Taurie Cane being targeted

With the release of the new chapter came taurie cain with a fairly decent anti tunnel perk to help trade hook states.

I have had three different killers today who openly admitted to targeting me and tunneling me specifically because of that perk. The thing is…I wasn't even running it.

what are your thoughts on this?

Is this considered griefing?


  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 502

    I see it more as jumping to conclusions like "she might start taking a hook state off someone else so ill deal with that first". Ive had a killer bring all anti chest stuff just because i was playing laura croft when she came out lol

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 404

    I cant imagine being that worked up over a perk that may or may not even be there. Bro needs some propranolol to deal with that anxiety

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 502

    Cant say ive been targetted myself tho. I even brought no mither for several rounds doing the broken achievements and made it out every time somehow

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    People are seriously paranoid STB, which is admittedly a very strong perk, could be abused by SWFs. Once people learn about it, some SWFs WILL hard mode-lock it on many people to prevent tunnelling, but the issue is the perk doesn't JUST affect Killers who tunnel off hook. It affects any Killer that tries to play around spreading out hooks period.

    Make no mistake, giving Survivor teams the ability to control who has hookstages is incredibly powerful and BHVR will very much have to in the next few patches, if this perk gets big, really think through what they did here. The best solution is to make it only work on a Surv that has been targeted twice in a row, and inactive for anyone else, so that it truly punishes tunnelling and not any Killer just normally proxying a hook or playing near hooks by ping-ponging Survivors (neither of which are tunnelling).

    Perk also maybe is not working correctly right now.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

    As someone who never tunnel while playing a killer: This perk is just messing with my hook counting.

    As for Taurie - absolutely love this character, love her appearance, love her voice, and I love how her grunts of pain sound.

    Any survivor can just pick up this perk - pointless to "target" Taurie.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I have been running her all day as I always get every survivor and killer to P10 at minimum before levelling others up further. Not noticed anything like that personally and being tunnelled is something some players want and you cant really claim you are being griefed because a killer tunnels you.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 843
    edited November 2024

    I kinda agree and see what Op means, you have some killers who believe in the whole lore thing and tunnels their survivor counter part, like nemesies going only for re characters.

    This can happen at times with chapters that include survivor and killer. Then again you had Mikaela use to be a killer priority when she was released cause old love circle of healing.

    I did experienced a taurie hard tunneled by a portia no matter how many flash light and body block I did for her as my other 2 friends slam gen and we each took over guard duty, in the end it was a 3s ofc with poor hero taurie dead lol.

    Interesting as wesker came out I always wanna be chased by him as leon(chris). I also like it when am alucard and its a drac that whole son vs father thing is fun and depending on the match i may make drac or wesker mori me like specially if they had a rough game. I had a drac came into my stream and said thank you my dear son for giving him the mori after a rough game where it would have been a 4 s. I was like your welcome papa 🤭

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    They targetted Taurie on release because she's the only one guaranteed to use it early on. This will fade after a few days. These post-release spurts of tactics have happened before, such as when Mikaela was released, or the increase in Territorial Imperative when Sable was released. It'll go.

    As for whether it's griefing, the answer is "No". Were this the case, anybody could accuse Killers of griefing over flashlights, perks, etc. It's just a tactic.

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 404

    Same dude. its been miserable. I had a streamer refuse to hook anyone and focused purely on slugging everyone for the bleedout. I miss casual players and the chill mentality.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    It's both sides my friend.

    The player base is out for blood for some reason I don't understand.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 459

    How many times have you doubted whether you should cleanse the hex against a spirit because of haunted grounds?

    How many wraiths have you played against that didn't bring noed?

    How many times have you expected dead man's switch from artist and were correct?

    It's just the nature of characters being assigned perks, give it some time for these killers to be proven wrong and they will stop their reasoning

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 404

    I never expect haunted grounds, its been ages since Ive even seen it. Never even had it with a spirit since her release.

    Also havent had a wraith with NOED in awhile, I havent even had noed in general in a hot minute

    Havent had artist with dead mans switch since its nerf as well

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 459

    But back then, that was the expected staple, and people played around those perks regardless of if the killer had them, because they were NEW

    The grind plays a mayor role in forcing people to play characters for those perks

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 373

    Happened a ton with Mikaela back in the day when CoH was meta.

    Haven't noticed it with Taurie but I'd believe it if it was.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    It's definitely not griefing.

    When you see a Meg, you assume she'll have Sprint Burst and Adrenaline. When you see a Feng, you assume she'll have Lithe. When you see a David, you suspect he might have DH. When you see an Artist, you assume she has Pain Res.

    Playing around a perk that may or may not be in the game and assuming that the character that comes with that perk will have it isn't griefing.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    It isn't griefing, people just do that when a new character changes the meta (though, in Taurie's case it is a bit weird because Shoulder the Burden is weaker than it should be).

    You just assume people will have the perk, and sometimes they'll become a priority for the killer. It happened with Mikaela, and even Laurie with the earlier iterations of DS.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    I agree with that hook state counting as (mostly) non-tunneling killer player

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,352

    This is just how new chapters go....people try and meta game it. I remember when Deerstalker was everywhere just to counter Nic Cage

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460

    I tend to see this a lot when playing as a male survivor. Kill the man let the women out with out hitting. Not to be sexist but its sorta annoying when lvling for perks

  • That perk is garbage any way… if there was a way to revert the hook state for her, it would be a viable thing to bring in to a match… then I could see killers tunneling you for bringing it.

    For example, if the perk worked as such: You take the hook state, and then you have the option to go into the basement and perform a 60 second invocation to remove the hook state off of you… once per match.

    Killers tunneling you for even using that perk are just brain dead… there's nothing for them to gain by tunneling you… a hook state is a hook state regardless of who has it… :/ they gain nothing by tunneling you for using that perk… it's a redundant gimp perk.

    These dev's don't use their brain for anything productive… instead they give her a dumb spell that gives you aura reading when the killer is on the edge of the map… LOL…

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    It isn't griefing, they aren't repeatedly targeting you personally and it isn't because of your race etc.

    It will die down eventually as it is stupid to think only Taurie will run that perk anyway. But tunnellers gonna tunnel and I also found that when I was Shouldering the Burden, I had the Deliverance curse where I always seemed to be the first one found and hooked and the match just went downhill from there.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I can tell you why.

    Survivors: The game is miserable now! I want to win too! I'm tired of everything good being nerfed for us despite the fact they might deserve to be because they are in fact too strong, those perks were fun and I like doing things that make me impossible to catch in some situations, Killers should just git gud and play around my second chance perks. Come on guys - let's SWF up and play with these new perks, it's all these tunneling, camping, slugging Killers deserve despite the fact they may or may not even be doing that at all! Let's ruin their games because they keep ruining ours!

    Killers: The game is miserable now! I want to win too! They've taken away a bunch of pressure from gens, hooks, injury pressure, chase, and nerfing Killers I play, why should I play nice? Every time I do, Survivors bring the most obnoxious and nasty perks. I literally meanwhile have to devote half my build to generator perks to even get anywhere. I'm so tired of being nice and getting sweat on and humiliated, I'm supposed to be strong, right? Get 60% kill or I get mocked, right? Now we have these new perks and buffed stuff. Well fine then, it's all these obnoxious entitled Survivors deserve despite the fact they may not even be doing that at all, let me be the villain! Let's ruin their games because they keep ruining mine!

    The issue is that both sides are frustrated with the game right now because BHVR keeps on taking things that helped them NOT have to do these things. That's why.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657

    Both or the players you describe seem incredibly shortsighted to me.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    They are. The problem is there's a lot of short sighted players in this game.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,155

    Of course that's no griefing: I also prefer to target bad people, am I now griefing the poor dwight with 30 hours? Nope I'm not, I'm just killing the easiest person first. (This is also just an excampel and in no way meant as an offence against you or people with little hours or anything else)

    (For the record, I think of griefing as the act to intentionally harm another persons property or feelings without any reason. I don't know the definition of bhvr on that subject while awnsering this post)

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2024

    It’s just the nature of the game. Shoulder the Burden isn’t great and there are better anti-tunneling perks out there for solo queue players especially. Once the uncertainty of its performance wears off and more people experience how situational and bad the perk is, the targeting will stop. I don’t even see people using it as solo queue (too unpredictable and a waste) or SWF (don’t need it as we can coordinate anti-tunneling).