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Alright. I know it's a waste of time, but I'm still guna say it.
The doctors main ability needs a complete rework.
The problem with the doctor, and yes I played him quite a bit. Is he has TOO much ability.
With one single skill, he can AoE scan the map.
After doing so this adds madness to players they cannot remove. At all. It cannot be countered in any way. This also gives him your location.
He can spam his ability, and max your madness, leave you, and spam the next guy.
Again. You can only remove tier 3. So you're always going to have goofy skill checks. Which are actually way too difficult to land.
Even if I buckle down, and full focus. As a skilled gamer I still miss some of these insane skill checks that bounce around the whole screen, and sometimes go in reverse.
DBD isn't played by people all as skilled as me. 60% of the players are awful. That means they become incapable of playing with the game completely.
The doctors ability makes you see fake doctors.
The doctors ability to makes you see fake pallets.
Again. Uncountered. Best you can do is remember the pallets you used, aaaaaand good luck with that.
This is the BIGGEST issue. He has too many abilities in one skill.
No other killer has anything this over complicated with their skill. It's one effect, and it's counterable in multiple ways.
I know they'll never fix him, but he does need fixed. As it stands anyone who plays doctors IS unbeatable. IS. Not can be. Not hard to beat. Unbeatable. Those skills are rigged.
I play him, you literally can't lie to me. It's over the top.
The fake pallets thing is actually an addon. As for the idea that he's just going from 1 target to the next with the intention of getting max madness... that's laughable. You go from Madness 3 to madness 1 from "snap out of it", which doesn't take long to do, so it would be a timesink from Doc to chase ppl JUST to inflict madness.
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NO. You go to madness 2.
It takes the doctor 10 seconds to shock you 2-3 times, and leave.
He doesn't need to cross the walls/pallets. His ability goes right through it, and it's spam able. Meaning it's not a time sink AT ALL as it doesn't even take a few seconds. You actually take the survivors time up much more than your own by a long shot.
You can easily get a whole team even if they're spread out to madness 3 in 1 minute, and keep them bouncing between 2-3 all game passively.
While yes the addon gives him fake pallets..... It's uh.... One he always has. So it's just a built in mechanic at that point. I'm not going to bother saying it's an addon, because essentially it's not.
This is his ABILITY alone by the way. Not even one single perk.
He's this stacked off ONE skill.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
In the end no matter what gimmicky things the Doctor can do he's still an M1 killer at heart with no mobility. Proper timing can counter his vault and pallet shocks so I'm not so sure. This is just my two cents.
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Your two cents are fine, but just not true.
*Edit* Tf? No you're not DODGING the doctors shock. Only an awful player would miss that MASSIVE blanket. Saying you can time the Dodge is a huge lie. You're just a doctor main.
He's a killer with built in BBQ n chili without the hang requirement.
A built in stun so you can't pallet drop on him, you have to pre-drop.
Built in MASS CC (Which he doesn't need to be near you to activate).
Built in troll mechanic.
Now remember. This is the issue. THAT'S. JUST. HIS. ABILITY.
He absolutely can put FOUR perks on that make this MUCH MUCH more over powered.
Perks that stop gens, so even if you're magically skilled enough, you'll just get auto blocked.
Perks to snap pallets faster/vault faster.
Perks that block ALL vaults. 👀
You're saying he's just an M1 killer, but he's easily THEE strongest killer in the game. Easily.
I'm a bloody ghostface. I play all killers a little bit, but not my preference. I play survivors as well. I can confirm anyone saying doctor is fair is a big fat liar.
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Bait used to be believable.
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It an add on called order. The only thing that built in is screaming,skill checks and doctor illusion showing up in tier 3 without restraint add on. Restraint move it to tier 2 with frequent illusions showing up with auras .
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I've semi-mained Doctor for a while and have a pretty good grasp on him overall. There's a few things I wanna say.
First his AOE static blast, it does have a counter. Lockers. If you jump inside of a locker or slowly get inside of one in time you can completely avoid it. His blast has a loud audio start up cue but in general if you're vsing a doc and he hasn't used it yet, chances are when you start to hear the TR he's about to.
Next up is the skillcheck thing. I will agree that if you're vsing a certain kind of doctor even good players will struggle with the skillchecks from time to time. In all of my time playing Merciless Storm Doc I don't think I've ever seen a group of survivors hit all of the skill checks in a row. It's that insane
That said, skillcheck perks are niche at best and regular skillchecks aren't so bad for most people I'd say. Four proper slowdown perks on most of the cast is quite hard for a lot of casual teams/solo Q matches so that's not really a 'Doc' problem imo.
Fake doctors and pallets aren't that bad, good to decent survivors pay more attention to the map and will generally know where you are, what pallets you've broken or where you've chased teammates.
The thing that'll mess most survivors up are the addons that make Doc's shock hit you faster since it reduces the survivor's margin of error in chase and makes it more likely for vaults/pallet throw attempts to fizzle out. At which point most people just pre-drop pallets before the shock comes out if they can.
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Haven't seen a thread strongly complaining about Doc in years.
The most skillful Doctors have become expert at denying pallet drops and vaults with his power, making them dangerous in chase. Imo this is more effective than skillcheck builds or his excellent tracking.
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I needed a good laugh. I low-key needed to double check to see if this thread was old and just got bumped for some reason but nope we're actually complaining about Doctor in 2024. Wild.
So Doctor imo is awful like legitimately one of the worst killers in the game and the reason is while he has a lot of abilities most of them don't do anything. The fake doctors don't do anything, the skill checks unless they're using merciless storm aren't that bad, the fake pallets are mediocre especially if using WoO which most survivors do so realistically they shouldn't be fooling people even in soloQ. Then there's the fact he still has to down people which is what he has the shock for, which has a bit of a learning curve and is admittedly decent anti-loop although no where near the most powerful. The main problem with it is there's a slight delay on the effect meaning of the survivor is near the window or pallet at all they can still vault/drop in time before the blast detonates.
So all in all Doctor does have a lot of powers but they're all very minor powers that add up to something mediocre. Also while you can't completely get rid of madness once you get it as long as you're near a locker when you hear the terror radius you can avoid getting madness for a long time plus most Doctors will leave an area if they don't get anyone on a blast giving up a ton of free gen time because they tend not to properly check areas and just rely on the blast.
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As it stands anyone who plays doctors IS unbeatable. IS. Not can be. Not hard to beat. Unbeatable. Those skills are rigged.
Here are 3 different DBDLeague competitive VODs that have doctor sets, where survivors are forced to bring certain offerings, can't bring any items other than 1 flashlight and 1 firecracker, and cannot bring strong perks (no DS, exhaustions except head on, UB, deli, OTR, etc).
Both doctors 1k.
Both doctors 4k.
One doctor 1ks, the other 4ks.
You can watch the games yourself. Doctor isn't OP at high levels of play, he's a solo/noob stomper. These vods prove that he's not unbeatable - and this is with a set map and many restrictions on the survivor.
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Doctor is fine. Absolutely fine. I mean on the survivor side, he's not hard to counter so he's fine. You'll struggle agains a very good one, but that's true against anyone who is good at that particular killer. On the killer side, he's very mid. I really don't think you can be convinced otherwise but I'll say it regardless. I just think you're personally annoyed to play against him, but that doesn't make him OP, busted, broken, or anything inbetween. I maybe play against 1-3 doctors a week regardless.
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Skill issue.
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doc's skill-check are laughably easy to land. after 1000 hours into the game, you'll likely forget they exist. I believe this is one of the reasons why doctor is not competitive against highest level players. Skill-check+madness is non-existent.
his chase is above average at best but fairely easy to counter. most doctors make mechanical errors with his shock making his ability a joke to loop in soloq.
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Oh boy, where to even start with this one… and why am I even bothering when I know what your reaction's going to be?
"With one single skill, he can AoE scan the map."
No. He can scan in his Terror Radius. This is why many bring Distressing and small map offerings, because he struggles on larger maps.
"After doing so this adds madness to players they cannot remove. At all. It cannot be countered in any way. This also gives him your location."
How to counter Static Blast. Are you in his Terror Radius? If yes, has he used the ability recently? If no, look for a locker if you're afraid of getting hit.
"He can spam his ability, and max your madness, leave you, and spam the next guy."
Frankly, if a Doctor's spamming his ability like this, then leaving you, he's a bad Doctor. Shock Therapy is not a tool used for maxing Madness. It's a tool for preventing vaults and pallet drops.
"Again. You can only remove tier 3. So you're always going to have goofy skill checks. Which are actually way too difficult to land."
Sure, you can only remove tier 3, but you go back to tier 1 (I'll cover your terrible attempt at gaslighting LordGlint in a minute). Also, you're complaining about the literal only Killer in the game who can use Skill Check builds effectively (and are still outclassed by 80% of other builds), and they're really not that bad unless he's using specific perks.
"DBD isn't played by people all as skilled as me. 60% of the players are awful. That means they become incapable of playing with the game completely."
This point is valid. This point also applies to 80% of the Killers we have. Doctor's a noobstomper, and he's not even the strongest one. Also, saying "as skilled as me" does not lead to the credibility you probably think it does.
"The doctors ability makes you see fake doctors."
Which he can only see in when you're in Madness III or with Restraint add-ons, which are frankly some of his weakest.
"The doctors ability to makes you see fake pallets. Again. Uncountered. Best you can do is remember the pallets you used, aaaaaand good luck with that."
Only with the Order add-ons. And also countered by using your eyes, as fake pallets always have the broken scraps of the original pallets left behind. And before you try gaslighting me, I loaded into a custom match at 2 in the morning SPECIFICALLY to prove my point and acquired some screenshots (oh, and I'm going to also show the file names of both for a reason that will quickly become apparent, though honestly, I don't think it's necessary by the sheer amount of other evidence that shows the order they were taken).
Since they also don't appear to be shown by Zanshin either (a bit hard to tell with their aura being white instead of Zanshin's normal yellow, but I'm pretty confident in this), I'm willing to bet Windows of Opportunity, a VERY popular Survivor perk, probably doesn't reveal them either, but that's not exactly something I'm able to test, since I
- Only run it on TWO Survivors (Nea and Felix), neither of whom I play regularly.
- Don't exactly run into Doctor that much at my MMR.
- Don't feel like booting up matches at 2 in the morning in hopes of running into a Doctor running these add-ons or harassing my friends to custom for 5 minutes from the Survivor perspective.
"This is the BIGGEST issue. He has too many abilities in one skill. No other killer has anything this over complicated with their skill. It's one effect, and it's counterable in multiple ways."
Wait till someone teaches you about Pig, Pinhead, Sadako, Knight, Singularity, Vecna, Dracula, and hell, even FREDDY. And these are just the immediate noobstompers I can think of that all have multiple complex things going on in their kits (Pig's crouching & dashing coupled with the RBTs, Pinhead's chains coupled with the Box, Singularity's camera's, teleportation, Overclocked mode, and EMPs, Dracula's three forms, Freddy's teleportation, snares, dream world mechanics, and even add-ons that COMPLETELY change his power, etc.)
And before we cover your last original statement, I want to call everyone's attention over to OP's amateur attempt at gaslighting and how my screenshots render it null and void.
"NO. You go to madness 2."
Observe my screenshots, specifically the Nea and the Mikaela. In the first screenshot, we see Mikaela in Madness 2 and Nea in Madness 3. But in the next screenshot, Nea is very clearly in Madness ONE, NOT TWO. If you're going to lie about something (ironic considering how they accused LordGlint of lying immediately after this), make sure it's not something that's literally stated IN HIS POWER DESCRIPTION (screenshot again for proof).
"As it stands anyone who plays doctors IS unbeatable. IS. Not can be. Not hard to beat. Unbeatable. Those skills are rigged. I play him, you literally can't lie to me. It's over the top."
This is especially funny, since I've been a Doctor main since I started playing back in the summer of 2018, when he had to switch between Punishment (basic M1 Killer with no power) and Treatment (Passive Madness gain in Terror Radius and Shock Therapy) until Xeno & Vecna came out and I jumped to my favorite horror icon and a license I grew up on respectively. And, since I've not really had the time to play as I used to due to college, he's STILL my highest level (coming from someone with all but Houndmaster at least P3 by only spending bloodpoints earned by them on them). I know from experience that, at BEST, he's a low B-Tier Killer with very little map pressure, zero mobility, and an okay anti-loop who only makes it this high because he has one of the best tracking powers and an okay passive slowdown.
On the other hand, we have you, who CLEARLY doesn't have that level of experience, claiming he's an S+++ tier Killer above the likes of Nurse and Blight, making wild claims that have been thoroughly debunked WITH EVIDENCE. If you play him and you think he's unbeatable, maybe your skill level isn't actually as high as you seem to think it is.
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True he is busted and very annoying to play against, especially when he plays with strong addons, it becomes a nightmare every loop is unsafe just as overtuned Houndmaster
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Not every loop is supposed to be 100% safe.
Doctor is perfectly average and not OP in any way. The only argument could be made about his synergies with terror radius perks, and even then, the perks suck in every other situation so it's niche at best.
Nurse is busted. Any killer worse than Spirit is not.
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Your post made me laugh quite a bit, I just can't take this seriously.
Snap out of it is hardly a timewaste because of the time you had to use to bring the survivor to tier 3, also it's the same like shooting someone with deathslinger breaking the chain and then leave, it's just for hit'n run.
Sure he can find you in quite a huge radius but who cares as long as he can't get you, he's still a normal m1-killer with a increadible inefficient anti-loop power lol.
His skillchecks are a joke too for 90% of the time, the only time it matters is if the skillcheck requires you to press almost instantly and it teleports to a super random position but even then it's not too hard to hit them.
You already said the counter to his fakepalettes, just remember which ones are already used and in comprehension to freddy's they at least disappear instantly so they are even weaker lol.
The fakedoctors are no threat at all, you have to be joking to even say something about them. The only thing they do yet again is showing doctor where you are, and yet again it doesn't matters anyway xD
PS: calling yourself a skilled gamer (which is weird on itself) and then saying doctors skillchecks are too hard is just the funniest thing I've ever red on this plattform xD
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You're exactly like one of those survivors who complains that a killer is too strong just because they don't know how to counter it. Doctor is what people call a "noob stomper". He has a very complex power that does a lot of things but none of them super well. He has no map traversal and an aoe tracker that can be avoided with lockers. The problem is his ability is pretty much the ability to make survivors mess up, when other killer abilities rely on the killer not messing up.