Deathslinger Add-ons
Can we change some of them? Does anyone actually use the Reel-Speed Add-ons? These in particular change so little and are so boring. I also find the Mending Add-ons boring. It doesn’t really affect the Redeemer in an interesting way and Mending Simulator is no fun for survivor.
Can we make some interesting ones to change up his play style? I had a couple of ideas, likely Ultra-Rare Add-ons. Just throwing these out there, recommend tweaks that would balance appropriately, like longer stun duration or reload time. I want to hear your own Add-on ideas as well, please comment them! Here are some just off the top of my head, keep in mind I haven’t thought of balance stuff yet;
- Increase the Redeemer’s range, maybe at the cost of negotiating the spear arcing like Huntress’ hatchets
- Spear with no chain, instantly hurts. Takes twice as long to reload or more
- Two shots before needing to reload. Takes twice as long to reload. Can reload one shot for the normal reload speed if there is still one in the chamber
- A survivor that breaks free has their aura revealed for 4 seconds
- Adds Crosshair
- Hemorrhage upon breaking free
The reeling speed addons are pretty awful. I agree the mending addons can go, and we don't really need 2 separate addons for Mangled either (and ironically the yellow Mangled addon is better than the green one, so I'd keep the yellow and replace the green addon with something new).
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You lost me at "mending simulator." What are we supposed to do to fix killer if everything that inconveniences survivors is exaggerated as a simulator?
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The thing about it is that the mend add-ons don’t make playing Slinger anymore fun for me as Slinger. It’s just boring :/