Are y'all getting BP for Mistle Toes and incentives?

As Killer, I'm getting one or the other. I either am getting the 50% incentive or the Mistle Toes offering. Never both. And if I use Mistle Toes sometimes I get nothing, literally 0 bp for event scores in endgame total.
Some acknowledgment from BHVR would be amazing. I’ve found that if I just use a Mistle Toes by itself, I get no event points at the end of the game. If I use Mistle Toes, and someone else brings cake/streamers, the event points count. So obviously I have stopped using the Mistle Toes until they ######### do something.
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Mistle toes increase the scoring from the event itself not a bonus to bp post match, its basically a mid match bonus akin to how old thrill and distressing used to work. Rather than a post match bonus it simply doubles the scoring events ingame.
Hitting a survivor or killer with a snowball - 150 points per action, but with the offering you can see it doesn't give 150 it gives 300
Some more examples
Popping a decoy snowman with a snowball 500
Popping a jumpscare snowman with a snowball 750
Doing the janky killer snowman thing 750
Making a snowman 250 (I think I don't exactly know this value)
But as soon as you put on the offering you get 1000, 1500, ect.
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Way to completely miss the point. Yes, the Mistle Toes will double all your Bone Chill scoring events in game. And then when the game is over, unless someone else brought a cake or streamers, you will get NONE of those event points.
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I've noticed this too. So finishing a gen, you see a 3,000 scoring event with a mistle toe offering equipped. Without it only shows 1,500. Everything is half as much without one, but it is scored in game, and not tallied after.
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I get the items but I'm only playing the regular mode. Only play the event for the tomes.
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No need to be rude, they were just trying to help. Good grief.
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This event feels like I am barely getting any more than a regular match, which renders the whole thing all but pointless for me since I play events for the BP since they are really all that matters for progression in this game.
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The offerings are bugged. I've just been bringing Screech Cobblers.
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I am just going back to regular queues I think, there is no incentive to play the event since I am not getting any extra BP anyway. Plus the event queue seems to have much higher ping than regular queues and I don't get sandbagged by snowmen in regular matches
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I am definitely getting more in normal mode, especially bringing a bp offering (and the fact that a team mate typically does as well doesnt hurt). Comparing my normal games to my event games, the former has garnered me more bp in total than the latter. At least we have a Bloodhunt starting.
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based on my gut feelings:
- If you bring the event offering as survivor and survive you get normal and event BP
- If you bring the event offering as survivor and die all event BP get lost and you only get your normal BP
- If you dont bring the event offering as survivor it dose not matter if you die, you always get the event and normal BP
no idea whats going on with killers and BP.
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Oh my god yes that constant snowman sandbagging is so annoying.
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Yeah, I am pretty sure they are bugged.
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They certainly are. Hopefully they'll Kill switch them and turn on a Bloodhunt.
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i havent, except for the first march of the eventz where I got like 110K BP as killer, all the other matches, playing in a similar way, have only given me at most 30K BP
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so far, only once got the event BP. The rest have been only normal BP or even less than what I normally receive in normal matches
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I agree, my friend. That would be nice.
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resp to this↑
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I'm trying to get him to at least P21 before his rework next month!
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You can do it, my friend!
I believe in you!
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Oh really, so like extra BP coming up soon?
I don't keep track of the social media so I never know these things are coming until they are already on lol
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Its impressive how every event all offerings from event always are bugged.