommon for me to see this kind of crap. People who only do gens when someone else is on it or when they can't hear the terror radius, people who perform objectives like opening the exit gate or cleansing a totem or doing a gen lasts minute when they had time bought for them for soo freaking long. And this kind of crap doesn't get talked about enough here because people want to refer to it as "playstyle". Playstyle my cheesy crust pizza. Use common sense if you're going to play immersive and quit dragging a game out and making it go south.

*Slams self in locker*
