Revert Houndmaster

You have to revert all those buffs to Houndmaster or her kill ratio is going to exceed 60% if it hasn't already. You nerfed Chucky with a 52% ratio so that would mean you have to nerf Houndmaster. Also remove the injuring on a survivor that is vaulting as that is not needed, just make it so Snug grabs the survivor at the end of the vaulting animation.
haha, the houndmaster needed those changes. she was not good. i highly doubt that technical killer like this would ever past 55% kill-rate for average killer player.
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Nah, it just means Chucky was not supposed to get nerfed.
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People are still learning to play against her. Give it some time and stop screaming "REVERT!" every time a killer gets buffed.
As for how you can play against her, just loop her like you would loop Trapper. If she sends out Snug, all you need is a solid bush to avoid her. Just don't hold W at every opportunity.
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As a Chucky main, I gotta say, the slower running animation feels REALLY bad. Running on glue would be an accurate representation.
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It is kinda funny they had need to nerf chucky cooldown to 14 seconds, which is one of highest for single power killer in DBD, yet she has 3 seconds.
I wouldn't say revert all changes for sure, that's Trickster level overreaction. Give it few weeks and if needed reduce cooldown back to 4 and slow dog vaulting to like 0,6 sec.
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I'm wondering if people even try to figure out how to play against her? She is like Huntress and Deathslinger, just now as bound to by the rules since Snug can curve and redirect which makes her unique.
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Finally, someone who offers actual solutions instead of just screaming like a banshee the moment a killer buff happens.
I agree with this. Let her be for a while, and then act accordingly. People didn't even properly learn how she works yet.
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Are we seriously complaining about the C tier Doggo Killer who JUST got a bunch of much needed buffs?
Learn her counterplay like with every other Killer. Or is minorly buffed Ghostface, buffed Myers, Demo's quicker portals, Trapper getting a little haste from trap setting, etc. too spicy for you, too?